
I do not know this to be true but I am going to assume that ground with no pointy stones and things like that is a man made thing?
I'm not sure that's entirely true, I think it depends greatly on the geography of the place in question.
I can't believe I forgot Crocodiles >_< they are pretty big carnivores :p Fortunately not in my part of the woods :D
I'll soon be venturing down our local shop. I couldn't pluck up the courage to barefoot the larger supermarkets (Asda,tescos, Morrison etc). So I'm taking small steps and starting out at our local and taking it from there.

I was curious, anybody else have any stories were they got stopped for barefooting in public places and perhaps issues occurred because of your barefooting? Perhaps you got some odd looks as this is my concern when venturing to public surroundings. I'm fine around my area (street) and walking to my neighbours barefooted.
:x I got weird looks in school once because I went barefoot the whole day because my shoes got full of water (Puddles = bad).
I'll soon be venturing down our local shop. I couldn't pluck up the courage to barefoot the larger supermarkets (Asda,tescos, Morrison etc). So I'm taking small steps and starting out at our local and taking it from there.

I was curious, anybody else have any stories were they got stopped for barefooting in public places and perhaps issues occurred because of your barefooting? Perhaps you got some odd looks as this is my concern when venturing to public surroundings. I'm fine around my area (street) and walking to my neighbours barefooted.

It's not that uncommon where I live to see people barefoot in the streets, or at the local shops, where we live now is pretty beachy, and no one looks twice...but where I grew up, it would be considered to be "Not the done thing" at all, I can see all the toffee nosed North Shore matrons tutting and hawing about it - if you live in currently or grew up in such an area I can understand your hesitation.

I have never personally been pulled up for it, but I have seen other people being refused entry to premises based on their barefootedness...It is pretty ingrained in me, I roused on my son not long ago for wanting to walk into the Big shopping mall near us without shoes >_< They do have a dress code though, and big boofhead Security guys who would take great delight in tormenting anyone they thought might be a hippy, or a bit different.
On the very rare occasions I've been stopped and told that shoes are required, it's always been some jobsworth security guard with nothing better to do. I've had quizzical looks from members of the public, but never any negative comments or confrontation.
What a fun thread!

I live in the SW part of Florida. It's not just hot, it's ungodly hot here. Pavement that will overcook an egg in seconds, sandspurs, fireants are all things to watch for here. I am a landscaper, so I need to wear shoes (leather crocs, sorry, they are comfortable and since I'm the boss, I get to have a bit of comfort) and socks. I don't barefoot much because, well, I have a terrible case of farmer's tan. :P My snow white tootsies clash dramatically with my well tanned almost leathery legs.

On the other hand, my wife will never wear anything more than a pair of flip flops and then only when necessary. If she hasn't yet broken every one of her toes, she will surely get around to it. The bottoms are as tough as you can get, but I'm still under orders to never plant anything with thorns in the garden.
You'll rarely see me in shoes of any kind.. unless it's snowing.. I don't like snow.. it's a bit cold on the toes . . .
You'll rarely see me in shoes of any kind.. unless it's snowing.. I don't like snow.. it's a bit cold on the toes . . .
Are you a full-timer, or an own-home-and-garden barefooter?

And snow - very good for about a minute or two, then its time to get indoors and feel that wonderful tingle as your feet rapidly warm up :)
Pretty much fulltimer. My other half refuses to allow me to go shopping barefoot if he's there though hehehe.. other than that... my shoes last for years because they're worn so rarely.
Pretty much fulltimer. My other half refuses to allow me to go shopping barefoot if he's there though hehehe.. other than that... my shoes last for years because they're worn so rarely.
Any words of wisdom for Shelley to help her overcome her apprehensions?
Totally - go with what feels right. Who cares what other people think! If they're uncomfortable that's their problem, not yours. (As my nan would say - if we were supposed to wear shoes, we'd have been born with leather feet. ... well, she didn't.. but you get the idea ;) )
Once I'm comfortable going to the larger supermarkets and feeling that confidence has built up I'll make that transition. Considering a week ago I never tried bare footing I think I've done considerably well. It'll happen, I'm sure.
On a sidenote, I'm going to update the thread title here, as strictly speaking the term is barefooting rather than bare footing.
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