CODForums moves to xenForo!

Yeah, it is. Hm. @Sheldon, please release the latest version of that mod for 1.2. Beta test it on your site and if it works, release it on CODForums. You still have access.

EDIT: Just remember: Don't make the canvas size bigger than it already is now. I want to maintain the current postbit as much as possible so upgrades aren't messed up in the future.
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Actually, over the weekend, there has been a spike of registrations - I came tonight to a pleasant surprise to see the increase of registrations. I even had to move a bunch of threads to their correct forums. That means the effort I've been putting for the past week now has rewarded me. Now all I have to do is wait for friday. Mostly because I think there's a missing link somewhere. It feels like I haven't even seen the best yet.

Even so, I am positive I can do something about this. Even if nothing materializes by the end of this year, I have already reserved domains for next year.

THAT is too much work. Would require someone like Ms. @Shelley to do the image(s).

I don't know a good footer I can use to improve it.

It's there, it's just that I don't know how to really get it "working." I'll create a thread to see what I need to do next...

Thanks. :(

If your designing mood icons from scratch, yes it's a mammoth task but if you find images around the inet (as suggested) it'll take a fraction of the time to do and accomplish. Obviously, you could even go a step further and modify your css to shift it around to give it a unique look also.
These are taken from the Steam games list in my ACP from the Steam Auth add-on, I zoomed in to get a larger banner for the COD ones. I made a lot for our site back when we used them for moods :p


A few milestones: One company related, and one community related...

CODForums has reached 100,000 visitors and unique visits worldwide - lifetime. That means, over the last 4-5 years, this is how many people saw CODForums. The previous owner possibly did more. These stats are from Google Analytics, and not server stats. The server stats show 2x this. I see millions of "hits." Yes, plural.

This makes CODForums my 2nd biggest website. The first one was MW3Blog, at 150,000+ visits and uniques - and still climbing.

The overall community has reached 4,000 members, and 4,000 threads. :D

Next milestone: 10,000 posts. :)
Having less than 5% of those unique visitors register in a total of 5 years should be concerning and something you'd like to improve upon.
If I'm reading this right, visits and unique visits are both 100k. Wouldn't that also tell you that no one returns after visiting the site? Basically the % New Visits is close to 100%?

lol Too be fair to Carlos, my site has a lot less of a members to unique visitors ratio than 5%. It does have a ~50% New Visits stat though. (the forum is only one part of the overall site)
Having less than 5% of those unique visitors register in a total of 5 years should be concerning and something you'd like to improve upon.
If I'm reading this right, visits and unique visits are both 100k. Wouldn't that also tell you that no one returns after visiting the site? Basically the % New Visits is close to 100%?

lol Too be fair to Carlos, my site has a lot less of a members to unique visitors ratio than 5%. It does have a ~50% New Visits stat though. (the forum is only one part of the overall site)
Oh Carlos you crack me up. haha
And... what's so funny? That's more than %5. The only problem I have right now is trying to encourage people to post. That's it. Everything else takes care of itself. The numbers are just telling me the market's there, but it would require something substantial in order for people to come over and post more. So, these pre-made skins aren't doing justice, I'll have to do something similar to this...


As much as I feel the need to stand up for myself, I can't - I'm sick from a sore throat and have been since last wednesday.
You should focus on being unique, and not bringing something to the table that is already around.

You already have a base, you have plenty of suggestions in this thread. Not sure why you won't focus on that instead of a milestone. Sure, those are "good", but in reality they are not bringing in members and posts. You need to attack your forum with vigor and excitement. You don't. You continually seem to think that the name alone is doing everything for you. It isn't. You posted on your site about the upcoming changes (such as the ranks), but you have yet to implement any. If I was a member and read that, and 3 months later not even close to anything was done, I'd leave as well.

Food for thought.
You should focus on being unique, and not bringing something to the table that is already around.

You already have a base, you have plenty of suggestions in this thread. Not sure why you won't focus on that instead of a milestone. Sure, those are "good", but in reality they are not bringing in members and posts. You need to attack your forum with vigor and excitement. You don't. You continually seem to think that the name alone is doing everything for you. It isn't. You posted on your site about the upcoming changes (such as the ranks), but you have yet to implement any. If I was a member and read that, and 3 months later not even close to anything was done, I'd leave as well.
I already uploaded the ranks, it's "there." Just not sure how to get it to "update." When people reach x post, etc. I look at it and I even posted up a thread about it... I'm still trying to figure it out.

Members come, when they please, I do my best to bring people over - and I mean it like "HI WORLD! I'm here!"

Look: (main CODForums account) (everything CODNet/CODForums) (originally another niche site's twitter, decided to change it into more general) (you guessed it, main twitter)

On the facebook side, right now - every time I post a link, it doesn't pull the snippet (first 5 words or first few sentences), and an on-site image. It's frustrating to me because it's the first thing people see your site.
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Carlos, if you are searching for activity, you should post practically every day. Currently, there is no reason for anyone to stay. The activity you desire will not come with 1 or 2 posts a day. It's just not going to happen. If you need proof, load up your site. It just isn't happening.

You can post 1,000,000 messages on FB and Twitter, but in the end, if you don't have the content at your site to keep people there, then that is exactly what is going to happen. Quit focusing on these other ventures that aren't getting you anywhere, focus soley on CODForums, and the activity will be there.
I guess my biggest worry would be... why do I have 4000 members and only 9800 posts. 2000 of those are from you alone. This tells me users are not finding what they need when they get to your site. Have you thought about possibly doing a portal of some types, and instead of posting your personal milestones, post some news relating to the games you cover?

For the "pre-made style not working" it's not the style that's turning people away as Arty's dark is extremely easy on the eyes(gamers eyes :D ), it's surely the content(or lack of)
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