BbCodes & Buttons Manager

BbCodes & Buttons Manager 3.3.5

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fyi, typo on this line of controlleradmin/bbcodes.php:

throw new XenForo_Exception(new XenForo_Phase('bbm_xml_invalid'), true);

Thank you Luke. I'm curious when you use advanced IDE like you do (I forgot the same of the IDE you recommend us to use), are this kind of mistakes detected ? Sorry if the question seems stupid ^^
Thank you Luke. I'm curious when you use advanced IDE like you do (I forgot the same of the IDE you recommend us to use), are this kind of mistakes detected ? Sorry if the question seems stupid ^^

That kind of mistake my editor of choice (phped) would miss, phpstorm might pick it up, can't remember exactly

I am using Private code and was wondering if I am able to change "Premium Content" to "Staff Only Content".
XenForo 1.2 beta3
Installed: BBM2.0.7+some my custom bbcode. All was nice.
But after install TinyQuattro 1.0.6 got this error:
Fatal error: [] operator not supported for strings in /var/www/xxxx/xxxxxxxxxx/library/BBM/Helper/Buttons.php on line 305
If I disable BBM2.0.7 OR TinyQuattro 1.0.6 - all work fine.
XenForo 1.2 beta3
Installed: BBM2.0.7+some my custom bbcode. All was nice.
But after install TinyQuattro 1.0.6 got this error:
Fatal error: [] operator not supported for strings in /var/www/xxxx/xxxxxxxxxx/library/BBM/Helper/Buttons.php on line 305
If I disable BBM2.0.7 OR TinyQuattro 1.0.6 - all work fine.
I'm going to publish some releases for these two addons because the difference of dev versions and available versions are too big to really see if the bug is still there or not.
XenForo 1.2 beta3
Installed: BBM2.1.0+some my custom bbcode. All was nice.
But after update TinyQuattro to 1.1.0 got this error:
Fatal error: [] operator not supported for strings in /var/www/xxxx/xxxxxxxxxx/library/BBM/Helper/Buttons.php on line 311
If I disable BBM2.1.0 and enable Tiny Quattro - field of text redactor disappear. :(
If I disable TinyQuattro 1.1.0 and enable BBM 2.1.0 - all works fine.
Same error which was earlier, but another line. :(

Strange. On another my XenForo 1.1.5 TinyQuattro 1.1.0+BBM2.1.0 works fine!
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@resonansER, try to modify and save your button config with a different layout. I will have to try on a blank installation to try to reproduce the problem. If the problem persists after the button layout modification, you can also contact by me by pm with a restricted ftp access to the library directory of this addon. It would be faster to understand and debug the problem. But I will only be there in a few days: Tuesday/Wednestday.
How do I go about creating a self-closing tag, such as [HR]? Did a simple replacement (replace HR with Start range: <hr> End range: (empty)), but at some stage a closing [/HR] tag gets automatically inserted to the end of the post. Is there a way around this?
How do I go about creating a self-closing tag, such as [HR]? Did a simple replacement (replace HR with Start range: <hr> End range: (empty)), but at some stage a closing [/HR] tag gets automatically inserted to the end of the post. Is there a way around this?
Some scripts allows it (ie: Wordpress), but most of tag system are working by pair and doesn't allow single opening bbcode. This is the case of XenForo parser. So you will have to modify your Bb Code to comply with that rule.

The start/end ranges only means that the opening/closing tag will be replaced by the given html code.
How do I go about creating a self-closing tag, such as [HR]? Did a simple replacement (replace HR with Start range: <hr> End range: (empty)), but at some stage a closing [/HR] tag gets automatically inserted to the end of the post. Is there a way around this?

Use Start range: <hr> End range: </hr> (NOT leave it empty).

Some scripts allows it (ie: Wordpress), but most of tag system are working by pair and doesn't allow single opening bbcode. This is the case of XenForo parser. So you will have to modify your Bb Code to comply with that rule.

Alright, thanks for the clarification Cédric. I was hoping I could work around it by using a custom template or something. I guess I'll just do a button that'll add

SMF seems to use stand-alone/self-closing HR-tag, while vBulletin and phpBB apparently also require a BBcode tag to be closed.

Use Start range: <hr> End range: </hr> (NOT leave it empty).

Actually I have <hr/> as the start range, so no need to close it. If I use Start: <hr> End: </hr> interesting things will happen if a user uses a
tag alone. =)
hello guys,

just install this bbcode addon.

how do we activate the disable of "autolinking" with bbcode addon?
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