CTA Featured Threads & Portal

CTA Featured Threads & Portal [Paid] 2.17.0

No permission to buy (£40.00)
Do you have any other route filters set up or any sort of unconventional installation?

I haven't seen any issues so far on multiple installations using this as a portal/home page.
No worries, glad it's working :)

With the default code, that URL would normally never be accessed as the default index route is set to forums/ so the issue has been there from the beginning but it was masked by that.
Upgraded to 2.5, set the Home Page URL to threads/featured and then enabled the Home Tab option. It all works, but when visiting the Featured Threads (and now "Home" page) the focus remains on the Forums Tab. Where am I going wrong?

Upgraded to 2.5, set the Home Page URL to threads/featured and then enabled the Home Tab option. It all works, but when visiting the Featured Threads (and now "Home" page) the focus remains on the Forums Tab. Where am I going wrong?
Are you sure both the option and index route are set?

It requires both to work.

It still doesn't seem to be set correctly: https://adminextra.com/threads/featured
Are we seeing a pre-alpha of an official XenSitio here? :)

Looks super Brogan. Watching the development with the highest interest.
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