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[bd] Mails 1.1.0

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Fixed. WHM security on my VPS. Set to not allow accounts to relay mail to other servers. Disabled that and everything works flawlessly now. Seems like mailgun will handle everything the same way with SMTP, so should be good. Just sucks because I hadn't touched the mail settings in a few years.
Fixed. WHM security on my VPS. Set to not allow accounts to relay mail to other servers. Disabled that and everything works flawlessly now. Seems like mailgun will handle everything the same way with SMTP, so should be good. Just sucks because I hadn't touched the mail settings in a few years.
Yep, most providers provide multiple port to get around firewalls. It should just work (most of the time). I'm glad that you figured it out (y)
I am using this with Amazon SES, those of you who have upgraded to xf2, what are you using as alternative?

Sorry, the recent update is for XF1 only. It's required to fix incompatibility with PHP 7. We currently have no plan for XF2 yet. Btw, which provider are you using?
It's not as robust as Mails was, it's harder to do bounce processing, for instance. I swear I had found a better tutorial on how to set it up, but I can't find it anywhere.
We use sendgrid and we set up postfix on our VM's to deliver through that. The setup is pretty easy and you don't have to make any changes to Xenforo to make it work. You just tell it to use the local SMTP.

You can then set up bounce processing via IMAP like you normally would. Although sendgrid also keeps track of bounces and will stop emailing addresses automatically that bounce as well.
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