Any sort of roadmap for Xenforo 2.3 ?

But sometimes you you simply have to when you realize that your "core" is on its death throes. I mean really.. over 2 years since a x.Y.z update? We are getting into freeware/shareware release cycles now.
If it truly is then I'll consider my options, but despite the bad situation, XF is still very much alive right now: my XF Cloud hosted forum is working very well and I'm still getting good ticket support.

As I said in that closed thread, I still have my dormant Invision license should I need it, but I'd really rather not have to use it, if possible.
I still have my dormant Invision license should I need it, but I'd really not have to use it, if possible.
And I've got both an IPS license and Woltlab... and giving SERIOUS consideration to renewing one or the other instead of XF for another domain running SMF... even though that at least one of those will cost me more..... after over a decade of being a strong XF proponent and license holder.. what should that indicate to you?
Maybe that I'm getting tired of the BS and the lack of communication to license holders?
If upgrading some other site that's not running XF, I can see why you'd consider another product. There's no right or wrong here, just how you feel about the situation.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not defending XF's behaviour at all. It's frankly insulting and wrong on so many levels.

If you end up using another product, that's entirely on their heads, not yours, or any other customer.
If you end up using another product, that's entirely on their heads, not yours, or any other customer.
Exactly... and I can promise you that I'm not the only one in that "shoe".... there are others that are not NEAR the proponent for XF that I am (and have been) that have NO issues with kicking XenForo to the curb for their lack of responsiveness and advancement, even for an existing site... the main thing that keeps me from IPS is the death of the future of self-hosting with them. I'm not a fan of SaaS solutions.
TP, You know, when I began my forum project in March 2021 and started comparing forum software*, if I'd known XF would end up like this, would I have just used the Invision license I already had? I honestly don't know as there's various compromises to be made on both sides.

As I said, the market for forum sofware is just so tiny which makes the XF issue a problem. Just imagine how it would be if the choices for cars were this small. That forums in general aren't doing that great compounds the issue too. :confused:

*Invision, XF and vB were the main contenders, but I did look at others too like WoltLab and the free ones. If you want to scoff at me looking at vB, note that I knew precisely nothing about building web sites and only some about forum software when I started out. What really put me off vB were some support horror stories I came across in my research and my experience with a minor template edit completely borking the software when I tried out the demo. Couldn't get it working again without their support rep working some magic on the back end and not being very sure themselves, which wasn't acceptable. One wrong move and it's stuffed? Really? Whether it's still like this, I have no idea. I did like the control panel, though, which was quite fine grained and gave me a real "power user" feeling.
For paid.. the only "current valid" solutions that are moving forward are WoltLab and IPS... sadly Xenforo is sucking hind teat.
That's one of the reasons the Indians are putting on the war bonnets and the fires are being lit.
Out of curiosity, if you are gung ho on not moving forward with XF, why not evaluate an open source (free) solution such as Discourse/
Out of curiosity, if you are gung ho on not moving forward with XF, why not evaluate an open source (free) solution such as Discourse/
Because of features I need for the site. Discourse lacks them. IPS has Pages that I can somewhat emulate what I have with XF and a certain developers add-ons... WoltLab probably has some "similar" add-ons that can be tweaked.
Those "free" solutions frequently suck even a further back teat than some paid ones when it comes to add-ons.. even paid.
I'm afraid many are going to go this way also or to other solutions (competitive scripts)... we are currently treated like mushrooms.. and many of us spend several hundred dollars a year to support the XF ecosystem.
And yet, we are treated like 1 ply toilet paper that was purchased at CostCo in bulk at a fire-side sale. Do my comments "torque" the XF developers and staff? Probably (and no, I don't care if they do, maybe it will be a wakeup call with all the other negative comments towards them).. but then you have to wonder why a decade plus license holder (and strong proponent of XF) has developed that attitude. THAT should be a major concern of theirs.
All they need to do is simply point their finger out while looking in a mirror... and they will be directly pointing at the ones that are the cause.
The ONLY reason I am currently am staying with XF is NOT what the @XenForo developers deign to grant us... but basically 2 quality add-on developers and a fantastic styler.
That’s why I decided to go with Xen and not use Invision. Xen has a great amount of 3rd party add ons.
Rude responses like this will end up getting these threads locked.
Speak for yourself.

Honestly, I don't want to come across as a hater towards xf. I'm not. I would and still do reccomend XF against other solutions however I'd be more inclined to say hold off for now.

How long do you hold off for? This discussion has been ongoing for a while and there's been radio silence. I just want to know things are moving and the future is still there with xf. It's uncomfortable being uncertain. That much is evidenced by 29 pages.
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Can we please get an update from one of the developers on here?
There seems to be a refusal of even giving us anything which causes people in here to turn on others.

I can see the frustrations piling up here.
Do you have multiple personalities, or is it attention seeking when, within 24 hours, you've posted both for and against this very thing.
Can the personal attacks stop before yet another thread is ruined.

Perhaps a little understanding and tolerance would be good for a change.
It's quite probable that there are underlying issues none of us are aware of.

There's always the option of just ignoring the posts, or even putting the member on ignore.
Can the personal attacks stop before yet another thread is ruined.

Perhaps a little understanding and tolerance would be good for a change.
It's quite possible that there are underlying issues none of us are aware of.

There's always the option of just ignoring the posts, or even putting the member on ignore.
is it possible for you to have a meeting with the whole XF team and bring it to the team’s attention that we would like an official statement? I think that’s the least you all can do to keep us calm and gain trust.
Can the personal attacks stop before yet another thread is ruined.

Perhaps a little understanding and tolerance would be good for a change.
It's quite possible that there are underlying issues none of us are aware of.

There's always the option of just ignoring the posts, or even putting the member on ignore.
I’m not sure if you’re referring to my reply but can’t you agree that’s it’s a little odd that someone asks for updates, then, when someone else does the same, the person asking the same gets attacked by the person that asked it in the first place?

Plus, this person we are are referring to seems to shame and talk trash about YOUR customers on her board. What do you expect your customers to do? Just leave it? No, just like in real life we would all eventually say something about it. However, I agree that using the ignore button might be in all of our best interest.
Can the personal attacks stop before yet another thread is ruined.

Perhaps a little understanding and tolerance would be good for a change.
It's quite probable that there are underlying issues none of us are aware of.

There's always the option of just ignoring the posts, or even putting the member on ignore.
+1 to that.

I'm gonna stick my neck out here and let everybody know that @aussiefooty is a member on my forum and is just fine, so perhaps cut them some slack. I can also see the inconsistencies in what they say here, but that's no excuse for a pile-on.
Yeah, Ngl - the individual in question has some of our names cited on a separate board, trash talking and claiming things out of context. As a moderator, there’s probably a lot that can be done at this point rather than letting this certain individual be the reason to close threads.
I’ve just converted one of my smaller XF sites to Wordpress. The forum wasn’t used much anyway, and I was mainly using it with Bob’s AMS and some custom code.

If I do decide to add on a forum in the future, I’ll just use BBpress.

I’m seriously considering in doing something similar with my main site too. It’s not that I’m desperate for new XF features but I do need to be assured that the product has a future, which currently is uncertain
bbPress has been on the 2.x branch for 14 years, hasn't had a point release since 2019 and not even a bug release since 2021. The bbPress pace is a snails pace compared to compared to XF. There are more active projects to consider in the WordPress world.
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Plus, this person we are are referring to seems to shame and talk trash about YOUR customers on her board. What do you expect your customers to do? Just leave it? No, just like in real life we would all eventually say something about it. However, I agree that using the ignore button might be in all of our best interest.
Easiest thing.. simply kick the XenForo support site to the curb for a week or two (or more) and start letting those XenForo developers and support staff carry more of the load of supporting their license holders. Seems that is about the ONLY thing we are getting for our license fees, providing support to make 'em work for that money, and not give them free support staff! :eek:
It's what I'm doing... ciao!
I'll probably be back in a week... depends on if I decide to go with IPS or WoltLab on my other domain.. may be busy working with it.
If I decide to go ahead with XenForo.. I'll simply log back in only long enough to make the renewal purchase, and maybe even the XFES add-on for it.
See y'all in August or September.
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It all boils down to "how much you are dependent on Xenforo for your revenue". By the way i think everyone with big enough pockets is considering migrating but you need to assure feature parity with your XF board before, for example Discourse is good but not enough.

I don't believe that is the reality. I move big forums to Xenforo all the time. The number of migrations I've done away from Xenforo for forums of any size is almost non-existent. For all the complaining about the update schedule (or lack of it), I see a small but vocal minority compared to the overall number of people posting here daily. By and large, people using XF like Xenforo and aren't moving away.

Now, that's not to say I'm happy about the pace. I'm not. But I'm also not unhappy with the product overall, and it's not nearly at the point to for me to make a business decision for my own big boards.
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