[bd] Medal

[bd] Medal 1.5.5b

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Is there a way to limit the amount of awards displayed in the sidebar? so only have like 3 awards show vs all of them that they have.

I see a forum that was able to do this, not sure at all how they did it though.

If anyone could help, I would greatly appreciate it.

Nevermind... figured it out.

Go to your style properties > message elements > and it should say [bd] Medal - Maximum at the bottom
Changing the image for mobile will require js. A better solution is to use CSS to resize / reposition the medals. If you give me your urls, I will write some css to put in EXTRA.css.
I have the same problem, any way you can give me the css that you gave him? I'm sure I could figure it out if I just had the code.

Thanks, this plugin is amazing :)
@xfrocks I'm getting an error when I try to reverse an awarded medal. I go to the user who was awarded the medal, select "Reverse Award" and end up at this error screen: "The requested award record could not be found."

I have [bd] Medal 1.5.0b installed on XF 1.4.10.

@xfrocks. Have you seen this issue yet? It's still happening and we're unable to remove awards, which is problematic when one was accidentally given to the wrong user.
I'm trying to import the medals from YAAS on vBulletin 3.8, but on the very last step I get the following error:

Mysqli statement execute error : Incorrect string value: '\x92s fav...' for column 'award_reason' at row 1
I tried to add them to the directory then the ACP like the directions say to do and got
The files associated with this add-on could not be found. Please upload them and try again."
Anyone else getting this?
Server Error
Non-image passed in to _prepareImage

  1. bdMedal_DataWriter_Medal->_prepareImage() in bdMedal/DataWriter/Medal.php at line 30
  2. bdMedal_DataWriter_Medal->setImage() in bdMedal/ControllerAdmin/Medal.php at line 78
  3. bdMedal_ControllerAdmin_Medal->actionSave() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 351
  4. XenForo_FrontController->dispatch() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 134
  5. XenForo_FrontController->run() in /home/nginx/domains/xxxxx/public/admin.php at line 13
I really need to be able to edit the reason. I award medals for lots of monthly tournaments and I keep having to revert the medals and re-award them because a player has won multiple of the same tournament.
If there are a lot of medals, how do we limit how many show up at a time to prevent overcrowding the extra user info panel?
I've been meaning to use this. I already installed it but haven't set it up yet.

I sure hope reversing the medals are possible. Is anyone else having problems reversing the medals? I don't want to set it up if I can't reverse a medal.
Where do I do that? Medals is 256x256 per standard but I need to resize them. My forum is filled with big medals now under my members profile pics! lol
If you want to show smaller medal, just configure the style property and choose T (12x12).

I've been meaning to use this. I already installed it but haven't set it up yet.

I sure hope reversing the medals are possible. Is anyone else having problems reversing the medals? I don't want to set it up if I can't reverse a medal.
Yes. It is possible.
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