XF 1.2 Bulk Thread Management

Following on from the bulk user management feature we showed earlier, XenForo 1.2 will also allow you to do bulk thread management from the control panel. You will be able to search for any thread with this set of criteria:


Note that this finds threads and not posts within them.

And then you can take the following actions on matching threads:


I don't believe we showed this with bulk user management, but the same option applies there. If you're unsure if the matches are correct or if you want to manually filter them down, you can click the "view or filter matches" link. For bulk thread management, you'll get results like this:


You can use the check boxes on the left to manually filter which of the matched threads will be updated. Clicking the "batch update selected" button will return you to the action selection page. Choose the action(s) you want and let the changes happen. :)
There's other community software?

Yes, and it's currently available in three major versions, depending on what you can stomach: good, not so good, and highly deficient. For those whose forums have been running well because they haven't updated their five-year-old "good" releases, they just a announced a beta release to help lower quality to expected levels.

It is really good to see the XF team back on track in such a strong way.
Great work, as ever, Mike :) I remember a time where we had to do this manually, this is a huge improvement.
YES! Get in! I'm refreshing this forum daily for new threads. So exciting!
Absolutely essential functionality for bigger forums, and nice to have it in the core.

Wait, you only check your computer once a day, and keep it on all day?

Also, lovely feature, I'm going to love 1.2!
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