CTA Featured Threads & Portal

CTA Featured Threads & Portal [Paid] 2.17.0

No permission to buy (£40.00)
No screenshot yet as it doesn't exist.

The slider can be displayed on the page, forum list and possibly forum view - I haven't decided on the last one yet as I doubt it will be used there.
Likewise for the new posts page.

I could be wrong though...
Vote for page, forum list and new posts page.

I think you'll need a coffee first :coffee: ;)
Ah nice missed that :) thanks, I may end up ditching this look as I'm normally not a fan but I like experimenting with stuff like this (y)
That looks awesome Russ!

Would you be able to give a quick & dirty how-to get masonry installed and set-up for this add-on?

That looks awesome Russ!

Would you be able to give a quick & dirty how-to get masonry installed and set-up for this add-on?


Just include the script:

<script src="/path/to/masonry.pkgd.min.js"></script>

In cta_featuredthreads_featured

Change the ol part to a div and add the execute:

  <div class="ctaFtListItemsPage js-masonry" data-masonry-options='{ "columnWidth": 380, "gutter": 30, "itemSelector": ".ctaFtBlockPage"  }'>
     <xen:foreach loop="$featuredThreads" value="$featuredThread">
       <xen:include template="cta_featuredthreads_featured_list_item" />



Replace li with with a div(opening and closing)

Then set a with on ctaFtBlockPage of like 50%.

That's the gist of it... lol :) there's a few floats which I cleared too such as the image.
Say I wanted to have a "portal" page for different sections of my site.. like a home page for different aspects of the site, that I could feature posts to, forums to, etc.
As a result of introducing custom backgrounds and the slider, the icon upload overlay/template has been overhauled.

It is now tabbed and separated into three.




The [Save Changes] button now needs to be clicked as the automatic submit on change has been removed from the template, for obvious reasons.
I don't have any data with regards to this add-on and how well it performs compared to WP or other solutions when searching on Google, Bing, etc.

You might be wise to get some feedback first.
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