Any sort of roadmap for Xenforo 2.3 ?

I don't believe that is the reality

I misspoke, I didn't mean to say that this is currently what people are doing, but will probably do so in the very distant future. There is actually no pressure to do so.

Now, that's not to say I'm happy about the pace. I'm not. But I'm also not unhappy with the product overall, and it's not nearly at the point to for me to make a business decision for my own big boards.

And that is my own situation.
I misspoke, I didn't mean to say that this is currently what people are doing, but will probably do so in the very distant future. There is actually no pressure to do so.

And that is my own situation.

I agree with this rephrase. No matter the current situation with whoever provides the software for a site, it's always wise to keep an eye on the market, and being prepared to make a decision without stalling if it's needed.
FYI, the next major XenForo version will be 3.0, not 2.3.

Anticipation Popcorn GIF
I'm sure we will. With some style redesign, dark mode... I wish for some more official add-ons.
I'd like to have the same add-on installer as WordPress has. Just a catalog within XF Software where you can easily install it without needing to download it from the XF Forum Community, upload it on the forum... delete the add-on file from your Mac... and so on.
Perhaps a little understanding and tolerance would be good for a change.
It's quite probable that there are underlying issues none of us are aware of.

I suggested this many posts ago and was ignored. It is painfully clear the poster in question has issues and arguing and belittling just show what kind of people are posting here.
I suggested this many posts ago and was ignored. It is painfully clear the poster in question has issues and arguing and belittling just show what kind of people are posting here.
I understand we should all just ignore it, but it is quite difficult if the person in question just keeps randomly attacking others. Imagine you're new on the forum, and see that kind of behavior, that's not very inviting, nor is it in the opposite way.

I agree we should all just use the ignore button, but it's quite hard to ignore if the person in question just creates that amount of frustration with many other users.. and even goes on on their own forum talking trash about others and sharing misinformation.
I don't understand why people are saying they'd jump ship. .13 was just released and 2.3 is coming.

If I was to switch to a different platform it would cost me THOUSANDS of dollars, HUNDREDS of hours, and my users would hate me. (Probably)

It's something I'd only consider if XF for some reason is EOL and the current version of my site is no longer stable or unsafe.

Take a deep breath everyone. I understand starting a new forum with something else to try it out but converting your main forum makes no sense whatsoever. Especially as they are definitely supporting the current version with bug fixes etc.
I don't understand why people are saying they'd jump ship. .13 was just released and 2.3 is coming.

If I was to switch to a different platform it would cost me THOUSANDS of dollars, HUNDREDS of hours, and my users would hate me. (Probably)

It's something I'd only consider if XF for some reason is EOL and the current version of my site is no longer stable or unsafe.

Take a deep breath everyone. I understand starting a new forum with something else to try it out but converting your main forum makes no sense whatsoever. Especially as they are definitely supporting the current version with bug fixes etc.
I think for some it’s more of a principal thing.
I understand we should all just ignore it, but it is quite difficult if the person in question just keeps randomly attacking others. Imagine you're new on the forum, and see that kind of behavior, that's not very inviting, nor is it in the opposite way.

I agree we should all just use the ignore button, but it's quite hard to ignore if the person in question just creates that amount of frustration with many other users.. and even goes on on their own forum talking trash about others and sharing misinformation.
I know what you are saying but sometimes people quite literally cannot help it.

I have a sister with severe autism and I would hate to think she is treat this way on the internet.
I’m going to keep this brief for now but underline that work on 2.3 continues and we will work towards a more extensive communication update soon.

We hear you and we are listening but I am imploring that you listen to us very carefully when we say that there are no conclusions to be drawn other than we are working hard to bring you XF 2.3 as soon as possible and we are simply taking our time to get things just right.

There are some good things coming in 2.3 and to an extent some amount of work has already been completed towards future versions.

I feel like some of these have been addressed before but I think it’s reasonable to address some of the specific theories from this or the other thread:

* We have no plans to redirect focus to become a Cloud only product. Our product is XenForo, the software, and that is a prerequisite regardless of how it is delivered

* Work continues on XF with the same uncompromising quality as ever

* The business is doing well, with year on year sales increasing

I hope we can bring you a more significant update soon but in the meantime I’d just like to reiterate that work continues, and @Kier, @NixFifty, @Jeremy P and I are excited to show you what we’ve been working on.
Jesus this is vbulletin 3 all over again.

Those that know won't tell.
Does that matter though?
vBulletin was always great.
Xenforo is now better than vBulletin.
Ever since vBulletin brought out connect 5
you happen to see more frequent updates, way more features, etc.

As for the staff here only they know what's going on.
it's also up to them if they want to update us.
edit: yay an update!
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