August Update discussion thread.

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what can be done to appease them?

I presume nothing except seeing XenForo 1.2 and Resource Manager being released.

A lot of the questions could be answered definitively, and there'd still be some whom it isn't enough for. I'm not targeting that at anyone specifically, but I believe it to be true.
Why is it that so many people are not appeased by it?
I don't even know what "appeased" means, honestly. :D
I presume a form of "worried"? Why would I be worried? For now XenForo does the job very well and if the security issues are monitored, the world is nice and round.

To directors: Just release the Resources and let us enjoy our forums while you enjoy the break from development stress. Isn't that a simple and elegant solution? And be straight forward from now on, no more salads please.
Earlier I was scolded for using the phrase “You reap what you sow…” Well… After reading through these posts, I see it was a very valid post.
But, let me be clear…

First of all, we were essentially lied to about the status of “ongoing development”. Now I could have accepted a statement early on that enhancements and/or new features (including 1.2) would be delayed until after the trial. But there was no statement to be had. One or two lines of code over a period of six months - coming for developers who created this entire software in less than a year – is not considered “development” in my world.

Second, the entire KAM team dropped off the face of the earth – almost right after we were told the actual trial date. How are we supposed to read that? Does it really take that long to make a one line post? What happened to all the tutorials and videos? No one (except volunteers) remained engaged in this software in any capacity. And you expect us to just ignore that?

Third, What about Ashley? It is clear to most that K&M have some issues they are dealing with – ok… What about Ashley? Why couldn’t he have stayed engaged? I’m sure all three are suffering from a lot of pressure, but all anyone talks about is Kier and Mike – well we still have another founder of XF that could have at least stayed engaged with us. Being absent for months on end is not being engaged by the way.

Fourth, and I think I speak for most, all these threads have never been about wanting new features or even 1.2 – they have been about the fact we were all left in total dead silence in a critical moment of this software’s future. I for one thought KAM might want to kick out the very latest version of XF (and since the trial date has been set, plenty of time to do it) before the trial began and time was taken away again. And who knows – maybe they lose? I for one would have wanted my latest version out there for my customers before that happened.

So… You all ran a policy of dead silence and the original developers of this software (I remind you – all THREE of them) dropped off the face of the earth. Despite numerous “sightings”, none of these guys had the time to post or say anything?

So here we are today and the tough questions yet remain unanswered:

Is Mike still a developer (don’t give me this he’s still a part owner) – Is he still an active developer?
If the answer was yes, it would be real easy…

Has XF actually already settled with IB?
Again, if the answer was no, it would be real easy…

The lack of silence on those two questions is what keeps this thread and many like it going on and on and is very telling in my book.
I presume nothing except seeing XenForo 1.2 and Resource Manager being released.

XF in it's current state is great. I don't care if they take 6 months off until after the lawsuit and as many others have said, they'd have been happy if that was stated upfront and honestly if that was what was needed. What I would like to know is whether all 3 founders are still planning to remain a part of XF.

I'm really not trying to be difficult but to post what Ashley did yesterday and managing to not address any of this is stupid. One extra sentence would have made all the difference :-(
Three possible scenarios here:

1: Mike has left and Kier is going through some personal issues preventing him from working on xenForo or interacting with the community.
2: Kier has left and Mike got a job perventing him from working on xenForo or interacting with the community.
3: xenForo has settled and waiting to announce this as soon as everything is sorted out.

Those are my three questions.
honestly, if I would have such a lawsuit on my shoulders..... I would not tell anything in public anymore as well.
especially when said company (the one who is suing) is making screenshots of everything which is said here on this forum (even of what members have said!) and use it in courts against you......

even the rumours would not bother me, because the potential financial risks of such a lawsuit is just too high to make any kind of statement and any information on here is read by competitors anyway.....

saying nothing is probably the best way to secure the future of the company, of the product itself and also of the developers......
You do realise it's those rumours that are doing the most damage

Oh we are fighting rumors? I thought this was about customers staying informed, but it's really about addressing rumors. That would explain the focus on disproof and the air of presumption, both of which smelled a little funny.
There possible scenarios here:

1: Mike has left and Kier is going through some personal issues preventing him from working on xenForo or interacting with the community.
2: Kier has left and Mike got a job perventing him from working on xenForo or interacting with the community.
3: xenForo has settled and waiting to announce this as soon as everything is sorted out.

Those are my three questions.

You almost hit the nail on the head there.
There possible scenarios here:
3: xenForo has settled and waiting to announce this as soon as everything is sorted out.

It has been suggested by those "rumors" this has some validity.
Therefore, to play the quiet/"read my previous post" game and keep us guessing only makes me think it's just to keep the money coming in.

In my experience, when things turn to all about the money - people tend to disappear....
honestly, if I would have such a lawsuit on my shoulders..... I would not tell anything in public anymore as well.
especially when said company (the one who is suing) is making screenshots of everything which is said here on this forum (even of what members have said!) and use it in courts against you......

even the rumours would not bother me, because the potential financial risks of such a lawsuit is just too high to make any kind of statement and any information on here is read by competitors anyway.....

saying nothing is probably the best way to secure the future of the company, of the product itself and also of the developers......

I like this post a lot.
It has been suggested by those "rumors" this has some validity.
Therefore, to play the quiet/"read my previous post" game and keep us guessing only makes me think it's just to keep the money coming in.

In my experience, when things turn to all about the money - people tend to disappear....

You are missing the nail. :cautious:

(did i do it right?)
This announcement is unfortunate, but I continue to remain optimistic. What I think a lot of us fail to see is what exactly KMA are going through right now. I doubt many of us, if any, can say we had to begin battling a lawsuit from a multimillion dollar company, as a start-up, before our software was even released. Whatever the outcome of the lawsuit is, unless I am legally obligated to do otherwise, I'll be using Xenforo for as long as I can. Xenforo is a testament to what INNOVATIVE and UNIQUE developers can accomplish.

My thoughts and prayers go out to KMA, and everyone else involved in this nonsense. You're all making significant sacrifices to protect not just your livelihood, but this community as well. You all rock!
Brogan posted over on another forum a few weeks ago about "There are things that have happened behind the scenes that even the die hard supporters will not like when it comes out" (words to that effect since i cannot find exactly where this was at the moment). he refused to comment any more because of his allegiance to Mike who is supporting predominantly here.

My question is : Why cant the staff KAM be honest with us and tell us what the truth is behind this? Brogan WAS support here for a long time, and whilst i have the utmost respect for the current Mods having to deal with all the hassle that they do, i have a great respect for Brogan and his contribution, and as far as i can see he has no reason to lie to anyone here since he has no vested interest any more.

Lets just out it and rebuild whats left.... if indeed there is anything....
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