Are forum communities obsolete?

My opinion is that eventually small communities and other web pages will vanished. Internet is globalizing, big players dominate market, and forum only will not survive for more than 2 years or so, without having high social component or other modern applications collaboration.

have to agree with this one. nothing lasts forever. the web is extremely dynamic and changes so fast. I see large communities like becoming ... dare I say it... extinct? I think I went out on a limb on that one. but I do see a need for a service to allow people to create instant communities. remember geocities anyone? would love to see another geocities type site.
take this thread for example you won't or seldom get thorough indepth discussions on twitter, facebook, googleplus etc like you get as standard on forum where the community come together and post their thoughts that don't consist of minimal words.


Agree with all you are saying, I do however observe quite a few people having very "forum" or "how do I do this..." convo's on Twitter :p

Sometimes I scratch my head at the convo's going on and wonder why they are not happening on Person A's forum, or Person B or indeed Software X's forum. I see some *cough* not Kier *cough* Main developer for a Forum software product spending more time and energy on all other forms of Social networking (expecially Twitter) than they ever do or did on their own forums.

I guess it's inevitable that people will spend more time on one medium or another and there will be that spill over of Pithy one liner on a forum, or conversely indepth "how to" convo on Twitter.

Forums are in danger there is no doubt about it, saddens me as I love forums.
Agree with all you are saying, I do however observe quite a few people having very "forum" or "how do I do this..." convo's on Twitter :p

Sometimes I scratch my head at the convo's going on and wonder why they are not happening on Person A's forum, or Person B or indeed Software X's forum. I see some *cough* not Kier *cough* Main developer for a Forum software product spending more time and energy on all other forms of Social networking (expecially Twitter) than they ever do or did on their own forums.

I guess it's inevitable that people will spend more time on one medium or another and there will be that spill over of Pithy one liner on a forum, or conversely indepth "how to" convo on Twitter.

Forums are in danger there is no doubt about it, saddens me as I love forums.
You have some valid points, here, regarding the conversations on social networking sites. I'm thinking this could be due to a couple reasons: 1.) It's easier to send a quick message than it is to create a thread with a title. 2.) It's faster to get a response. With SN, you direct a question, comment, etc. directly to a person. Not only is that person notified, but other people can participate, as well. What if, creating a thread gave you an option to address one or more users (like PC's only public)? They receive a notification and then check it out, as opposed to looking at a long list of What's New and picking only threads of interest.
You have some valid points, here, regarding the conversations on social networking sites. I'm thinking this could be due to a couple reasons: 1.) It's easier to send a quick message than it is to create a thread with a title. 2.) It's faster to get a response. With SN, you direct a question, comment, etc. directly to a person. Not only is that person notified, but other people can participate, as well. What if, creating a thread gave you an option to address one or more users (like PC's only public)? They receive a notification and then check it out, as opposed to looking at a long list of What's New and picking only threads of interest.

Interesting thoughts for sure. That feature could be quite useful, I can see it being annoying though as well, if people constantly notified say Mike or Kier for example every time they started a new thread, it would get tedious for those guys.
Interesting thoughts for sure. That feature could be quite useful, I can see it being annoying though as well, if people constantly notified say Mike or Kier for example every time they started a new thread, it would get tedious for those guys.
Yes, like many other features already in XenForo...things can get annoying when abused or overly used. But is that any different from all the PC's they likely receive?
Yes, like many other features already in XenForo...things can get annoying when abused or overly used. But is that any different from all the PC's they likely receive?

haha probably not, I really don't envy those two their in boxes :p

I dunno what the answer is tbh, I still think Forums are the playground of choice for the more intelligent and more indepth conversations or discussions or debates. But clearly the more instant forms of communication have their appeal to a certain (very large) percentage of the online populous.

These are testing times for forum owners, and I think a lot of the problem has to do with how forums were run in the past, I have seen so many little dictators running their virtual banana republics with an iron fist.. no wonder people say screw it and take to the Facebook hills tbh.
haha probably not, I really don't envy those two their in boxes :p

I dunno what the answer is tbh, I still think Forums are the playground of choice for the more intelligent and more indepth conversations or discussions or debates. But clearly the more instant forms of communication have their appeal to a certain (very large) percentage of the online populous.

These are testing times for forum owners, and I think a lot of the problem has to do with how forums were run in the past, I have seen so many little dictators running their virtual banana republic's with an iron fist.. no wonder people say screw it and take to the Facebook hills tbh.
Yeap, forums run by dictators likely won't last long, just like forums with tons of annoying popups and ads. Users will tolerate ads if they aren't too obstructive.

The type of forum is another thing. Mine is mostly a question and answer type of forum. These types of questions involve a lot of troubleshooting and posting of code. You just can't do that with SN...or at least, not very easily.
Yeap, forums run by dictators likely won't last long, just like forums with tons of annoying popups and ads. Users will tolerate ads if they aren't too obstructive.

The type of forum is another thing. Mine is mostly a question and answer type of forum. These types of questions involve a lot of troubleshooting and posting of code. You just can't do that with SN...or at least, not very easily.

Very true, I think nothing can beat a good forum for any kind of Technical information on any subject... but I think the days of our members spending all day on forums are probably numbered with so many distractions, it's very easy to get communication overload these days.
I don't. Because posts like, "+1", "I agree", "right on", "+++++++++1", etc., add absolutely no value to the discussion. If people have nothing of value to add, they won't post. The "Like" feature allows them to show approval without looking like a troll.
i use some forums starting with "what's new?" panel on top of the forum where I can see recent active topics.
not pushing any buttons - just a panel with recent messages.
i am extremely pressed for time these years and if i see no changes in that recent topics panel i just leave for another forum.
with many "likers" i risk never see anything new in the forum and therefore I do not add any content to the forum too.
so, in theory it leads to the drop in the forum activity.
i use some forums starting with "what's new?" panel on top of the forum where I can see recent active topics.
not pushing any buttons - just a panel with recent messages.
i am extremely pressed for time these years and if i see no changes in that recent topics panel i just leave for another forum.
with many "likers" i risk never see anything new in the forum and therefore I do not add any content to the forum too.
so, in theory it leads to the drop in the forum activity.
Check the "Recent Activity" link in the "Members" tab at the top. It shows "Likes" as well.
Yeah... but.... I realised I was spending too much time on farmville, realised I had a problem and closed my account. :cry:

haha.. argh, you know the most annoying thing about the hugely annoying phenomenon of FB.. those FRUCKING game notifications from one's idiot friends and relatives... do I really give a flying freckle about Uncle Bob needing more bullets to go on a virtual Mafios massacre.. >_< ARGHGHGGH

One of the reasons I got rid of my original FB account... that and all the virtual hugs, or teddy bears, or Be my VERY BESTEST FRIEND requests or other shyte that requires you to download spyware onto your computer to send one back...
haha.. argh, you know the most annoying thing about the hugely annoying phenomenon of FB.. those FRUCKING game notifications from one's idiot friends and relatives... do I really give a flying freckle about Uncle Bob needing more bullets to go on a virtual Mafios massacre.. >_< ARGHGHGGH

One of the reasons I got rid of my original FB account... that and all the virtual hugs, or teddy bears, or Be my VERY BESTEST FRIEND requests or other shyte that requires you to download spyware onto your computer to send one back...
I blocked all the game requests. I don't get any now...that, and I think most people on my friends list are bored with the games part of facebook and use it strictly for keeping in it was intended.
haha.. argh, you know the most annoying thing about the hugely annoying phenomenon of FB.. those FRUCKING game notifications from one's idiot friends and relatives... do I really give a flying freckle about Uncle Bob needing more bullets to go on a virtual Mafios massacre.. >_< ARGHGHGGH

One of the reasons I got rid of my original FB account... that and all the virtual hugs, or teddy bears, or Be my VERY BESTEST FRIEND requests or other shyte that requires you to download spyware onto your computer to send one back...
You can disable them you know. When you get the notice in your stream go over to the right of the notice and an "X" will show while hovering; click the X and you can then select from the drop-down to ignore any future notices from that application.

It is annoying that you need to do it per application but after a bit your FB stream will get a lot less cluttered.
FB is now a huge trash dump.

Google is now trying to launch their new social network and +1 is a first signal (they spent years on that).
If they will not repeat the mistake with youtube googlers have a chance to make a neat social network with grouped content and communiction.
Still Youtube remains the video trash dump while Vimeo offers a structured and neat content.

What is the place for the forums here? I guess their chance is in the integration.
Integration forum-to-forumdom, then forumdom-to-social chats. This will keep content safe, decrease the competition and form the new web5.0 reality, where some provide communication channels, some provide content according to there group, some provide commercial tools.
as to follow the idea mentioned by somebody - found the site exactly describing the processes in the web.
The company site with no "products" or "services" pages. Just a contact page saying - whatever you want to nknow about waht we do - go to the facebook :D
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