Are you looking for an old school forum or a socialmedia/forum?


Well-known member
Quick poll to see if you want an old school (post/reply) forum or if you want a complete system like facebook/twitter out of xenforo.
I dont want either of the options in this poll. I want the opposite of an old school forum and social media is just a tiny part of whats needed. I dont care about social media like FB or twitter. How many people want to share to twitter about their financial affairs, sexual health, addictions, gambling, porn or anything else that needs discretion? Many sites focus on such topics.

I think this poll is skewed, because it doesn't let you chose between logical options. Most people seem to be looking for a lot of other things than twitter and facebook integrations.
Yes, you're right. Porn sites and the like definitely dont need people uploading pics of themselves and tagging thier friends. lol Forgot about that segment of the forum world. my bad. However, option 1 of the poll fits that perfectly.
Option one is nothing more than a old school forum and therefore excludes gallery, files, links, cms, blog, wiki, chat, media, and all the other things that a very large % of members here are interested in.
That includes me.

Of the things listed I want

Basic xenForo software and CMS. I expect the other items I want to have to hire out to be done.

I would want the CMS to be an add on item and not get in the way of current development. I would would it to be purely an add on to not trouble those not interested in having it.
Option one is nothing more than a old school forum and therefore excludes gallery, files, links, cms, blog, wiki, chat, media, and all the other things that a very large % of members here are interested in.

I dont want any of that stuff...I want a forum :)

Seriously, social networking and forums are not the same guys.

Social Networking: Communicating with friends and other people
Forums: Discussing specific topics.

Put the two together, and you get a Facebook Page.
Yes, it seems that most people either want a powerful forum or they want a wide array of applications.
This poll should have 4 options.
- old school forum
- forum with facebook & twitter
- forum with addons(gallery, CMS, Blog, groups, etc), including facebook & twitter
- forum with addons(gallery, CMS, Blog, groups, etc), excluding facebook & twitter
I really like the forum functions out here. It does not have all the toys but is one of the most pleasant posting experiences I have ever had.

Lets change that. This is the most pleasant posting I have ever seen. Things seem more intuitive and it flows so easily.

I can easily see why someone just wanting a forum and nothing but a forum would still love this.
I want "just a forum" with the ability to add mods that suit the needs/wants of the members of that forum. If I run 5 forum sites, they're not all going to need/want a gallery; not all will require multi-media, and so on. I like to customize my sites according to the people who visit them, starting with a solid core (i.e., just a forum) and expanding out from there.

This saves my site from having useless stuff floating around on the server, even if it's disabled; and it saves the forum devs from having to bloat the software with every little new thing that comes along.
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