Change Thread Starter

Change Thread Starter 1.0.4

No permission to download
Presumably it's a clash with some other add-on so you would have to disable all add-ons to test which one.
@Chris D You had a chance to look into this yet? I smacked into the problem again today when trying to change a thread started by a now deleted member.
Sorry for the delay with this. Yeah, it's to do with changing thread starter from guests or deleted members.

By the way, no further improvements have been made to the add-on. Hence it is still compatible with all versions of XF. I haven't yet improved it by adding things like event hints and template modifications.
Sorry for the delay with this. Yeah, it's to do with changing thread starter from guests or deleted members.

By the way, no further improvements have been made to the add-on. Hence it is still compatible with all versions of XF. I haven't yet improved it by adding things like event hints and template modifications.
Worked like a charm. Thanks Chris.
I've been using this add-on without issue for several months now and have made no recent changes to my site, but about 40 of these errors popped up in my XenForo Server Error log:

ErrorException: Fatal Error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 113834953 bytes) - library/ChangeThreadStarter/Listener.php:16
Generated By: NoobMan DS, 58 minutes ago
Stack Trace
#0 [internal function]: XenForo_Application::handleFatalError()
#1 {main}
Request State
array(3) {
["url"] => string(112) ""
["_GET"] => array(1) {
["/forum/threads/did-you-see-anything-good-today-event-and-showroom-edition_118094/page-111"] => string(0) ""
["_POST"] => array(0) {

All were generated by the same user in the same thread, but on different pages (I can view the pages just fine, without generating an error). The thread is extremely image heavy, and I'm using the XF Image Proxy. He is not a moderator and should not have permission to change the thread starter.

Here's what line 16 of Listener.php does.
// Make replacement
$content = preg_replace($toolsUl, '<ul class="secondaryContent blockLinksList">' . $template, $content);

I'm not sure what's going on here but thought it would be best to report it.

Updates: After having a chat with the user in question, it appeared they were attempting to upload a large batch of photos as attachments into the thread over a slow internet connection. They left it running for "a few hours", and I presume it times out. He then wasn't able to view any posts in the thread at all and only received a white page (which I presume is what generated these errors in my log). He was able to duplicate this several times. The problem eventually resolves itself, but it may be an edge case that would be suitable for further investigation.
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We've an occurrence where member accounts have been deleted due to inactivity, the threads have been changed to 'guest' (in VB).

Would this addon be able to change the thread starter to a member account?


Yea. Though this hasn't been updated for some time. It should work on newer versions of XF though I don't believe it's completely bug free.
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