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[bd] Paygate: STRIPE 1.2.0

No permission to download
Got everything working except for when you complete the payment it has a little green check mark and goes into a blank page on my site with this text:
(website title here) Error
This action is available via POST only. Please press the back button and try again.
When I click 'Account Upgrade' then I got server error and this is the error:

ErrorException: Fatal Error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING -library/bdPaygateStripe/Processor/Common.php:186

What could be the problem?
When I click 'Account Upgrade' then I got server error and this is the error:

ErrorException: Fatal Error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING -library/bdPaygateStripe/Processor/Common.php:186

What could be the problem?
Looks like a bad upload, can you try uploading the add-on files again?
I found the issue, it was due to my php version which is php 5.2... I already chagne it to php 5.4 and seems the issue was solved
Thanks for letting us know, I will update the add-on requirements to include that information.
Is it possible to add users from previous Paypal/Stripe subscriptions back into the system?

For instance we used to have a site with Xenforo that had paid members, and we also had a site that had PaidMembershipPro users (with Wordpress)

We still have all the subscription profiles for all our users on Paypal and Stripe (and they're all still active) but we'd like to reconnect them on our new site.

Is this possible? I'm not sure if we're able to just take the customer IDs from Stripe/Paypal and reconnect them to their corresponding new user accounts in Xenforo
Is it possible to add users from previous Paypal/Stripe subscriptions back into the system?

For instance we used to have a site with Xenforo that had paid members, and we also had a site that had PaidMembershipPro users (with Wordpress)

We still have all the subscription profiles for all our users on Paypal and Stripe (and they're all still active) but we'd like to reconnect them on our new site.

Is this possible? I'm not sure if we're able to just take the customer IDs from Stripe/Paypal and reconnect them to their corresponding new user accounts in Xenforo
That is certainly not possible with the current version of the add-on. If you want us to have a look and try to find a way to migrate them over, please start a conversation to discuss further.
Does this only apply to user upgrades, or can I use it for example just to add a Pay Now button on a page for either a fixed amount (to buy a product) or a donation?

Great addon.

I have slightly modified mine to require a shipping address (I'd suggest making that an actual option in the config, as it's just a boolean).

If anyone else needs to do this, edit the file library/bdPaygateStripe/Processor/Checkout.php, around line 59, just add an extra argument of: data-shipping-address="true"

That's all you need to do, the shipping information will be displayed in your Stripe dashboard!
Xenforo support installed my Xenforo files at /library/Xenforo.
Your installation says:
"1. Upload the library directory into your XenForo's
2. Import the add-on"

Does this mean that I FTP the Library file from under Upload to /library/Xenforo on my server so that it is /library/xenforo/library? I am a newbie and confused by the instruction.

Do I install by selecting the XML file from the bdpaygateStripe file that was extracted after download to my computer?

My thanks for your help.
Xenforo support installed my Xenforo files at /library/Xenforo.
Your installation says:
"1. Upload the library directory into your XenForo's
2. Import the add-on"

Does this mean that I FTP the Library file from under Upload to /library/Xenforo on my server so that it is /library/xenforo/library? I am a newbie and confused by the instruction.

Do I install by selecting the XML file from the bdpaygateStripe file that was extracted after download to my computer?

My thanks for your help.
Hi Eric

No you transfer the contents (ie everything from inside the upload folder, NOT the upload folder itself) to the root of your xenforo.

You must make sure your FTP preferences are set to merge folders and replace files. NOT replace folders or you will ose everything else from the library folder in your xenforo installation.

To install you then go to your Admin control panel, click install addon (in the main homepage menu of ACP) and choose the xml file on your desktop.
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Hi Eric

No you transfer the contents (ie everything from inside the upload folder, NOT the upload folder itself) to the root of your xenforo.

You must make sure your FTP preferences are set to merge folders and replace files. NOT replace folders or you will ose everything else from the library folder in your xenforo installation.

To install you then go to your Admin control panel, click install addon (in the main homepage menu of ACP) and choose the xml file on your desktop.

Just so that I understand you. I FTP the contents of the upload folder to my /library/xenforo/ folder.
I have my FTP Filezilla "default file exists" to uploads "Overwrite File"

By the way the contnets of the download folder are more folders: Desktop\Stripe\upload\library\bdPaygateStripe
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Just so that I understand you. I FTP the contents of the upload folder to my /library/xenforo/ folder.
I have my FTP Filezilla "default file exists" to uploads "Overwrite File"

No, the folder inside libary called "xenforo" is not the root of your installation. The root of your xenforo installation is the folder with /library/ in it (along with other folders, e.g. library, data, install, inernal_data, js plus some files sich as admin.phpadmindav.php) In many cases this is the public_html folder on your server.

Upload library from the addon upload folder, into that folder (where there is already a folder called library). As I said, provided FTP is set to merge folders on upload (it should be) then this one doesn't overwrite that one.
Another method is to upload the folder from inside the library folder of the addon package directly into the library folder on your server. In this case the folder /bdPaygateStripe/ will then be in /libary/ along with /xenforo/

That is exactly the same result as what would happen if you just upload /library/ and merge it into /library/
Another method is to upload the folder from inside the library folder of the addon package directly into the library folder on your server. In this case the folder /bdPaygateStripe/ will then be in /libary/ along with /xenforo/

That is exactly the same result as what would happen if you just upload /library/ and merge it into /library/
OK. I will try it. Here is my folder structure.

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