
Once I'm comfortable going to the larger supermarkets and feeling that confidence has built up I'll make that transition. Considering a week ago I never tried bare footing I think I've done considerably well. It'll happen, I'm sure.
I've found Tesco don't appreciate barefoot hehehe -the Alfreton one even has a sign up about not wearing swimwear or walking barefoot in the store.... and Sainsbury in Goldalming (near Guildford) frowns upon not wearing t-shirts or shoes as well :D
I've found Tesco don't appreciate barefoot hehehe -the Alfreton one even has a sign up about not wearing swimwear or walking barefoot in the store.... and Sainsbury in Goldalming (near Guildford) frowns upon not wearing t-shirts or shoes as well :D
I think it varies store to store - I've never had a problem with my local Tesco or Sainsbury's.
I've found Tesco don't appreciate barefoot hehehe -the Alfreton one even has a sign up about not wearing swimwear or walking barefoot in the store.... and Sainsbury in Goldalming (near Guildford) frowns upon not wearing t-shirts or shoes as well :D

LOL that isn't helping me. My main concern are the shoe police. I'd die of embarrassment if they stopped me half way through a shop and walked me out. I know most of the time security can be very silly people when they are bored with nothing better to do.
LOL that isn't helping me. My main concern are the shoe police. I'd die of embarrassment if they stopped me half way through a shop and walked me out. I know most of the time security can be very silly people when they are bored with nothing better to do.
It's not in the store's interest to walk you out. I tend to carry flip flops to put on just in case the shoe police get antsy. I've only ever had to resort to them once though.
For women it's easy to defeat the shoe police - you just tell them the heel snapped off one of your shoes before you went in and they're not seriously suggesting you hobble round in broken shoes... just think of the accidents that could cause . . .:D
So here's a question:

How many of you barefootey fans gotten Plantar warts?
I would think wearing shoes that rub in the same way with the same pressures would cause more planters warts than barefooting. Please correct me if i'm wrong here.

Also i trained in martial arts (which I do barefooted) for more than 10 years so I don't think planters warts stand a chance on my feet. lol
Plantar warts (verrucae) tend to be transmitted on warm, damp, clean and smooth surfaces such as changing rooms. The chances of picking one up from a piece of pavement or other outdoor surface are all but nil.
So my next question would be are regular carpeted rooms safe and what about other surfaces like resilients (VCT, sheetgoods ect )

and when you say changing rooms do you mean in like a store or boutique?
So my next question would be are regular carpeted rooms safe and what about other surfaces like resilients (VCT, sheetgoods ect )

and when you say changing rooms do you mean in like a store or boutique?
It would be virtually impossible to pick up a verruca from a carpeted floor.

And by 'changing room' I'm referring to where you get changed to go swimming etc.
ahh ok Changing room to me is a place at a store where you try on clothes before you buy, over here in the US I think a general term used is locker room.

:D gotta love English - to - English translations
Went out for dinner last night with Ashley and Scott. Walked through the middle of Henley and ate the meal with no shoes required at any point. The way it should be.
Went out for dinner last night with Ashley and Scott. Walked through the middle of Henley and ate the meal with no shoes required at any point. The way it should be.
Was it intentional, or did you take 2 left flip-flops again? :p
Well, I seldom go bare feet no longer have much feeling in them and if I hit something and it punctures/scrapes/ect the skin and I start bleeding, I might not realize it. It's just safer for me to wear something on my feet. 

What's the reason behind your lack of feeling? Speaking for myself, I had extremely sensitive soles despite my habitual footwear choice.
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