Check Add-On update [Deleted]

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Oh boy, enabling developer mode in production site doesn't sound like a good idea :rolleyes:...
To be honest - and this is not a downvote for this useful addon - I do not recommend to run this addon on production forum.

I run this on staging environment, which has exactly the same config as live, but it's only me who have access to. So a) its save to store the credentials and b) the Button is not nagging someone else as you.
So to worry so much about a donation button, I think is overkill.
But OK:

What are the alternatives.
a) I make the add-on payable.
b) like with Apps - I fade in advertisement.
c) the button that neither disturbs the design, nor otherwise disturbs the operation remains.

I think the button is the lesser evil - than making it payable. :)

Well the option to hide the nagging infobox should probably be added, because many people likely won't be using the login functionality (as it can be a security risk)
I see no risk here, no more or less than for all other data.
Especially since everyone is free to use it.
I think the button is the lesser evil - than making it payable. :)
You can have the option to hide it, and have it disabled by default... Then it will show for those who want to see it or don't care, but those who don't want to see if can hide it...

I see no risk here, no more or less than for all other data.
Especially since everyone is free to use it.
If I'm free to use it, why do I have to see an infobox nagging me to use it? (It also has the class .blockMessage--warning, which means something needs attention)
I dont see a problem with the donation button for this very useful FREE addon in the area where the addon functionality is. It doesn't disturb or block me from using functionality. And I'm the only one who sees it. I would also buy it if it were to become a paid addon. It makes sense to have it free because widespread adoption means many addons are recognized.

I received notification today at 13:31, and updated it after notifications. Then, I received one more notification 47 minutes ago.
I dont see a problem with the donation button for this very useful FREE addon in the area where the addon functionality is. It doesn't disturb or block me from using functionality. And I'm the only one who sees it. I would also buy it if it were to become a paid addon. It makes sense to have it free because widespread adoption means many addons are recognized.
Yeah I would also buy it if paid addon, but donate button in ACP view I don't like 😂
To be honest, folks, the discussion about the donate button is nonsensical. :rolleyes:(n)
Lets be creative and make interesting suggestions about functions. ;)
@0815 maybe you should go like these examples..

Bildschirmfoto 2022-10-10 um 18.06.31.png
To be honest, folks, the discussion about the donate button is nonsensical. :rolleyes:(n)
Lets be creative and make interesting suggestions about functions. ;)
@0815 maybe you should go like these examples..

View attachment 274706
Yes! That is a good way to do it and I would not mind it like that 👍.. The orange "call to action"-button on top is very annoying and "in your face"

Just imagine if all addon devs added their own button :ROFLMAO:
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I'm all for donations for free add-ons, and even asked for one before I installed on a test install to check... This is a bit much. On it's own page, on a block on the admin panel index, a link in the addon list would be reasonable.

Given this and the whole fiasco regarding versioning (which was ridiculous as there are no rules for versioning, there are only different standards, and the function being used to check is specifically for PHP) I've just decided not to use the add-on.

Sad, as this is something that really should be core functionality.
Given this and the whole fiasco regarding versioning
And this is my responsibility?
what can I do if one writes in the RM "1.0.0 RC2" and in the "addon.json "1.0.0 Release Candiat 2".
This could not understand even the mother of all version comparisons. or even better in the RM "2020-05-09" is written and in the addon.json "1.0.0" is clear. I am to blame for this fiakso!

which was ridiculous as there are no rules for versioning,
Rules exist for everything and also for the logic of the version number.
As a side note, version_compare is not specifically for PHP but for all version numbers that follow the rules! UPS again rules... which do not exist.

version_compare() compares two "PHP-standardized" version number strings.

and the function being used to check is specifically for PHP

I'll write to XF right away that according to you they can't compare the mySQL versions. Since this is only for PHP.

XON also probably has no idea that it can only use this for PHP.

But what do I know.

I'm really tired of being the bruiser for the incompetence of some developers. What's so hard about sticking to certain rules, standards or whatnot?!
This will be a lesson to me and will draw consequences
Standards are not rules, they are guidelines. There are numerous standards for versioning, and multiple derivatives used by different software, PHP being one of them. It is not quite Semantic Versioning, but it loosely follows that standard. Reading the documentation there are several issues where it runs into complication moving outside of the scope of PHP's standardized versioning.

I do not personally have an issue with you, and even defended you initially when this add-on was released with issues, however for the same reason as I defended you, I also have issues with you calling other developers incompetent. It is plainly unprofessional, especially considering that your issue is that they do not stick to what you wish. PL and Patch Level are interchangeable, and in most version standards the version is written as PL (same as Release Candidate being RC). The fact that it is used in a slightly different format in place for end users where it is not meant to specifically be compared... Does not mean that a developer is incompetent 🤷‍♂️.

Honestly, rather than having a fit like you had, and insulting other developers you could have reached out and asked them to help you in supporting a more consistent version in their updates. Instead, you probably alienated yourself with some other developers and have lost out on some people using your add-on who would have likely donated.
Make it a Paid add-on - people can then choose to use it or not, warts and all instead of moaning about something that is offered for Free with an optional donation :)

To be fair, I don't like the visibility of the Donate button, but it's not the end of the world, it would be nice though if it disappeared for those that have made a donation, just saying ;)
Pitched the suggestion here to make something like this part of the core:

If you agree, please up vote, thanks!
Suggestion already exists here:
What kind of trouble do you have?
I use it since first release and have actual no problems with it.
Otherwise, post your errors, so the developer can solve them when he have the time - its a free add-on. ;-)
I tested your addon today. Great work. It looks like, that RC Version not be recognized correctly:

The following add-ons have received an update:
[OzzModz] Badges 2.3.0 RC 1
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