Better Blogs [Deleted]

Where did you see tags? Could you add a screenshot of that?
Its in the vbulletin 3.8 blog importer as the last option above 'complete import'. If you did not add it, then its likely added by XenTags. The importer is currently rebuilding 235.000 users, so will take quite a while before its done.
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Its in the vbulletin 3.8 blog importer as the last option above 'complete import'. If you did not add it, then its likely added by XenTags. The importer is currently rebuilding 180.000 users, so will take quite a while before its done.
Definitely not added by the Blogs import process. I could see it being added by XenTags.
Back to your import.. are you able to inspect the table xfa_blog_category_global and see if there is something there ? Global Categories should've made it there
Yes, the categories are in that table. They do not seem to be added to the entries.
I see a lot of '&amp,' in there btw.
Yes, the categories are in that table. They do not seem to be added to the entries.
I see a lot of '&amp,' in there btw.
The table xfa_blog_category should also have a lot of categories (since basically it register each global category as a user category)
And the assignation would've gone into xfa_blog_entry_category

Just take a quick look at those tables to see if there is any data. If either of those are empty, I need to take a look and see what could've gone wrong with the process.
None of the tables are empty.
I found the categories. I expected these categories could be found on the blog iondex or in some other opbvious place, but these are only visible as blog tags on an entry and as a listing on the users blog page. The categories have become user defined tags. On the right I see multiple instances of the same category.
I'm not sure if this implementation is a functional improvement. An important improvement is that global categories are now in the XF database in their own table.
Could you please add global category functionality with a category listing on the blog home page?
None of the tables are empty.
I found the categories. I expected these categories could be found on the blog iondex or in some other opbvious place, but these are only visible as blog tags on an entry and as a listing on the users blog page. The categories have become user defined tags. On the right I see multiple instances of the same category.
I'm not sure if this implementation is a functional improvement. An important improvement is that global categories are now in the XF database in their own table.
Could you please add global category functionality with a category listing on the blog home page?
There are no "global categories" on the blog implementation. It has been against the design philosophy, really, I was doing a blog that is driven by the user, not by the site, so the categories are not defined by an admin, but rather by the users themselves. It is not a "you must write about this", it is the user deciding how to classify their content.

I have added Global Categories to the backlog, but that is not an easy change and will probably take me some weeks at least. The system is not designed to handle them, and I'd rather not patch them over but design it in such a way that it makes sense. The table that there is right now I created just for the import process, but it is not used anywhere else.
OK. Thanks. I will wait for the global categories to be implemented before migrating my big board to xenforo.
It's clashing with my xenporta. I disabled xenporta and removed portal/ as my portal url for a moment since I can't figure out why it won't let me go to my board index while in Multisite.
Crap that's not a fix. Made it worse. I'll revert it back to the way it was and change the url manually in navigation.
I have a Verified / VIP usergroup that would benefit greatly from being able to choose Verified as a blog and blog entry permission. Could you please integrate this with Privacy Usergroups by Waindigo or allow us to assign a Usergroup in Blog Options that users can select in their entry and blog privacy settings?
I have a Verified / VIP usergroup that would benefit greatly from being able to choose Verified as a blog and blog entry permission. Could you please integrate this with Privacy Usergroups by Waindigo or allow us to select a Usergroup we set in Blog Options?
I propose you go the other way and ask Waindigo to add support for Blogs ;)
I added that into the Backlog but that just keeps growing. At this rate, you guys will have to bid for my time if you want me to give priority to something! :)

I do want to add some Groups support, though, I tried to make an entry private and ... typing the name of all the moderators was definitely not the way to go.
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I propose you go the other way and ask Waindigo to add support for Blogs ;)
I added that into the Backlog but that just keeps growing. At this rate, you guys will have to bid for my time if you want me to give priority to something! :)

I do want to add some Groups support, though, I tried to make an entry private and ... typing the name of all the moderators was definitely not the way to go.
I think it's better doing it as a blog entry instead of a private conversation because I noticed that when I make a conversation group its get buried beneath all the other pms I have. Probably won't so much now that we haved Starred Conversations but this would still be an extremely useful feature if we can include entire usergroups for a special project.
BTW I did post this in @Waindigo Privacy Usergroup thread but got no answer from him. I'd be willing to donate for this addition to Better Blogs.
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