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[bd] Widget Framework 2.6.6

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Am I right in thinking that I can upgrade from v1.2 by simply:

1) FTPing all the files across, overwriting the existing ones
2) Go to ACP > Add-ons > Installed Add-ons
3) Hover over [bd] Widget Framework and choose "Upgrade Add-on"
4) Point it towards addon-WF_UpcomingEvents.xml

Is that it? I won't lose any customisations or existing widgets, will I?

Thanks. :)
Yes, that's right :)
Have you thought of adding a countdown widget where we can enter the time of the event and some html message area. Right now, I have to go into the template and edit the text, time which defeats the purpose of using widget ;)

Thanks for an amazing product.
Am I right in thinking that I can upgrade from v1.2 by simply:

1) FTPing all the files across, overwriting the existing ones
2) Go to ACP > Add-ons > Installed Add-ons
3) Hover over [bd] Widget Framework and choose "Upgrade Add-on"
4) Point it towards addon-WF_UpcomingEvents.xml

Is that it? I won't lose any customisations or existing widgets, will I?

Thanks. :)

Yes, that's right :)

Excellent, thanks.

Just went to do all of the above, and I notice that in my /js folder, your folder is called widget_framework whereas in v1.3 it is called WidgetFramework.

Should I keep widget_framework and just copy the contents of WidgetFramework into it? Or should I delete the widget_framework folder and just upload WidgetFramework? Or should I leave both?

Hope that makes sense!

I update again and now i have the template wf_widget_online_users but dont show the avatars and dont link to online users ...


Restore a copy of mi templates and this fix the problem. But in the ACP showme outdated the templates wf_widget_online_users and wf_widget_online_staff.
If update wf_widget_online_users makes me the following code does not work:
<div class="userList WidgetFramework_WidgetRenderer_OnlineUsers">
    <xen:if is="{$onlineUsers.records}">
        <xen:if is="{$visitor.user_id}">
            <xen:if hascontent="true">
            <h4 class="minorHeading"><a href="{xen:link account/following}">{xen:phrase people_you_follow}:</a></h4>
            <ul class="followedOnline">
                    <xen:foreach loop="$onlineUsers.records" value="$user">
                        <xen:if is="{$user.followed}">
                            <li title="{$user.username}" class="Tooltip"><xen:avatar user="$user" size="s" img="true" class="_plainImage" /></li>
            <h4 class="minorHeading"><a href="{xen:link members}">{xen:phrase members}:</a></h4>
        <ol class="listInline">
            <xen:foreach loop="$onlineUsers.records" value="$user" i="$i">
                <xen:if is="{$i} <= {$onlineUsers.limit}">
                    <xen:if is="{$user.user_id}">
                        <a href="{xen:link members, $user}"
                            class="username{xen:if '!{$user.visible}', ' invisible'}{xen:if {$user.followed}, ' followed'}">{$user.username}</a><xen:if is="{$i} < {$onlineUsers.limit}">,</xen:if>
                    <xen:else />
                        {xen:phrase guest}<xen:if is="{$i} < {$onlineUsers.limit}">,</xen:if>
            <xen:if is="{$onlineUsers.recordsUnseen}">
                <li class="moreLink">... <a href="{xen:link online}" title="{xen:phrase see_all_visitors}">{xen:phrase and_x_more, 'count={xen:number $onlineUsers.recordsUnseen}'}</a></li>
    <div class="footnote">
        {xen:phrase online_now_x_members_y_guests_z, 'total={xen:number $}', 'members={xen:number $onlineUsers.members}', 'guests={xen:number $onlineUsers.guests}'}

This is the old and works
 <xen:if is="{$onlineUsers.records}">
            <xen:if is="{$visitor.user_id}">
                <xen:if hascontent="true">
                <h4 class="minorHeading"><a href="{xen:link account/following}">{xen:phrase people_you_follow}:</a></h4>
                <ul class="followedOnline">
                        <xen:foreach loop="$onlineUsers.records" value="$user">
                            <xen:if is="{$user.followed}">
                                <li title="{$user.username}" class="Tooltip"><xen:avatar user="$user" size="s" img="true" class="_plainImage" /></li>
                <h4 class="minorHeading"><a href="{xen:link members}">{xen:phrase members}:</a></h4>
            <ol class="followedOnline">
                <xen:foreach loop="$onlineUsers.records" value="$user" i="$i">
                    <xen:if is="{$i} <= {$onlineUsers.limit}">
                  <xen:if is="!{$user.followed}">
                            <xen:if is="{$user.user_id}">
                  <li title="{$user.username}" class="Tooltip"><xen:avatar user="$user" size="s" img="true" class="_plainImage{xen:if '!{$user.visible}', ' dKinvisible'}" /></li>
                <xen:else />
                                {xen:phrase guest}<xen:if is="{$i} < {$onlineUsers.limit}">,</xen:if>
                <xen:if is="{$onlineUsers.recordsUnseen}">
                    <li class="moreLink">... <a href="{xen:link online}" title="{xen:phrase see_all_visitors}">{xen:phrase and_x_more, 'count={xen:number $onlineUsers.recordsUnseen}'}</a></li>
        <div class="footnote">
            <a href="{xen:link online}" title="{xen:phrase see_all_online_users}">{xen:phrase online_now_x_members_y_guests_z, 'total={xen:number $}', 'members={xen:number $onlineUsers.members}', 'guests={xen:number $onlineUsers.guests}'}</a>

Any ideas?
Have you thought of adding a countdown widget where we can enter the time of the event and some html message area. Right now, I have to go into the template and edit the text, time which defeats the purpose of using widget ;)

Thanks for an amazing product.
I don't think many people will use the count down widget. Adding it to this add-on may not be a wise choice (as time move on, this add-on will become bloat-ware, etc.). I may create a small add-on with that exact functionality. What do you think?
Excellent, thanks.

Just went to do all of the above, and I notice that in my /js folder, your folder is called widget_framework whereas in v1.3 it is called WidgetFramework.

Should I keep widget_framework and just copy the contents of WidgetFramework into it? Or should I delete the widget_framework folder and just upload WidgetFramework? Or should I leave both?

Hope that makes sense!

Nice catch! Yes, the directory has been renamed. You can delete the widget_framework directory ;)
I update again and now i have the template wf_widget_online_users but dont show the avatars and dont link to online users ...


Restore a copy of mi templates and this fix the problem. But in the ACP showme outdated the templates wf_widget_online_users and wf_widget_online_staff.
If update wf_widget_online_users makes me the following code does not work:

This is the old and works

Any ideas?
Normally I will try to support this kind of customization but this one is just too much. You will have to ask the one who instructed you to make the edit and hope he/she will help you out with this. Sorry...
I don't think many people will use the count down widget. Adding it to this add-on may not be a wise choice (as time move on, this add-on will become bloat-ware, etc.). I may create a small add-on with that exact functionality. What do you think?
An additional widget which we can import into the Framework would be just perfect. Only people who need it will use it without bloating the core.
Excellent, thanks.

Just went to do all of the above, and I notice that in my /js folder, your folder is called widget_framework whereas in v1.3 it is called WidgetFramework.

Should I keep widget_framework and just copy the contents of WidgetFramework into it? Or should I delete the widget_framework folder and just upload WidgetFramework? Or should I leave both?

Hope that makes sense!

Nice catch! Yes, the directory has been renamed. You can delete the widget_framework directory ;)
Excellent; again, thanks for such a swift response! :)

I don't think many people will use the count down widget. Adding it to this add-on may not be a wise choice (as time move on, this add-on will become bloat-ware, etc.). I may create a small add-on with that exact functionality. What do you think?

That would be great! Especially if you could choose the background image, so one could customise the countdown timer for specific events (e.g. a Christmas background image for a countdown to Christmas, etc.). :D

Edit: Damn you, XenForo, for not recording edits. Clearly xfrocks has re-thought his generous offer, and frankly I can't blame him. ;)
Normally I will try to support this kind of customization but this one is just too much. You will have to ask the one who instructed you to make the edit and hope he/she will help you out with this. Sorry...

But, the codes is your. The firts is Widget Framerwork 1.3.1:

<div class="userList WidgetFramework_WidgetRenderer_OnlineUsers">
    <xen:if is="{$onlineUsers.records}">
        <xen:if is="{$visitor.user_id}">
            <xen:if hascontent="true">
            <h4 class="minorHeading"><a href="{xen:link account/following}">{xen:phrase people_you_follow}:</a></h4>
            <ul class="followedOnline">
                    <xen:foreach loop="$onlineUsers.records" value="$user">
                        <xen:if is="{$user.followed}">
                            <li title="{$user.username}" class="Tooltip"><xen:avatar user="$user" size="s" img="true" class="_plainImage" /></li>
            <h4 class="minorHeading"><a href="{xen:link members}">{xen:phrase members}:</a></h4>
        <ol class="listInline">
            <xen:foreach loop="$onlineUsers.records" value="$user" i="$i">
                <xen:if is="{$i} <= {$onlineUsers.limit}">
                    <xen:if is="{$user.user_id}">
                        <a href="{xen:link members, $user}"
                            class="username{xen:if '!{$user.visible}', ' invisible'}{xen:if {$user.followed}, ' followed'}">{$user.username}</a><xen:if is="{$i} < {$onlineUsers.limit}">,</xen:if>
                    <xen:else />
                        {xen:phrase guest}<xen:if is="{$i} < {$onlineUsers.limit}">,</xen:if>
            <xen:if is="{$onlineUsers.recordsUnseen}">
                <li class="moreLink">... <a href="{xen:link online}" title="{xen:phrase see_all_visitors}">{xen:phrase and_x_more, 'count={xen:number $onlineUsers.recordsUnseen}'}</a></li>
    <div class="footnote">
        {xen:phrase online_now_x_members_y_guests_z, 'total={xen:number $}', 'members={xen:number $onlineUsers.members}', 'guests={xen:number $onlineUsers.guests}'}

And this es Widget Framerwork 1.2:

<xen:if is="{$onlineUsers.records}">
            <xen:if is="{$visitor.user_id}">
                <xen:if hascontent="true">
                <h4 class="minorHeading"><a href="{xen:link account/following}">{xen:phrase people_you_follow}:</a></h4>
                <ul class="followedOnline">
                        <xen:foreach loop="$onlineUsers.records" value="$user">
                            <xen:if is="{$user.followed}">
                                <li title="{$user.username}" class="Tooltip"><xen:avatar user="$user" size="s" img="true" class="_plainImage" /></li>
                <h4 class="minorHeading"><a href="{xen:link members}">{xen:phrase members}:</a></h4>
            <ol class="followedOnline">
                <xen:foreach loop="$onlineUsers.records" value="$user" i="$i">
                    <xen:if is="{$i} <= {$onlineUsers.limit}">
                  <xen:if is="!{$user.followed}">
                            <xen:if is="{$user.user_id}">
                  <li title="{$user.username}" class="Tooltip"><xen:avatar user="$user" size="s" img="true" class="_plainImage{xen:if '!{$user.visible}', ' dKinvisible'}" /></li>
                <xen:else />
                                {xen:phrase guest}<xen:if is="{$i} < {$onlineUsers.limit}">,</xen:if>
                <xen:if is="{$onlineUsers.recordsUnseen}">
                    <li class="moreLink">... <a href="{xen:link online}" title="{xen:phrase see_all_visitors}">{xen:phrase and_x_more, 'count={xen:number $onlineUsers.recordsUnseen}'}</a></li>
        <div class="footnote">
            <a href="{xen:link online}" title="{xen:phrase see_all_online_users}">{xen:phrase online_now_x_members_y_guests_z, 'total={xen:number $}', 'members={xen:number $onlineUsers.members}', 'guests={xen:number $onlineUsers.guests}'}</a>

The old works perfects. The new no... Can not be a programming error? I just solve the problem.

Im using xenforo 1.1.1
Your version of template is not 1.2 original template. Here is the one in 1.2

<div class="userList">
<xen:if is="{$onlineUsers.records}">
<xen:if is="{$visitor.user_id}">
<xen:if hascontent="true">
<h4 class="minorHeading"><a href="{xen:link account/following}">{xen:phrase people_you_follow}:</a></h4>
<ul class="followedOnline">
<xen:foreach loop="$onlineUsers.records" value="$user">
<xen:if is="{$user.followed}">
<li title="{$user.username}" class="Tooltip"><xen:avatar user="$user" size="s" img="true" class="_plainImage" /></li>
<h4 class="minorHeading"><a href="{xen:link members}">{xen:phrase members}:</a></h4>
<ol class="listInline">
<xen:foreach loop="$onlineUsers.records" value="$user" i="$i">
<xen:if is="{$i} <= {$onlineUsers.limit}">
<xen:if is="{$user.user_id}">
<a href="{xen:link members, $user}"
class="username{xen:if '!{$user.visible}', ' invisible'}{xen:if {$user.followed}, ' followed'}">{$user.username}</a><xen:if is="{$i} < {$onlineUsers.limit}">,</xen:if>
<xen:else />
{xen:phrase guest}<xen:if is="{$i} < {$onlineUsers.limit}">,</xen:if>
<xen:if is="{$onlineUsers.recordsUnseen}">
<li class="moreLink">... <a href="{xen:link online}" title="{xen:phrase see_all_visitors}">{xen:phrase and_x_more, 'count={xen:number $onlineUsers.recordsUnseen}'}</a></li>
<div class="footnote">
{xen:phrase online_now_x_members_y_guests_z, 'total={xen:number $}', 'members={xen:number $onlineUsers.members}', 'guests={xen:number $onlineUsers.guests}'}
Can we try this again on your birthday feature: Saying "Today is 2 people's birthday" is just bad! How about, when you have more than one person with a birthday, for example, "Two people are having a birthday today." Make it sound better, please! Or can we edit the string (how?).
Can we try this again on your birthday feature: Saying "Today is 2 people's birthday" is just bad! How about, when you have more than one person with a birthday, for example, "Two people are having a birthday today." Make it sound better, please! Or can we edit the string (how?).
You can change the phrase "wf_widget_birthday_today_is_x_peoples_birthday"
I got a problem when some members reported that the posting form overlaps with the sidebar and the member menu is covered by the search box when they try to make a new post. I don't get this problem so I'm guessing that they use a different screen resolution. I'm still using the earlier version 1.2. I really appreciate if anybody can tell me what's wrong here. Thanks a lot :)!

form overlap each other.webp
I got a problem when some members reported that the posting form overlaps with the sidebar and the member menu is covered by the search box when they try to make a new post. I don't get this problem so I'm guessing that they use a different screen resolution. I'm still using the earlier version 1.2. I really appreciate if anybody can tell me what's wrong here. Thanks a lot :)!

View attachment 28032
Yes, according to your screenshot, that user's browser is too small so page elements are not aligned properly. This has nothing to do with this add-on. Please ask in the general section.
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