Are you going to ForumCon 2014?

Anyone going to ForumCon 2014?

  • I am.

    Votes: 3 3.1%
  • I'm not.

    Votes: 89 91.8%
  • I might.

    Votes: 5 5.2%

  • Total voters
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Is there anything within reasonable driving distance any convention.

The last halfway decent convention they had around here that I remember was a motorcycle show and not for nothing how does that help me do anything other than find people to ride with?

Brilliant idea...I should probably setup my own convention...AnyCon (or OpenCon)...byoc (bring your own convention), anything goes, 25 to enter 1000+ for booth space, 10000 to get handed a mic and be able to tell the whole convention for 1 minute why I should shut up, you know standard stuff one would hope to do at a convention.

Then I can take my profits from that one convention and fly to some event somewhere that matters or have the funding to setup a local convention that will help me with what I lack instead of having to consider a multi-table poker tournament a convention and dealing with it. As far as the arts, entertainment and events go in this area...if they opened up a museum of dust mothballs and cobwebs it would actually be a + and really capture the state of things around here.

Alright, now on to the next order of nothing.
ForumCon? I'll have to consult my magic 8 ball on this. :p

View attachment 74124

Tickets have been ordered. Not 100% sure if I'll attend, but it is leaning toward this direction. June I have A LOT going on and other obligations already in motion. But I do have a ticket. So it's possible.

If anything, I'll be either a good listener or a very vocal individual (I run an uncensored community after all).
^ This does not look like it's happening. :(

Few things came up and the timing could not have been good. So at the current moment I don't have the expense cost for travel or room. I will likely have the funds after the ForumCon, but that doesn't help for the here and now.

I'll wait a day or two and see if anything changes, but if not, I'll be happy to pass my tickets to anyone who wants them (free of charge).
As far as the arts, entertainment and events go in this area...if they opened up a museum of dust mothballs and cobwebs it would actually be a + and really capture the state of things around here.

Alright, now on to the next order of nothing.

You need to head up here to New England....
Lots of good arts and entertainment even in the small towns. A major art museum in the local town with 25K and arts everywhere (artists fill all the old mill buildings).

I just visited the local Air Museum for the first time (at Bradley) - it's quite complete. They have a large facility and lots of civilian and military aircraft. Next stop is the "Trolley Museum".

I'm not big on museums but now I have a grand we took her to the Air museum.
Of course, the weather can be hard for some.....
I'm not entirely convinced I'm the silly one here... .maybe I need more coffee. You're making no sense to me :)
You need to head up here to New England....
Lots of good arts and entertainment even in the small towns. A major art museum in the local town with 25K and arts everywhere (artists fill all the old mill buildings).

I just visited the local Air Museum for the first time (at Bradley) - it's quite complete. They have a large facility and lots of civilian and military aircraft. Next stop is the "Trolley Museum".

I'm not big on museums but now I have a grand we took her to the Air museum.
Of course, the weather can be hard for some.....

While I am here (both museums you mention are 25 mins from me currently) I am pretty much at the southern tip of NE and I have seen most of what is out here in this particular state at one point or another (Still haven't been to the air museum or the trolley museum though speaking of trains and trolleys) while seeing less of northern NE but still much of it.

This area of the country does have quite a rich past (I myself currently live on the farmington canal) and to exhibit artifact from way before the time in which man started leaving his mark on the rock, we even have the the dinosaur state park which I believe the Ct DEEP maintains (loved this place as a kid, you might consider taking the young ones there) that is built right on top of one of the largest dino track sites in the country.

I guess what I was saying is that this area has plenty of history and culture available in various areas of the six states which from an education or family standpoint is great but events and the nightlife, this place feels pretty much dead. As a young guy in CT, we had 'the meadows', 'the webster' and 'Toads place' and that is basically the end of entertainment around these parts if you don't include the fact that WWE is headquartered here and they host up at the XL center in Hartford and sometimes you see an event at one of the casinos here (I think MGM is building one near you now actually?). But there is not that much 'new' in this state.

And as far as anything technological that applies to what kind of conference could help me, there is nothing out here. PHP conference? I know exactly one other person within a radius of 10 miles who knows what php is beyond what I have taught them as an excerpt of what I taught myself with some solid help here and there which got me over some humps.

Because of the fact that I didn't go to school for programming (or anything) I did not really cross paths with any locals who would go on to become programmers and because there are no conventions or loose gatherings and because of the aspect of social networking gained in a school environment which I was not exposed to there are no people out here I can run into somewhere and say 'hey, you do X ... I do Y ... We should do XYZ' and to me that is what a convention is about, meeting up with people who do the same ish as you and taking it from there.

To live in my state and go to any computing/web based conventions, it automatically becomes a multithousand dollar trip instead of a 100 or 200 dollar weekend / day trip. For 100 bucks total cost I would probably see for myself what forumcon was about, but from here it is like a 2-4 thousand dollar trip and that I just can not justify or even come close to.
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I think forumcon could attract some international attention if they had something like one of the British pastimes. Which would be queuing. I always thought you lived in Wyoming or Nebraska, EQ.
While I am here (both museums you mention are 25 mins from me currently) I am pretty much at the southern tip of NE and I have seen most of what is out here in this particular state at one point or another (Still haven't been to the air museum or the trolley museum though speaking or trains and trolleys) while seeing less of northern NE but still much of it.

And as far as anything technological that applies to what kind of conference could help me, there is nothing out here. PHP conference?

For 100 bucks total cost I would probably see for myself what forumcon was about, but from here it is like a 2-4 thousand dollar trip and that I just can not justify or even come close to.

Ahh, we have quite a community of techies starting here in the Pioneer Valley - lots of incubators, meetup groups, conferences, etc. - and, of course, Boston is 90 minutes away so lots of people go there for bigger things. On the other hand, we get Bostonians and even folks from Vermont and NH traveling down here for various meetings.

We have podcamp 10 minutes away and there are always meetings on Drupal, Wordpress and other similar types of stuff. Not to say it's like the Bay Area....but compared to most places I have been, it's high tech and civilized....

We have lots of stuff that is offshoots of the 10 or so local colleges - classes for entrepreneurs, TED-type of presentations, mentoring, etc.

Of course, I get my kicks online mostly. I did attend and present at Podcamp and am also going to give a presentation at "nerd nite" next month.

I'm not a programmer, but many of the other mentors that I meet at the "Valley Ventures Mentor" group are - I'm sure they have lots of local support.
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