[bd] Medal

[bd] Medal 1.5.5b

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You can see that under the awarded medals tab, nothing loads. Even in the sidebar (It says I have two medal) but does not display them.

Also, is there a way to center awards when they are only one on display? Right now if there is only one award it is positioned on the left. Is there a way to make it positioned in the middle?
Looks like you didn't upload the file js/bdMedal/frontend.js?

Hello, it is now possible? For my forum would be very helpful. Or just guide you in your code where I change?
Thx very much.
Looks like this is still not possible, sorry :(
Looks like you didn't upload the file js/bdMedal/frontend.js?

Thank you so much for your help. I reuploaded the add on and it was working fine. I don't know how I missed that.

I have another question, I just added a currency and it is displayed at the end even tho I choose the option in "medal position" to display the medal at the bottom of the mini profile (bottom of the user extra info section)


Should I opt for the manual position? if so what how should I code it?

Again sorry for the questions, I'm not very experienced in this.
Thank you so much for your help. I reuploaded the add on and it was working fine. I don't know how I missed that.

I have another question, I just added a currency and it is displayed at the end even tho I choose the option in "medal position" to display the medal at the bottom of the mini profile (bottom of the user extra info section)


Should I opt for the manual position? if so what how should I code it?

Again sorry for the questions, I'm not very experienced in this.
Yes, if you want medals to show up in specific position. Just choose manual and follow the instruction there. Basically just edit "message_user_info" template and put <xen:include template="bdmedal_message_medals" /> anywhere :)
Yes, if you want medals to show up in specific position. Just choose manual and follow the instruction there. Basically just edit "message_user_info" template and put <xen:include template="bdmedal_message_medals" /> anywhere :)

Yah, I understand that but then how would I code it so it appears at the end of the mini profile? <xen:include template="bdmedal_message_medals" />

and what also?
Yah, I understand that but then how would I code it so it appears at the end of the mini profile? <xen:include template="bdmedal_message_medals" />

and what also?
For the very end of the profile, look for these lines:

            <xen:if is="@messageShowCustomFields AND {$user.customFields}">
            <xen:hook name="message_user_info_custom_fields" params="{xen:array 'user={$user}', 'isQuickReply={$isQuickReply}'}">
                <xen:foreach loop="$userFieldsInfo" key="$fieldId" value="$fieldInfo">
                    <xen:if is="{$fieldInfo.viewable_message} AND ({$fieldInfo.display_group} != 'contact' OR {$user.allow_view_identities} == 'everyone' OR ({$user.allow_view_identities} == 'members' AND {$visitor.user_id}))">
                        <xen:if hascontent="true">
                            <dl class="pairsJustified userField_{$fieldId}">
                                <dt>{xen:helper userFieldTitle, $fieldId}:</dt>
                                <dd><xen:contentcheck>{xen:helper userFieldValue, $fieldInfo, $user, {$user.customFields.{$fieldId}}}</xen:contentcheck></dd>

And put it right below.
Just a quick question.

Im a Super Admin and have 2 other admins on my site. I can view the medals section in the ACP, but they can't.

Am I missing something simple?
For the very end of the profile, look for these lines:

            <xen:if is="@messageShowCustomFields AND {$user.customFields}">
            <xen:hook name="message_user_info_custom_fields" params="{xen:array 'user={$user}', 'isQuickReply={$isQuickReply}'}">
                <xen:foreach loop="$userFieldsInfo" key="$fieldId" value="$fieldInfo">
                    <xen:if is="{$fieldInfo.viewable_message} AND ({$fieldInfo.display_group} != 'contact' OR {$user.allow_view_identities} == 'everyone' OR ({$user.allow_view_identities} == 'members' AND {$visitor.user_id}))">
                        <xen:if hascontent="true">
                            <dl class="pairsJustified userField_{$fieldId}">
                                <dt>{xen:helper userFieldTitle, $fieldId}:</dt>
                                <dd><xen:contentcheck>{xen:helper userFieldValue, $fieldInfo, $user, {$user.customFields.{$fieldId}}}</xen:contentcheck></dd>

And put it right below.

Thank you, it worked perfectly.

Is there a way to center medal if they were only one? Currently it floats left if its only one medal is on display.
How can this be added to member card (the small preview when clicking someone's name, before going to his profile page)

tried editing template > membercard

Did the following:
<div class="userTitleBlurb">
<h4 class="userTitle">{xen:helper userTitle, $user}</h4>
<div class="userBlurb">{xen:helper userBlurb, $user, 0}</div>

<xen:include template="bdmedal_message_medals" />

The medals don't show up on the member card.
How can this be added to member card (the small preview when clicking someone's name, before going to his profile page)

tried editing template > membercard

Did the following:
<div class="userTitleBlurb">
<h4 class="userTitle">{xen:helper userTitle, $user}</h4>
<div class="userBlurb">{xen:helper userBlurb, $user, 0}</div>

<xen:include template="bdmedal_message_medals" />

The medals don't show up on the member card.
The current version does not allow that, we have a near release version that will make it possible though.
@xfrocks I think it jinxed it on user profiles, it's displaying 1 medal to all users but showing none, but clicking on it the overlay/full-page is showing them correctly. hm
@xfrocks I think it jinxed it on user profiles, it's displaying 1 medal to all users but showing none, but clicking on it the overlay/full-page is showing them correctly. hm
You meant the new version works incorrectly in user profile page? Does it work correctly on other places?
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