Add-on Alpha and Beta Testers for CKEditor

How is this actually going? I'm quite interested in this, and may possibly use it. :)
Anyone want to beta test ? :)

i detest tinymce.
I'm also prefer CkEDITOR.
The editor used is probably the thing about XenForo I like the least.
Well... CKEditor
...3.2 uses CKEditor and is lighting fast.

but the core system of the ckeditor is awesome
Is there a way of changing the editor?
I want to see an editor that preserves user-inserted spaces so that I can convert my poetry forum to this software.
This is a tweaks request, but very important tweeks.
The editor has been one of the biggest complaints since my move to XF last year,
Post what the current bugs were. I saw 'can't use smilies, upload attachments or use the post reply and create threads button.'
Just remembered how many problems vBulletin had with CKEditor. Good luck Chris!
Development is on going.....

Good things come to those who wait :)

Bad things will happen if we don't get this soon. Xenforo has been the software of our dreams and has helped us build an amazing writing/RPing community.

Since a lot of users do a lot of large posts and tons of formatting, it gets highly irritating really fast with TinyMCE. It's Rich Text Editor is a joke. I like TinyMCE's bbcode mode though, I've gotten used to it and I'm quite fast at it however most are not.

Death to this limited Rich Text Editor(I visited the TinyMCE site and it seems it has more features, not sure why xF would remove them out.)

Edit: Frankly I don't care if it's TinyMCE or CKeditor any more. I just want a Rich Text Editor that is friendly to those who love to write large posts with formatting.
Since a lot of users do a lot of large posts and tons of formatting, it gets highly irritating really fast with TinyMCE.
Highly irritated users sounds bad !
Throw some bones to Chris.
It might encourage they guy to get this done quicker.
(I'm just speculating here).

A realistic side benefit of chipping in might be if your implementation has a few issues, Chris might donate some time to help you :) I'm mentioning this because ... "Changing Editors" is very crazy, dangerous hard. As much as I think this CKeditor for Xenforo is cool .... it sure could be a rocky road. Hopefully not :)
Slightly frustrated that you're posting what is essentially a private conversation in public.

I will therefore pen my reply to your message in public too.

There is no way that I could have informed you sooner as I have only just decided today that I would be unable to commit to the project. It is not a decision I made months ago but decided not to tell you.

If I could give you a realistic timeframe as to when I could resume work on this, I would continue the project. My last estimate would have been two weeks ago and I've missed that and I don't want to mess you around or delay the project anymore.

So please do find someone else to take the project and feel free to use all, part or none of the code written thus far.
Slightly frustrated that you're posting what is essentially a private conversation in public.

I will therefore pen my reply to your message in public too.

There is no way that I could have informed you sooner as I have only just decided today that I would be unable to commit to the project. It is not a decision I made months ago but decided not to tell you.

If I could give you a realistic timeframe as to when I could resume work on this, I would continue the project. My last estimate would have been two weeks ago and I've missed that and I don't want to mess you around or delay the project anymore.

So please do find someone else to take the project and feel free to use all, part or none of the code written thus far.
Sorry if you feel frustrated about me sharing a PC (personal conversation), it sincerely was not my intention. I felt I had not published nothing that you had not already publicly stated else where. I published it only so that everyone else would know exactly what was going on and to avoid and discourage any speculation as to what was really going on.
Sorry if you feel frustrated about me sharing a PC (personal conversation), it sincerely was not my intention. I felt I had not published nothing that you had not already publicly stated else where. I published it only so that everyone else would know exactly what was going on and to avoid and discourage any speculation as to what was really going on.
its ok. No harm done :)
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