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[bd] Rotating Ads 2.0

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Thanks for a very useful add-on! :D

One small issue I have is with ads at the top of the forum (currently displaying above the breadcrumb trail). My ads are 728 x 90 and I am only displaying them to guests only. This is fine except when a guest is viewing the site with a lower screen resolution. What happens is the ad overlaps the sign-up button in the sidebar, obscuring part of it. This will likely contravene displaying ad regulations.

What I would like to do is when they overlap, the ad goes behind the sign-up button instead. I know this involves changing the z-index but after various fiddling around I can't see to get it to do this. Any ideas on how this can be achieved?
Just be warned, if you're using such an ad, you run the risk of violating Adsense TOS. For me this was a deal breaker so I had to remove the ad, despite it being so profitable over the years :(
Wow. There going to have to go after a lot of forums then because I see it all over.

Maybe it's because it is in a block like the posts? As an option, you could us Digital Point's add-on which places it after the signature of the first post (or first unviewed) which may also violate their terms but it's an obvious ad.
Hey guys, just a heads-up ... I've had "second post" ads for several years on my forums and never had problems. Recently had an Adsense Terms of Service violation using this mod so I had to remove the second post camouflaged ad.

Google sent a notice saying the ad that blended in as a forum post was against the turns of service. Mine was no more conspicuous than any I've seen, I even kept the standard "Sponsored Links" text that was permitted and did not show an avatar.

Just be warned, if you're using such an ad, you run the risk of violating Adsense TOS. For me this was a deal breaker so I had to remove the ad, despite it being so profitable over the years :(

Thank you for the information. I will look into ways to avoid violating the ToS.
Thanks for a very useful add-on! :D

One small issue I have is with ads at the top of the forum (currently displaying above the breadcrumb trail). My ads are 728 x 90 and I am only displaying them to guests only. This is fine except when a guest is viewing the site with a lower screen resolution. What happens is the ad overlaps the sign-up button in the sidebar, obscuring part of it. This will likely contravene displaying ad regulations.

What I would like to do is when they overlap, the ad goes behind the sign-up button instead. I know this involves changing the z-index but after various fiddling around I can't see to get it to do this. Any ideas on how this can be achieved?

You may need to do that in EXTRA.css template.
I put up a banner for someone and they said the link is nofollow. Where would I change this?

Thanks for putting up this add on.

Thank you for the information. I will look into ways to avoid violating the ToS.

well its clearly says in TOS
"there must be a clear distinction between search results and ads"

so to fix it, just add a horizontal line below or above the adsense ads
to distinct it from your post

or change the background or sorround the background color of your google ads different from your post background
I'm using rotating ads and the banners are nofollow. Does anyone know how to change them to dofollow?

well its clearly says in TOS
"there must be a clear distinction between search results and ads"

so to fix it, just add a horizontal line below or above the adsense ads
to distinct it from your post

or change the background or sorround the background color of your google ads different from your post background
Or add a "sponsored" text at the top of the post?

I'm using rotating ads and the banners are nofollow. Does anyone know how to change them to dofollow?

You will need to edit the file for this.

File: xenforo/library/RotatingAds/Engine.php
Line: 77
$html = '<a href="' . htmlspecialchars($href) . '" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">' . $html . '</a>';

Change it to
$html = '<a href="' . htmlspecialchars($href) . '" target="_blank">' . $html . '</a>';
Or add a "sponsored" text at the top of the post?

You will need to edit the file for this.

File: xenforo/library/RotatingAds/Engine.php
Line: 77
$html = '<a href="' . htmlspecialchars($href) . '" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">' . $html . '</a>';

Change it to
$html = '<a href="' . htmlspecialchars($href) . '" target="_blank">' . $html . '</a>';

Thank you.

When doing the special second post option, how do we customize the little fake user that "posts" the ad? I do not wish to have the post count, credits it has, join date, ect to display for it. Also would like to change the avatar.
When doing the special second post option, how do we customize the little fake user that "posts" the ad? I do not wish to have the post count, credits it has, join date, ect to display for it. Also would like to change the avatar.

I'm wondering the same thing, could you add an avatar manually?

Thanks for an awesome add-on btw. :)
I saw an earlier question about rendering js using this add-on.

That's what I want to do, but only as one of three rotating ads. The other two are images with normal links.

I tried it (amazon omakase) and the JS is not rendering. Is this possible?
Just a clarification. I've created two banner in the sidebar. When I click on any of them the link open in a new window but since this is an internal forum link, I'd like that the link is opened in the same window. How can I do that?
I've read not that maybe I can modify this line in Engine.php
if (!empty($href)) {
                    $html = '<a href="' . htmlspecialchars($href) . '" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">' . $html . '</a>';
into this
if (!empty($href)) {
                    $html = '<a href="' . htmlspecialchars($href) . '">' . $html . '</a>';
removing also the nofollow. Is this correct?
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