Implemented Bookmark posts for future reference - Bookmark Center


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I am a member of the biggest social networking site in The Netherlands and there you can bookmark someone. Normally when you want to be a friend of someone, you send a request to that person. This person can either grant or deny your request. But what if you are not interested to become a friend of someone at that point in time? You just want to bookmark a person because you find them interesting, and decide later maybe what to do with it.

I was also a member of a very popular dutch dating website and there you have 'Favorites'. You can browser through millions of Profiles and add the ones you like to your Favorite list. This Favorite list can be sorted subsequentially on different fields (try doing that with your browser favorites....).

Furthermore, I also often have the need to bookmark a thread or even just a single posting.

Ofcoure you can use your browser bookmarks. But it is much more handy to have a dedicated bookmark section (on your profile or wherever it fits best) really where you can manage those bookmarks to your likings. (We could even have privacy-options for it, so we can share our bookmarks with whoever we wish, but that may take things a bit too far... just keep it basic is my opinion).

You know the 'Favorites Center' in Internet Explorer? Simple and very useful... it would be great if we have something like that, so we can manage different kinds of Bookmarks, being it Profiles, Threads, Posts, or even Private Conversations... and in the future Blog entries/comments and CMS Articles/comments. Any content type really. Divided them into different subfolders and we are ready to go!

How many times on a sophisticated board like for example vBulletin you find yourself you need to reply to something, or see an interesting thread or posting or CMS article, or Profile and you think... I need to get back to this at some point. What to do? Most of the time I mail the URL of that content to myself...

It would be much better if we can do all this on the platform itself. What do you all think?

To the Moderators: this thread should be called 'Bookmark Center', because I am not talking about Favorites only here. Bookmarks fits the bill the best.

(edit: Maybe odd to say in my own thread :), but this functionality is not one that is essential to me on a day-to-day basis. Just sometimes think it might come in handy).

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I like this idea, but my primary cause to not put it to the top of the priority list is that you have it already... Everyone is using a web browser, and they tend to have rather good and mature bookmark / favourite functionality built in already.
Kier brought up a good point that the functionality already exists in all of our daily lives. Why reinvent?
Here are some random reasons to implement this as part of the software:
  • Portability — The posts/threads/whatever that I have saved/bookmarked are available in my account regardless of what computer/device/browser I am using. Not true of browser bookmarks.
  • Domain — If I am really into a given board, I might save/bookmark many things that I only use on that site. For example, I might save stuff so that I have links handy to answer questions that often come up on the boards-- but I wouldn't use those links anywhere else, only on that board.
  • Useful to others — if the saved/bookmarked items are optionally public (and organised by tags), then the aggregate of this would provide a very useful way for people to find all the best/most useful content on the site (if we can extrapolate that the best/most useful stuff is what is going to get saved most often)
Here are some random reasons to implement this as part of the software:
  • Portability — The posts/threads/whatever that I have saved/bookmarked are available in my account regardless of what computer/device/browser I am using. Not true of browser bookmarks.
  • Domain — If I am really into a given board, I might save/bookmark many things that I only use on that site. For example, I might save stuff so that I have links handy to answer questions that often come up on the boards-- but I wouldn't use those links anywhere else, only on that board.
  • Useful to others — if the saved/bookmarked items are optionally public (and organised by tags), then the aggregate of this would provide a very useful way for people to find all the best/most useful content on the site (if we can extrapolate that the best/most useful stuff is what is going to get saved most often)
This was why I suggested this (merged with Grover's thread) also. Questions often crop up where people like to have an 'official' response, as opposed to a helpful member just throwing answers around. Because of this, I like to keep handy posts of relevance made by 'officials' so I can quote/link to them as necessary.
i will tell you this, it sure would be great to bookmark installed addons here. it would also be nice to bookmark the 'maybe i will install this later' addons, and the 'dont forget to update this at next beta' modifications too.
'watched threads' is great, but id really like to at the least be able to categorise them like the old vB 'subscriptions.
Have now spend alot of times in here, reading one thread after another. Sometimes I got the feeling - Hei - this is very good stuff - I want to mark it for later use. I dont remember very well and its therefore difficult for me, to use the right search phrase to find it again.

Yeah - I know I could have a document where I paste the url in - but wish I could simply mark the thread as a favorite of mine in forum and later access it by a link in a tab in my profile or somewhere else.

I'm not a guru in forum stuff so maybe this is not something to wish of..
Watching a thread is not enough. And bookmarking them means you end up with clutter. Having a starred thread as a favorite gets my vote. How it's properly implemented is another thing. No opinion on that at the moment.
Having a starred thread as a favorite gets my vote.

That will make my day if I could do it that way - good suggestion Floris
Watching a thread is not enough. And bookmarking them means you end up with clutter. Having a starred thread as a favorite gets my vote. How it's properly implemented is another thing. No opinion on that at the moment.
What's the difference between bookmarking them and starring them. They're effectively the same thing? The starred threads would be viewable by the user, just as bookmarks would.
I am a member of the biggest social networking site in The Netherlands and there you can bookmark someone. Normally when you want to be a friend of someone, you send a request to that person. This person can either grant or deny your request. But what if you are not interested to become a friend of someone at that point in time? You just want to bookmark a person because you find them interesting, and decide later maybe what to do with it.

I was also a member of a very popular dutch dating website and there you have 'Favorites'. You can browser through millions of Profiles and add the ones you like to your Favorite list. This Favorite list can be sorted subsequentially on different fields (try doing that with your browser favorites....).

Furthermore, I also often have the need to bookmark a thread or even just a single posting.

Ofcoure you can use your browser bookmarks. But it is much more handy to have a dedicated bookmark section (on your profile or wherever it fits best) really where you can manage those bookmarks to your likings. (We could even have privacy-options for it, so we can share our bookmarks with whoever we wish, but that may take things a bit too far... just keep it basic is my opinion).

You know the 'Favorites Center' in Internet Explorer? Simple and very useful... it would be great if we have something like that, so we can manage different kinds of Bookmarks, being it Profiles, Threads, Posts, or even Private Conversations... and in the future Blog entries/comments and CMS Articles/comments. Any content type really. Divided them into different subfolders and we are ready to go!

How many times on a sophisticated board like for example vBulletin you find yourself you need to reply to something, or see an interesting thread or posting or CMS article, or Profile and you think... I need to get back to this at some point. What to do? Most of the time I mail the URL of that content to myself...

It would be much better if we can do all this on the platform itself. What do you all think?

To the Moderators: this thread should be called 'Bookmark Center', because I am not talking about Favorites only here. Bookmarks fits the bill the best.

(edit: Maybe odd to say in my own thread :), but this functionality is not one that is essential to me on a day-to-day basis. Just sometimes think it might come in handy. If you like my suggestion then please press [Like] in the first posting (as requested here ).

Reminder: If you think this should be default functionality in XenForo, the please [like] this first posting! Thank you.

bookmark of threads definitely required feature.....
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