California Case Update

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Hmm, just to confirm:

A motion has been put forward by XenForo to dismiss the case due to lack of anything from IB?

Set for 5th November?

What's the chances of that going ahead and the Judge dismissing the case outright? If that happens, this is the end, right?

It's the good questions.
This litigation is a sham designed to harass Darby and cripple XenForo’s young business through litigation expenses and repeated litigation threats to XenForo’s customers. Plaintiff is using the judicial system to create innuendo of wrongdoing but delaying at every turn Defendants’ desire to clear their names. Plaintiff’s failure to prosecute its case warrants dismissal.
**** YEAH!
I just knocked of finishing a brief for one of my own cases, so I have a few moments to look at this issue...I am going to do a quick look at how FRCP 41(b) motions fare in CA and the Ninth Circuit. Before I do, though, I just thought I might comment on a particular rumor.

To whomever thinks/thought that a "settlement/buyout" of XF by IB was in the works, and especially to the bottom dweller who reported that supposed inside knowledge? Uh....I think this motion shows you are hitting the pipe too hard or are living in a world covered with tinfoil.
For people who think tl;dr:

IV. CONCLUSION. Plaintiff’s unwillingness to prosecute this case over nearly two years has been uncommonly dilatory and highly prejudicial to Defendants. This action should be dismissed for failure to prosecute pursuant to Rule 41

They've put forward an incredibly strong argument to dismiss this particular case. I don't know how often these types of things are granted in favour of the defendants but such a strong argument I'd like to think sense will prevail and the case be dismissed in favour of XenForo Ltd.
For people who think tl;dr:

They've put forward an incredibly strong argument to dismiss this particular case. I don't know how often these types of things are granted in favour of the defendants but such a strong argument I'd like to think sense will prevail and the case be dismissed in favour of XenForo Ltd.
I think this is great news but preferred it was on the hush so that IB didn't realize how bad they neglected their case until the last moment instead of reading about it on here.
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So having read these documents.

It apears due to a lack of action by VBSI they are able to move for dismissal on these points. If 3 points are met, then the judge has strong reason to consider to dismiss. If 4 points are met, then the judge is almost "required" to dismiss (I use the word required lightly as it is still the judges perogotive) and if 5 points are met... its a little overkill.

(1) the public's interest in the expeditious resolution of litigation;
(2) the Court's need to manage its docket;
(3) the risk of prejudice to the defendant/respondent;
(4) the public policy favoring disposition of cases on their merits,
(5) the availability of less drastic sanctions

It looks like VBSI have violated all 5 of these points.
Well from the way it looks/appears from what you're pointing out in the thread, is the Judge / Courts getting tired and fed up of IB's Bull**** towards KAM in general, and want to get it done asap, and all in favor of/for KAM...which is awesome. :) Hopefully KAM will get some money back in this... >_>
Yeah that would be great if they got rewarded some money out of all of this drama. Maybe then they could afford to hire some people.
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