
Yes but it's part of my duties now to check all posts :p

Plus... he has his Chaperoning duties to attend to.

Don't worry matron, no inappropriate body contact taking place in this thread
Badminton again tonight - going with Mike and Ashley this time. Let's hope the ankle holds out so I'm not strapped up again for tomorrow's festivities! Might be a no-shoes-all-night approach to avoid the possibility of another awkward landing.
However, if he can't walk around he can't leave his computer. This might not be such a bad thing after all.

Good luck tonight guys! - lol
Badminton again tonight - going with Mike and Ashley this time. Let's hope the ankle holds out so I'm not strapped up again for tomorrow's festivities! Might be a no-shoes-all-night approach to avoid the possibility of another awkward landing.
When you say "going" this infers to me that there is a set determined place intended for the enjoyment of badminton, is this the case?

I ask because as far as I know there isn't wide spread places here in the northeast US designated as badminton court's. If there are places to play around your area my next question would be, how popular is the sport there?

I love the game but long since the years of high school, the only time a quality game comes up is on a nice day at a picnic or party or something along the lines of that...too bad though, it's such a great cardio excessive with relatively low impact that's a blast to play though I admit I find myself getting quite competitive whilst I am smashing a birdie. Do you guy's play competitively or is it more a social thing?
We belong to a club and have a specific place that we play on Monday nights. We don't play competitively as such, but it's more about the game than a social event.

There are dozens of places with badminton courts within a few miles radius of here, thankfully :)

Outdoor badminton on grass or sand is nice, but even the slightest breeze makes the game very unpredictable and unsuitable for serious play, so all the proper courts around here are are indoor venues.

Maybe I'll take along a camera tonight and grab a few snaps.
You need an outdoor shuttlecock :D
I must say, I make a much better golfer than a tennis player, I must also say I didn't try even typing the proper term as I thought the "curse-word pwning system" was going to asterisk the whole thing on me. :)
When I first saw the title for this thread, I thought Barefooting had some other mysterious meaning. Surely there couldn't be a thread 33 pages long about, well, feet?! How wrong I was...never underestimate the Xen Foro madness!

I hate feet and I'm not a barefoot-er. Unless drunk, that is. For some reason, without fail, when ever i've had one too many I end up walking around with my shoes off. It's liberating - they tie me down, they get in the way when i'm dancing on tables and telling strangers that I love them. Admittedly, it's not quite so great when I wake up with filthy black feet that take days to scrub clean, but I'll always cherish my barefooting memories.
Hmmm....that's another question, anyone ever tried golfing barefooted, maybe driving range? Interesting...I'm going to check the temperature outdoors right and quick and maybe blast a driver shot or two into the firewood storage shed and see how it feels sans footwear.
When I first saw the title for this thread, I thought Barefooting had some other mysterious meaning. Surely there couldn't be a thread 33 pages long about, well, feet?! How wrong I was...never underestimate the Xen Foro madness!

I hate feet and I'm not a barefoot-er. Unless drunk, that is. For some reason, without fail, when ever i've had one too many I end up walking around with my shoes off. It's liberating - they tie me down, they get in the way when i'm dancing on tables and telling strangers that I love them. Admittedly, it's not quite so great when I wake up with filthy black feet that take days to scrub clean, but I'll always cherish my barefooting memories.

Funny, I always end up barefoot too, but probably do less of the tabletop dancing and telling random strangers I love them these days :p
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