[Andrew] Moderator Panel

[Andrew] Moderator Panel 2.0.8

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Excellent add-on!!! (y)(y)(y) A question please because I don't yet have my xenforo forum but it is imminent. I would like to know if this extension can be instantly translated into French (with my full French forum translation file "XF 2.2 FRENCH translation 2.2.0"). Or we need a specific translation file for this add-on? Thank you in advance.

There are phrases in this addon that you would have to translate yourself. That is going to be standard with just about any addon you use.
Excellent add-on!!! (y)(y)(y) A question please because I don't yet have my xenforo forum but it is imminent. I would like to know if this extension can be instantly translated into French (with my full French forum translation file "XF 2.2 FRENCH translation 2.2.0"). Or we need a specific translation file for this add-on? Thank you in advance.
You need to make the translation yourself. Your "XF 2.2 FRENCH translation 2.2.0" is only for XenForo ;)
Ah ok, thank you Ozzy47 and SyTry for the answer. :) I will do translation, it's not insurmountable.
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While translating, I came along this very small glitch (this prevents the correct translated phrase to be shown):

Template: andrew_moderatorpanel_mostwarnedusers_view
<th class="dataList-cell">{{ phrase('Warnings') }}</th>

Should be lower case ;)
Good catch. Just fixed on my local and will include in the next release.
You may want to add this to the addon.json file for the addon so people can't install it on any versions prior to 2.2.0 Beta 1
    "require": {
        "XF": [
            "XenForo 2.2.0 Beta 1+"
Here is what is in this version of my add-on (I didn't have this in previous releases). Will this cover the beta as well?

    "require": {
        "XF": [
            "XenForo 2.2.0+"
Thank you Andrew, in fact I translated all the phrases from the "phrases" file in the "data" folder (# c-data-section = ....). I don't know if that will be enough.
No, it contains some template syntax that is not a part of version 2.1. The add-on will not let you install if running less than version 2.2.

Well, in fact, it's supposed to be compatible. So if there were, it could have been fine. Because XF 2.1 is not aged at all and it may not be everyone's idea to upgrade from XF 2.1 to XF 2.2 these days. I really wish you could see this from my point of view. Anyway, I can say that it's great—excellent add-on to use.
get this message when I want to install it

The following errors must be fixed before you can continue
[Andrew] Moderator Panel requires XenForo 2.2.0+.
Well, in fact, it's supposed to be compatible. So if there were, it could have been fine. Because XF 2.1 is not aged at all and it may not be everyone's idea to upgrade from XF 2.1 to XF 2.2 these days. I really wish you could see this from my point of view. Anyway, I can say that it's great—excellent add-on to use.
I generally agree with it and I did run previous versions of this add-on on XF 2.1. To support 2.1 I would need to remove the "banner" tag and support the "user file" with my own CSS.
@AndrewSimm Yeah I've been through the whole list now and seems like it's possible to use 1.2.2, doesn't it?
It would be version 1.0.4, which was never publicly released and doesn't contain many of the features or bug fixes in the current build. I created 1.04 in January of last year and ran it exclusively on my site. I had plan to make this a paid add-on but changed my mind, which is why this add-on was released so late after I created the original.
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Have a suggestion.
In Moderator log it would be nice if the action is a link who brings me there.

On the other side the link to the profile of the Moderator isn't really needed.
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