Change Thread Starter

Change Thread Starter 1.0.4

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No, highly unlikely this will see any further development at this point.

From me, at least.

Others may extend the add-on if they wish.
Thank you for the add on. I tried in 1.5.11 and it works :)

But i have 1 question regarding "The message counts are adjusted (existing starter -1, new starter +1)"
Does the add on obey the "Count messages posted in this forum toward user total" rule?
Thanks for the update, Chris.

I am getting this error when uploading the plugin's new XML file, though:

Callback ChangeThreadStarter_Listener::extendControllers is invalid (Invalid Class).
If you're using an add on installer or similar then try it all manually.

If that doesn't work I'll have a closer look shortly.
Tag use count bug with "Tag Essentials" add-on (as also reported there): When I use the "change thread starter" add-on, it seems that when you change a thread starter (that used a specific tag) to another user, the tag use counts are not transferred to the new user. So if you look for a specific tag and check out the tag "top users" (as it is possible in TagEss), it does not show the real tag counts if the thread starter has changed.

Would it be possible to have the "Change Thread Starter" take into account the amount of usage to be bound to the actual/current thread starter?
@Chris D Do you have plan full Thread Tools suite that allows bulk changes, changes to the date of the posting and perhaps changes to individual posts too?

Other issue, All ScreenShot has been deleted from
Similar to my last question in the other thread, does this addon leave behind orphaned data after upgrading to XF 2.1 and making it legacy?
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