Advanced Application Forms for XenForo 1.x [Deleted]

Couple of things.

I got this error when I try to insert default questions. I'm actually glad this happened becuase I didn't mean to hit the button. :p Here is the error.

Server Error
Mysqli statement execute error : Incorrect integer value: '' for column 'underline' at row 1

  1. Zend_Db_Statement_Mysqli->_execute() in Zend/Db/Statement.php at line 297
  2. Zend_Db_Statement->execute() in Zend/Db/Adapter/Abstract.php at line 479
  3. Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract->query() in Snog/Applications/Model/Questions.php at line 71
  4. Snog_Applications_Model_Questions->insertQuestion() in Snog/Applications/ControllerAdmin/Questions.php at line 305
  5. Snog_Applications_ControllerAdmin_Questions->actionInsert() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 337
  6. XenForo_FrontController->dispatch() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 134
  7. XenForo_FrontController->run() in /home3/mcwh/public_html/xxxx/admin.php at line 13

Also how do I make questions required?

I have a couple of suggestions. #1 - Add placeholders in the text. Lets say we have a field called "Version" and we want to add a placeholder of 1.0. I think you get what I mean.

#2 suggestion. Add tags. So lets say we want to add an members email address in the text (though he can change it). Here is some tags you could add. These are from a form mod for IPB.

Members Display Name {member_name}
Members ID {member_id}
Members Email {member_email}
Members IP Address {member_ip}
Board Name {board_name}
Board URL {board_url}
Form ID (Current form) {form_id}
Form Name (Current form) {form_name}
Form URL (Current form) {form_url}
Log ID {log_id}
Log URL {log_url}
Logs URL {logs_url}
Field Name (Selected field) {field_name_#}
Field Value (Selected field) {field_value_#}
Field List (When submitted) {field_list}

Also the latest release doesnt have images. In the question list the up and down images are missing.
Couple of things.

I got this error when I try to insert default questions. I'm actually glad this happened becuase I didn't mean to hit the button. :p Here is the error.

Also how do I make questions required?

I have a couple of suggestions. #1 - Add placeholders in the text. Lets say we have a field called "Version" and we want to add a placeholder of 1.0. I think you get what I mean.

#2 suggestion. Add tags. So lets say we want to add an members email address in the text (though he can change it). Here is some tags you could add. These are from a form mod for IPB.

Members Display Name {member_name}
Members ID {member_id}
Members Email {member_email}
Members IP Address {member_ip}
Board Name {board_name}
Board URL {board_url}
Form ID (Current form) {form_id}
Form Name (Current form) {form_name}
Form URL (Current form) {form_url}
Log ID {log_id}
Log URL {log_url}
Logs URL {logs_url}
Field Name (Selected field) {field_name_#}
Field Value (Selected field) {field_value_#}
Field List (When submitted) {field_list}

Also the latest release doesnt have images. In the question list the up and down images are missing.
Thank you for reporting the errors. I'll have an update out this morning to fix them.

To make a question required, just define an error for the question. This is the explanation that is under the question error input..
What error should be displayed if the applicant fails to answer this question?
NOTE: If you do not include an error, the question will be optional and the member will not be required to answer it.

I'll put your suggestions on the wish list.
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can this be used as a survey tool? Is there any way to export the response to an MS excel or other spreadsheet format for further analysis?
can this be used as a survey tool? Is there any way to export the response to an MS excel or other spreadsheet format for further analysis?
No it can't.

The system doesn't save the answers to questions, it posts/PC's or Emails the answers, so there's no way to to compile the information you want.

Saving the answers to the database is already on the Wish List for this add-on.
@Snog I purchased this addon and I have not received my download. I PM'd you on your forums with my purchase details.
Snog updated Advanced Application Forms with a new update entry:

Advanced Application Forms Update 1.1.2

An update to advanced application forms has been released. Those that have purchased this mod, please check your PayPal email for the download link.

This release fixes or changes items in version 1.1.1:
  • Fix - Replace several hard coded phrases with XF phrases.
  • Fix - When deleting Header type questions, the wrong routine was being called.
  • Fix - Wrong class being used for application sidebar box.

Read the rest of this update entry...
I'd give it five stars if I could use Xenforo's user criteria system rather than simply limiting access by number of posts and usergroup, and the ability to limit x number of submissions per user. I'll give it four stars for the second suggestion, because I feel it is needed for this to be really functional. I don't need users spamming up the poll forum by resubmitting. Users can be idiots.
I'd give it five stars if I could use Xenforo's user criteria system rather than simply limiting access by number of posts and usergroup, and the ability to limit x number of submissions per user. I'll give it four stars for the second suggestion, because I feel it is needed for this to be really functional. I don't need users spamming up the poll forum by resubmitting. Users can be idiots.
I'll put both of your suggestions on the wish list for this add-on.
Snog updated Advanced Application Forms with a new update entry:

Advanced Application Forms Update 1.1.3

An update to advanced application forms has been released. Those that have purchased this mod, please check your PayPal email for the download link.

This release adds or changes items in the Advanced Application Forms system:
  • Change criteria from simple usergroup/post count to full XenForo Criteria system.
  • Add - Ability to limit the number of times a user can fill out a form (XenForo 1.2 and later ONLY).
  • Add - Ability to define a default answer for questions.
Be sure...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Anyone that downloaded the update, please download again using the same link provided earlier, re-upload the files to your server and import the XML file again. There was a problem with a file in the download.
This add-on looks very good. When xF 1.3 is released, will this add-on be compatible with that release?

This add-on looks very good. When xF 1.3 is released, will this add-on be compatible with that release?

It's already been tested with XF 1.3 and it does work with it.

If anything should change in XF that causes it not to work, it will be updated.
Nice Addon, works good for the most Part, but I had one error and some suggestions.

First the Error, i tried to send the application as a Private Message but the conversation was startet with 16 random? Members and not only the two I selected?!? I disabled the PM Notitification as it is not essential for me, but ist does not seam to work as intended.

Suggestion 1: It would be nice to start a public Poll, where you could see who has voted for what.

Suggestion 2: Singleline Text Fields are not Optimal to Insert the Texts fot the automatic PMs for approve or denied applications, also it would be nice to be able to write a bit more text not only 150 characters.

Suggestion 3: It is not useful for me to run a poll a certain length of time. When a conclusion is reached in an hour the application should be accepted immediately, when the discussion needs more time it should have more time. It would be nice to have a default length but be able to "end" the poll per User-Request. One possibility would be to use prefixes in the forum and once the application is flagged as "accepted" or "denied" the process starts. Maybe also a prefix could stand for accepted and one for denied, that would make the process more flexible if the poll does not represent the desired end result maybe because some info was discovered late after most people already voted (as you cannot change your vote after you voted or i missed something).

Suggestion 4: It would be nice if the applicant could get a copy of his answers in the pm he gets after submitting the form.
Nice Addon, works good for the most Part, but I had one error and some suggestions.

First the Error, i tried to send the application as a Private Message but the conversation was startet with 16 random? Members and not only the two I selected?!? I disabled the PM Notitification as it is not essential for me, but ist does not seam to work as intended.

Suggestion 1: It would be nice to start a public Poll, where you could see who has voted for what.

Suggestion 2: Singleline Text Fields are not Optimal to Insert the Texts fot the automatic PMs for approve or denied applications, also it would be nice to be able to write a bit more text not only 150 characters.

Suggestion 3: It is not useful for me to run a poll a certain length of time. When a conclusion is reached in an hour the application should be accepted immediately, when the discussion needs more time it should have more time. It would be nice to have a default length but be able to "end" the poll per User-Request. One possibility would be to use prefixes in the forum and once the application is flagged as "accepted" or "denied" the process starts. Maybe also a prefix could stand for accepted and one for denied, that would make the process more flexible if the poll does not represent the desired end result maybe because some info was discovered late after most people already voted (as you cannot change your vote after you voted or i missed something).

Suggestion 4: It would be nice if the applicant could get a copy of his answers in the pm he gets after submitting the form.
I'll check on the PM problem tomorrow.

I'll put your suggestions on the wish list.

But I do have one question. How do you know a poll has reached a conclusion if it doesn't run for a certain period of time?
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Snog updated Advanced Application Forms with a new update entry:

Advanced Application Forms Update 1.1.4

An update to advanced application forms has been released. Those that have purchased this mod, please check your PayPal email for the download link.

This release fixes or changes items in version 1.1.3:
  • Fix - Report PCs not being sent properly.
  • Change promotion PC Approved/Denied fields to full text type.
  • Change report forum selection so selecting a non-forum is not possible.
  • Add - Option to make poll votes public.

Read the rest of this update entry...
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