Implemented Change The Star For Watched Threads!

This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
First thing I saw was the top half of this guy:


I thought hmm... that looks crap! Then I realised something might have changed so I hard refreshed and it was updated.
cleared the cache... still not here. Maybe I need to wait to really wake up ? :sleep:

does it show for "Watched Threads" or "Watched Forums" ?
I upgraded last night and my members actually thought the cut off smiley was intentional for watched threads/forums, and they liked it!

That made me think - something in the style of Kilroy was here would probably work :D
I upgraded last night and my members actually thought the cut off smiley was intentional for watched threads/forums, and they liked it!

That made me think - something in the style of Kilroy was here would probably work :D
I have to admit I thought that was intentional when I first saw it. It does look like a pair of eyes watching you.
It needs some work as it's 18px wide, even after cropping the shadow either side but this is so going to be the watch icon once it's done :D
I agree it's not that great - that's about the limit of my abilities though :D
There's actually a wall and then a shadow so that's why it looks a bit odd.


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