[Andrew] Moderator Panel

[Andrew] Moderator Panel 1.9.7

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Any way to move the user notes from the user file to also show on the profile?
It would require some additional coding but I am trying to stay away from duplicating what appears on the profile and user file. With all the information display on both, I think it would be too much to mix.
Got another suggestion!

How about implementing the (Mass) alert & message feature in the moderator panel?
So you can sent out alerts and messages right away from the Mod Panel (with the correct permissions of course).

Right now I need to use this custom addon that gives the user access to the AdminCP and can only visit the url that redirects you to the mass alert & message feature.

It’d be great if this could be done in one place, so a higher rank moderator can sent out alerts or messages if needed, instead that they need special permissions to access the AdminCP, and use a specific link to access that part.

What do you think about this @AndrewSimm ?
Got another suggestion!

How about implementing the (Mass) alert & message feature in the moderator panel?
So you can sent out alerts and messages right away from the Mod Panel (with the correct permissions of course).

Right now I need to use this custom addon that gives the user access to the AdminCP and can only visit the url that redirects you to the mass alert & message feature.

It’d be great if this could be done in one place, so a higher rank moderator can sent out alerts or messages if needed, instead that they need special permissions to access the AdminCP, and use a specific link to access that part.

What do you think about this @AndrewSimm ?
My focus is going to be on features used to moderate and manage users. After I complete those features then I will make the decision on whether to expand to other options in the admin panel.
AndrewSimm updated [Andrew] Moderator Panel with a new update entry:

Version 1.3.1

FIXED: Deleting user notes now redirects back to the user notes tab
ADDED: Pagination on most warned users
ADDED: Pagination on most reported users
ADDED: Pagination on most ignored users
ADDED: Avatar and member info hover card on most warned users list
ADDED: Avatar and member info hover card on most reported users list
ADDED: Avatar and member info hover card on most ignored users list

Read the rest of this update entry...
Minor update that I wanted to push out before moving my dev environment to my new computer. The next update will more code cleanup and a few minor updates.
While translating, I came along this very small glitch (this prevents the correct translated phrase to be shown):

Template: andrew_moderatorpanel_mostwarnedusers_view
<th class="dataList-cell">{{ phrase('Warnings') }}</th>

Should be lower case ;)
Excellent add-on!!! (y)(y)(y) A question please because I don't yet have my xenforo forum but it is imminent. I would like to know if this extension can be instantly translated into French (with my full French forum translation file "XF 2.2 FRENCH translation 2.2.0"). Or we need a specific translation file for this add-on? Thank you in advance.
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