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[bd] Mails 1.1.0

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Is this addon coming back for xf2.1? Would be perfect timing for my upgrade.
Sorry, the recent update is for XF1 only. It's required to fix incompatibility with PHP 7. We currently have no plan for XF2 yet. Btw, which provider are you using?
@xfrocks could you elaborate on the improved handling of Amazon SES?
Does it support SNS bounce processing? Until now there is no Amazon SES bounce processing which is a real problem because Amazon will kick you out if bounces go above 5% or limit your sending above 2%.
@xfrocks could you elaborate on the improved handling of Amazon SES?
Does it support SNS bounce processing? Until now there is no Amazon SES bounce processing which is a real problem because Amazon will kick you out if bounces go above 5% or limit your sending above 2%.

I second that.

I even would not mind if you would change both, the XF1.5x version and a future XF2.1x version into a payed addon, if that would include the proper bounce processeing with Amazon and all the others.

I am sure I am not alone with that opinion. So if it is workload/not enough income compared to other addons issue, simply make this a payed addon.
I try to set this up today with Amazon SES. But for a newbie this sounds all a little bit complicated. I found this posting:

A few tips to users who are trying to get Amazon SES to work with this. I initially installed this plugin assuming that the problems I was having sending with Amazon SES had to do with SMTP sending but I was wrong.

A few tips:

1. When you create an IAM user for Amazon SES email, it will give you SMTP credentials. You can use that for SMTP sending and don't need this plugin (unless you want to do the bounce mail processing through the plugin).

2. If you do want to use this with IAM keys, then generate a new IAM pair using the same permissions as the IAM user you generated from SES. Others may be smarter than I but it was the only way I could get an Access Key and Secret Key pair that had SES sending permissions. Until I did this I was getting "SignatureDoesNotMatch" errors.

3. This is most important of all (and perhaps it was documented but I couldn't find it). When you create your Amazon SES account and you're ready to go, you have to request an increase to the sending limit in Amazon SES. I had to search the internet to figure this out. If you're receving this error from Amazon:

And the email it tells you that is not verified is the TO address then the problem is that you're in sandbox mode. Once you get your limit increased by sending a request to Amazon then you'll be able to send using either the IAM key method (this plugin) or using SMTP.

But on the Amazon SES site, I read somehere too, that you have to let verify all the regions separately TO WHICH you want to send an email to, not FROM WHERE. Is this correct or did I misunderstood something?

(I verified all my domans already)

I also do not know where to see my Amazon Access Key ID and Secret Access Key and which email I have to use for getting all bounce emails forwarded.

Any help from more experienced users would be appreciated. Screenhots would be great.
Yes, this is a big question for us regarding migration to XF 2.x. We're currently using Sendgrid, using BD Mails by @xfrocks . We send nearly 2 million emails per month from Xenforo via SendGrid, and we'd like to continue doing so.

Any other large forum owners out there on 2.x still using Sendgrid?
Anyone have a good solution for mailgun? I upgraded thinking I'd just manually set it up via SMTP. Now having all sorts of problems sending email =( This app was crucial. Not sure why there's nothing else like it and why it's not a priority to add XF2 support for. I'd pay to download.
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