August Update discussion thread.

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In general I can see what has happened here as a concern. However, what disturbs me more than what is actually coming from Kier, Mike and/or Ashley is the behavior of this community as a whole. I'm happy right now with XenForo 1.1.3, it is doing what I need it to and my communities are not falling apart. The spam issue is an important one, but there are plenty of threads on how to handle that.

Here are some important things to keep in mind:
  • We purchased this software knowing a lawsuit was on-going. Regardless of how it has impacted the development of XenForo, we still knew this. Complaining about it really does nothing to change this...
  • K&M from their previous releases have shown to be competent developers with quick turn-around. I have no doubt that when the lawsuit is over and IF they win that development will begin rather rapidly.
  • K&M are people, not machines. If there is some sort of personal life conflicts causing issues here then I would respect their privacy and let them sort those issues out. Discussing them here does not help, it's rude.
  • Arguing moderation practices is the absolute WRONG way to go about getting your point across. No one here wants to watch 2 pages of people arguing about censorship or lack thereof. So please, get over it...
All-in-all, if the worst was to come to pass and XenForo's development were to stop...then I would just work off what has been release and continue development for my own personal use. I realize not everyone can do this, but I am lucky to have this as an option.

If there is one thing I can request it would be to release what they have of the Resource Manager, even if it is not complete. It's an important piece to a project of mine and would love to have at least the base to work off of. Thanks for reading guys and be positive.

Let's hope that this turns out to be the building blocks for a bright future with XenForo. The software has too much potential for it to end here :).
Yes, please release RM and let the addon developers continue them to meet various needs such as shopping carts, review system, etc.
I would say by releasing RM, this community will keep itself busy with numerous ways to make use of it for the next several months without asking constantly about XF 1.2.
Obviously, the resources are not released because "something" is missing. On the other hand, the devs are not tempted anymore to code for xyz reasons. Round and round we go... Personally, I would accept the product as is, it works fine on live forums no?
Obviously, the resources are not released because "something" is missing. On the other hand, the devs are not tempted anymore to code for xyz reasons. Round and round we go... Personally, I would accept the product as is, it works fine on live forums no?

The RM works as is on with 1.1.3.

I believe the reason for holding it back was to include the extra functionalities requested such as payment gateways, however those are 1.2 dependencies.

However I will enquire as to if a "current" release is possible.
wouldn't make any sense to release it now imho. It's not actively supported/developed and obviously unfinished and whenever/if the lawsuit may be over/won theres one honeypot less that possible investors/showrunners/users might attract for a restart.
Let the community finish and support it.
We can crowdsource it !

It doesn't work that way. You still need someone to manage the project and make sure all code submissions abide by the standard. Otherwise you'll end up with a crap product with loose ends all over and a codebase professionals won't want to go anywhere near.

Also let's not forget that they intend to make this their bread and butter, there is a huge difference between creating a commercial and an open-source product. Open-source developers almost always work on their product without getting any sort if funding and do so in their own spare time. I don't believe this is KAM's intention, which I don't think anyone can fault them for.
I much appreciate that they took the time to make an announcement, but am somewhat disappointed that it doesn't actually answer any questions. While I understand that discretion is warranted given their legal situation I can't help but feel that they should be able to give us a more informative status update.

Agree. A standby to standby message. Not sure who is advising them on business communications but they are getting it all wrong. Whatever is going on is not unique to them. Facts will come out eventually anyway. No being open and honest especially with a supportive customer base makes no sense. That will likely be the biggest regret they have when it is all resolved.
Agree. A standby to standby message. Not sure who is advising them on business communications but they are getting it all wrong. Whatever is going on is not unique to them. Facts will come out eventually anyway. No being open and honest especially with a supportive customer base makes no sense. That will likely be the biggest regret they have when it is all resolved.

1.2 delayed. No ETA. No ETA on more information. Lawsuit doing lots of damage. Personal issues they won't go into. Looks like a pretty open and honest update. If they were being dishonest then they could paint a more rosy picture perhaps. Or in being closed they could not post any update at all.
1.2 delayed. No ETA. No ETA on more information. Lawsuit doing lots of damage... Looks like a pretty open and honest update.
That's not an update, there is nothing new from what we know before Ashley's announcement. An update would be something similar to previous announcements we used to get 6 months ago. For example, what was done so far in XenForo 1.2 and what is left to be done until the release goes Beta? Can the developers tell us?

Kmon, is a damn easy question to answer, why the updates are not presented to users the old fashion way we used to get them? Personally, the lack of detailed announcements makes me believe that actually nothing was done and 1.2 is vaporware. Please prove me wrong, there is NO WAY the devs don't have something in hand to post as announcement (i.e. screenshots etc.) We are talking about a 6 months delay, half of the time it took Kier and Mike to write the entire software package.
That's not an update, there is nothing new from what we know before Ashley's announcement. An update would be something similar to previous announcements we used to get 6 months ago. For example, what was done so far in XenForo 1.2 and what is left to be done until the release goes Beta? Can the developers tell us?

To be frank Floren, I wouldn't expect such a detailed update to be made until such time as any personal issues are sorted and/or the lawsuit to make it to trial.

But you point has been added to the list and will be asked.
That's not an update, there nothing new from what we knew before Ashley's announcement.

Exactly. That is the update. But he added an explanation this time (effects of lawsuit + personal stuff).

An update would be something similar to previous announcements we used to get 6 months ago. For example, what was done so far in XenForo 1.2 and what is left to be done until the release goes Beta? Can the developers tell us?

Well it appears as though development is on hold which sort of precludes those kinds of announcements.
It's irrelevant as it won't ever be in the hands of the community.

Also, if a 1.1.3 RM is released, any addon authors making any code would know that many of the highly requested features which they may wish to make are most likely going to be included in the 1.2 RM update... so would they want to spend the time not knowing if / when their work may be nullified?
Also, if a 1.1.3 RM is released, any addon authors making any code would know that many of the highly requested features which they may wish to make are most likely going to be included in the 1.2 RM update... so would they want to spend the time not knowing if / when their work may be nullified?

Can you rephrase this? I'm a bit confused as to what you are saying.
1.2 delayed. No ETA. No ETA on more information. Lawsuit doing lots of damage. Personal issues they won't go into. Looks like a pretty open and honest update. If they were being dishonest then they could paint a more rosy picture perhaps. Or in being closed they could not post any update at all.

Didn't mean they were being dishonest and a "We are alive" message is better than nothing (good work on your part if you convinced them to say something) it's just that the only thing that really works in business communications is being forthright with the customers. If the company doesn't answer the questions, then the market place will answer for them with speculation. It simply does no good to hide out and does much harm.

No matter the personal or legal issues, no one really is going to judge them on that, stuff happens over which we have no control, but on not being forthright with loyal and supportive customers, that will be the single regret they will have when this resolves since that is entirely their decision and entirely under their control.
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