Are you a Mac or a PC?

What are you?

  • I'm a Mac

    Votes: 36 27.9%
  • I'm a PC

    Votes: 64 49.6%
  • I'm both

    Votes: 29 22.5%

  • Total voters
So for bout 450 more you get a clean design, great experience, access to a lot of free and affordable software.

And for 450 less you get not that, but you get to pay a lot for all the software. And after a year you're renewing your antivirus *again* and probably replacing hardware with better or bigger alternatives. While the mac will just run on year 5 as if it was day 2 after purchase.

In 5 years, let me know how it went And we will see what's (still?) cheaper.

I am glad I switched, and I am glad my family members switched - and they tell me they're glad they've switched too.

:rolleyes: Apple products usually do not last 5 years in my experience, then again I tend to tax all of my computers.

The system I posted would easily last 5 years, and the only major difference would be in the Operating System. Hardware is basically all the same or within a similar range.

I use a free software, which is currently one of the top 5's. Then again, the whole myth that Apple products -don't- have viruses is because they're a lower % of the market, and therefore not as targetted.

And at least I'd -have- the ability to replace hardware, though thats left as my choice, and not forced on me :).

Regular maintenance on an older computer: Made it last 7 years, reason it failed was the hard drive, which at the time was well past the average lifespan for the drive.

Mac products are great for what they do, however charging that much extra when the only major difference is the Operating System is a bit ridiculous :).
/me writes this with his powerbook he got in november 2005.

Unless it breaks in october, i then say ' HA '

/me writes this with his powerbook he got in november 2005.

Unless it breaks in october, i then say ' HA '

/me writes this on a computer I built back in High School and have only replaced one piece of hardware, and that was because I didn't clean dust out of it for nearly 5 years :p.
I'm not even going to discuss or defend the use of Apple or Mac anymore (not in direct reply to others anyway). In my experience the haters are the ones that have never used them, or at least not for a long enough period to form a well considered opinion. It's always the same bla bla about how they are too expensive (how can anyone know if something is too expensive if they didn't even use it? That's like calling a very nice house too expensive when you only have seen some outside pictures of it). Or it's about the hardware that can't be replaced (in fact it can, and it's sometimes easier than with PC). I've used PC for almost ten years and Mac for almost two. I deal with computers on a professional level, I know them inside out. I'll say it very clearly: Macs are better than PC's in almost every possible way, even the price. How is that you ask? Because they keep their value better and you will get more money back when you sell them. The money you 'save' on a PC will be lost completely (this is something I can back up from my profession).
I frequently use both, but prefer PCs. As for Mac's being superior in design, I say nonsense. You can easily get a comparable PC system, or build your own. Do I think Macs are overpriced? Slightly, but I feel that's true for a lot of Apple's products. You can't really fault Apple though, as people are willing to fork over the money. That said, I actually own a few too, heh. I'm not a fan of OSX, and probably never will be, so I recently installed a Linux distro on my Macbook.
I built my own PC as well a few years ago and it still runs like its new, but unlike "Forsaken" I do clean my PC fans (every 3-6months)... :)
So for bout 450 more you get a clean design, great experience, access to a lot of free and affordable software.
And for 450 less you get not that, but you get to pay a lot for all the software. And after a year you're renewing your antivirus *again* and probably replacing hardware with better or bigger alternatives. While the mac will just run on year 5 as if it was day 2 after purchase.

In 5 years, let me know how it went :) And we will see what's (still?) cheaper.

I am glad I switched, and I am glad my family members switched - and they tell me they're glad they've switched too.

I built my first computer when I was 15. Guess what - it's still running 24/7 like the day I built it and I'm now 22. I've only upgraded the hard drive in that time period. Since then, only one case fan died. I've never used an anti-virus. Windows has a lot of free and affordable software. Linux? FreeBSD?

Please explain to me how the same hardware in a Mac (a PC) will outlive the hardware in a "PC" running Windows or Linux.
Mac all the way! I'm not a fanboy, but I've been using their products all my life and have little experience with Windows.
I'm a PC running on forever free and dependable Linux software.
I do have one Windows station for Photoshop, though. My other 4 development servers run on Linux.
Wintel but we're switching to Apple next year, already blew the hardware budget this year :(

The major point for us was the ability to upgrade PCs ... nice one on the manufacturers changing the mobos every year or so (bloody expensive item here), ergo haven't been upgrading, ergo might as well simply go with Apple and replace the rigs every three to five years :) Please note this doesn't mean I'll be charging around with an ipad, iphone, or a any of the rest of that stuff.

Floren isn't the latest Apple OS based off a linux distrib?
Floren isn't the latest Apple OS based off a linux distrib?

Darwin, basically OS X's core, is a flavor of Unix that closely resembles BSD (well, it practically is a BSD variant) on top of the Mach 3 micro kernel. However, its not Unix as a lot of people know it, due to things like the filesystem structure and other mac-specific components.
Actually, that's not really true either. It's Unix-like. Minix had no proprietary UNIX code in it, and Linux was heavily inspired by Minix. While Linux is very similar to UNIX, I definitely wouldn't say it developed from it.

Yes ... don't let the NIX bit confuses you :D
Technically both are alike but they aren't the same (UNIX is a commercial program and is not open source)

To Lawrence : I have a copy for the rare Commodre-Unix OS for Amiga :D
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