Auto Link Titles

Auto Link Titles 1.0.10

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If you don't want it in your site title at all, it would be relatively simple as a template edit.

Search templates for "boardTitle".

It will come up with a few places but the likely place you'll see that is in the PAGE_CONTAINER <title> tags or perhaps in individual pages <xen:title> tags.

Hey Chris,

Followed this step. Works on new links, but the old ones still show the | Title portion. Would it be a cache issue, especially Cloudflare or something else I must do?
Yes understood. Wasn't sure if all previous links would update as a result of the template change. Thanks for clarifying
@Chris D Excellent addon, I like how quick you can make a link "hot" by just pasting it here, but if I were just to want to have it "cold" meaning showing the actual address but not making it linkable, would the only option to make this work would be disabling the addon?
Paste the link, highlight it, and use the insert link button and paste the link again.

That creates a link with the title of the link being the link itself.

Similarly if you wanted a link title to be something specific, type the word, highlight it, insert link and paste the link.

This addon is creating HTTP 500 errors with the RSS feeds of some of my forums apparently.
When I enable it it starts slowing down most RSS feeds and some can't even load at all.
I am using Xenforo 1.4.7.

Is there any update?


This addon is creating HTTP 500 errors with the RSS feeds of some of my forums apparently.
When I enable it it starts slowing down most RSS feeds and some can't even load at all.
I am using Xenforo 1.4.7.

Is there any update?


Sorry for the delay.

This is actually something that can be fixed by upgrading to XenForo 1.4.8 :)
Hi @Chris D,
mixed up the links in German language when there are special character

USB-Sticks mit Besonderheiten: 256Bit AES-Verschlüsselung Preisvergleich | Geizhals Deutschland

The red one should be a ü

I use the latest relase of this addon and of xenforo.
Hi @Chris D,
mixed up the links in German language when there are special character

USB-Sticks mit Besonderheiten: 256Bit AES-Verschlüsselung Preisvergleich | Geizhals Deutschland

The red one should be a ü

I use the latest relase of this addon and of xenforo.
I need a URL to test please
There won't be any more updates for this add-on. The code was re-written for 1.5 to handle some situations better.
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There won't be any more updates for this add-on. The code was re-written for 1.5 to handle some situations better.

This is a feature in 1.5 so the addon should be uninstalled before upgrading? The links will stay the same after uninstalling and then upgrading XenForo?
It doesn't matter either way, no existing content will be affected and there will be no conflicts.
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