Implemented Allow users to change thread title x-seconds after posting thread

This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
I find it odd that you can edit a post indefinitely without anyone knowing.
And 4 seconds after you post something and you want to tweak the title ... you can't.

This is one thing I'd like to see changed. It's easy to make a simple spelling mistake when writing a thread title, the option should be there to edit it based on "time set" by admin, same as thread content.
I hope its coming, my one and only major gripe, with both user complaint and moderator time suck. I've had bother with the renaming plugin as well and had to disable, but it should be a core feature. Especially so users can update thread prefixes.
I hope its coming, my one and only major gripe, with both user complaint and moderator time suck. I've had bother with the renaming plugin as well and had to disable, but it should be a core feature. Especially so users can update thread prefixes.

Get Syndol's User Essentials addon.
It's a bit pricey but users not be able to edit titles is just silly.
I don't want a time limit, the ability to always edit the title is important. In our club classified section, we tell users to edit their thread title to SOLD so the admin/mods know when to delete the ad. Having to read EVERY ad looking for a "sold" posting is massively time consuming.
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