Ads Manager by Siropu

Ads Manager by Siropu [Paid] 1.26.9

No permission to buy (€49.99)
This is a simple form used for tracking payments. It will have an option where you can upload an official invoice and customer can download it.
On the site on which I use your add-on, I would not use XenForo 2.0 for at least 1 year see more, you will be able to add it for the current version of XenForo?
How can I have banners rotate evenly throughout all forums (example >1 at a time in rotation above content) but any one of them will have top priority to a specific search term, tag etc IF that is entered ? I have tried everything possible to figure this out and cannot get this done.
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Not sure I understand what you are trying to achieve. To rotate ads, you need a package with "Maximum Ads Displayed" set to 1 and "Ads Display Order" set to "random". If each ad has a different criteria, they must not inherit package settings.
If they have different criteria, each ad will be displayed when criteria is met and if there are more than 1 ad that is eligible for display in the same position, the system will pick one (if you are using the settings I suggested above).
Currently, that option only works with position "Search results after x result". I'll see what I can do to make it work with other positions as well.
Actually, I've already added support for other positions. You have to use page criteria "Content template is:" search_results to target only search results page.
Actually, I've already added support for other positions. You have to use page criteria "Content template is:" search_results to target only search results page.

If I use this, ads stops exposing globally. What I want is a standard package where all my ads rotate above and below content. But... each ad will also appear when a keyword criteria is met in a search result. Is this possible?
I think your ad manage would be incredibly improved if it was more streamline where we could have a global ad package where all ads rotated in the standard location as seen on but, these "same ads" would be able to get preference when they met a criteria like tags or search keywords etc.

You ad system is very confusing. If you could optimize it to do what I suggest, I think you would be going in a better direction. I Think you have made a really good ad system but its so complicated to me.

Hope this helps in some way.
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