Better Analytics

Better Analytics 3.1.1

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The demographic/interest tracking for visitors is pretty interesting...


Awesome thank you very much.

Do we know how google tracks all this data? Is it from our google+ accounts?
I installed this but unfortunately google says it can't validate the tracking code:

Your Analytics tracking code does not include the necessary support for the Demographics and Interest reports. Learn more about the simple, one-line, one-time change to your tracking code to add this support.

Any ideas? Of course if I view the site's source code I see the necessary line just fine:

_gaq=[["_setAccount","MYSITESCODEHERE"],["_setSiteSpeedSampleRate",10],["_trackPageview"]];(function(){var b=document.createElement("script");b.type="text/javascript";b.async=!0;b.src="//";(document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]||document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0]).appendChild(b)})();
$(document).ready(function(){setTimeout(function(){try{FB.Event.subscribe("edge.create",function(a){_gaq.push(["_trackSocial","Facebook","Like",a])}),FB.Event.subscribe("edge.remove",function(a){_gaq.push(["_trackSocial","Facebook","Unlike",a])}),twttr.ready(function(a){"tweet",function(c){if(c){var a;"IFRAME","url"));_gaq.push(["_trackSocial","Twitter","Tweet",a])}});"follow",function(a){if(a){var b;
To be honest, I'm not sure what's up with that message. It said the same thing about my site, I finally just ignored it or went to next step or whatever the option was. I checked my Analytics account the next morning and the demographics/interest stuff was showing up just fine.

Just looks like it's a false error on Google's end. If it doesn't start showing up tomorrow, let me know and I'll go digging... but as I said, I got the same message and it worked fine for me.
Yep I tried manually putting google's code in another website and it immediately "validated" that code.

In two xenforo sites I tried it, does the same thing, says the code is not there -while it's quite obvious that it is :)

I will update this thread with info once I see some data coming in.
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I can confirm this works even if google says the code is not validating. My xenForo sites started showing demographic data as of today :)

Edit: so basically if you install this and go to the demographic tab in Google Analytics, just click the Ignore this notice button and it will go away and start counting your data.
I think they are already in phase 2. Phase 3 is out of beta, so I assume Q1 2014.
I guess once you upgrade, there is no way to go back?
I think they are already in phase 2. Phase 3 is out of beta, so I assume Q1 2014.
I guess once you upgrade, there is no way to go back?
Not sure... I literally have not looked at it since I don't really have the time to mess with it until it's out of beta. :)
Can someone tell me why am I seeing this. It has been more than 24 hours since I install this plugin.
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