
Today is a sore day - I played the first hour of badminton in shoes on Monday night, and made a somewhat less than ideal landing from a jump, right on my heel, which has left me feeling a bit broken. I've got it all strapped up now.

Today is a sore day - I played the first hour of badminton in shoes on Monday night, and made a somewhat less than ideal landing from a jump, right on my heel, which has left me feeling a bit broken. I've got it all strapped up now.

Oooooowww :( Hope it feels better soon!
I hate having my ankle restricted, I feel like a complete spaz walking around the house not being able to move properly.

It's funny how sensitive we are to our bodies, and how even a relatively small change like the constriction and weight of something like your strapping can make us feel so unnatural.

It's like when you go to the dentist and have an injection in your mouth and it all feels so weird, and you are convinced your whole face must be swollen to twice the size!

The way you are holding your foot in the photo looks like a little puppy with a sore paw for some reason :(
I still have pizza from last night, thanks, but if you wanted to come over with a hot water bottle and some soothing hands... :)

Foot massage it is then! Dang those 10,000 miles!

I'll send you some blissful healing energy anyway
Foot massage it is then! Dang those 10,000 miles!

I'll send you some blissful healing energy anyway
You stay there and look after Jeff and I'll survive on the blissful healing energy for the time being.

If my ankle is still bad after a few days I'll dispatch the XenForo private jet to bring you back here...
You stay there and look after Jeff and I'll survive on the blissful healing energy for the time being.

If my ankle is still bad after a few days I'll dispatch the XenForo private jet to bring you back here...

I'll have my emergency massage supplies all packed and ready just in case :)
Been pondering how to word this so I'll just come out with it. Bare Footing, do you?

Recently after a little dialogue and a chance to reflect I recently went bare footing. What is bare footing I hear you ask, it's walking elegantly without the surroundings of leather suffocating your feet aka walking everywhere bare foot.

This morning, I started bare footing and with a doctors appointment early this morning I plucked up the courage and took a drive down to the medical centre and walked in from the rain bare footed. Leaving footprints from the rain I became concious but with that aside it does feel comfortable. Sure, I got some strange looks but I blanked that out.

Anyway. Would you bare foot? Consider it even? maybe your a bare footing fanatic and have enjoyed this for years? Share your tales, stories and experiences even thoughts or maybe considerations in allocating time to bare footing.

Ps. There's really nothing like walking in the rain and the mud oozing up between your toes. *looks at feet*

I thought I was the only barefooter around as when I goto town with no shoes on people look at me like i'm some sort of freak - but I could not care less as i'm happy with going barefoot and have done it for years, in the early years when I did it I stood on some glass and cut my feet open but now my feet are so tough there like re-enforced leather (nothing can pierce my feet).
Dave good to hear from you. Enjoy this thread it's a good one.

Kier if it's any comfort your feet look just as elegant as ever and a BLACK bandage is dead cool.

Also dinky toe ring.

This reminds me of how often barefooters have accidents - when they wear shoes.
Also how shod/ shoed people have lots more foot accidents than barefooters do.
Shoes tend to make us unaware of what's going on 'down there' ...
and for barefooters shoes make us clumsier than usual.
How is the foot today Kier?
Still strapped up, but feeling a little better today, thanks :)


The injury is my own fault really; Shanj is right in saying that the habitually barefoot become more clumsy in shoes; had I not been wearing them I would have landed completely differently and my ankle would be fine right now. I guess that's a hint for me to stop playing badminton in shoes completely, though I do enjoy the fact that it feels like a very different game when playing with and without footwear.
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