Ads Manager by Siropu

Ads Manager by Siropu [Paid] 1.26.9

No permission to buy (€49.99)
It's not an issue with Ads Manager. You have to change logo height in style properties "Header and Navigation" for the ad to fit and not push content down.
Yes, I also thought about this, but when you tested with responsive (narrow), the problem comes back:
Regardless of the height you define.
I don't know what you can do about that because there isn't enough space and header has an absolute position. If set to the right, you won't see much of the ad if any depending on the logo width. The best thing to do is to hide the header ad on mobile.
Please try this little code:
$(function() {
     var $headerHeight = $('#header').height();
     var $headerProxyHeight = $('#headerProxy');
     if ($headerHeight > $headerProxyHeight) {
          $headerProxyHeight.css('height', $headerProxyHeight + 50);
It might not be perfect.
Here -> page_container_js_head ?
EDIT: Not working. :)

I use this:
<xen:if is="@enableResponsive">
@media (max-width:@maxResponsiveWideWidth)
    #header .samCodeUnit, #header .samBannerUnit, #header .samTextUnit
        display: none;
@media (max-width:@maxResponsiveMediumWidth)
    #header .samCodeUnit, #header .samBannerUnit, #header .samTextUnit
        display: none;
@media (max-width:@maxResponsiveNarrowWidth)
    #header .samCodeUnit, #header .samBannerUnit, #header .samTextUnit
        display: none;
But I don't like this, in my opinion, it must have other solutions.
Sorry, the code doesn't work. I thought it's working but it's not. The if isn't event valid but that doesn't change anything.
You can use device criteria to hide ads from mobile.
No, I would like to make the opposite, seen the number of people who uses mobiles, I would exactly like to show him on mobiles, in way resized well on, but who appears all the same.
I got this code to work:
$(function() {
     if ($('#header .SamLink').length) {
          $('#headerProxy').css('padding-top', $('#header').height() - $('#headerProxy').height());
I got this code to work:
$(function() {
     if ($('#header .SamLink').length) {
          $('#headerProxy').css('padding-top', $('#header').height() - $('#headerProxy').height());
In which template to add it?
I have two ad positions that seem to conflict. I'd much rather only one position show up if they would other wise both show up at the same position.

One used the "L" position in a message, the other uses the "U."

Is there a way of ensuring they don't show up in the same position?



  • IMG_6367.webp
    77.7 KB · Views: 2
Use a package to control how many ads can display at the same time on the same position.

I am. I'm saying that at times, the "U" and the "L" show up in the same spot. I want them both to show up if they are separated, but nay one to display if the last post is also the first unread.
I am. I'm saying that at times, the "U" and the "L" show up in the same spot. I want them both to show up if they are separated, but nay one to display if the last post is also the first unread.
Set package option "Maximum Ads Displayed" to 1 because that option is per position so if they end up both on the same position, it will only display one. Also set display order to "Ad order asc" and make the U ad to show up first by setting display order to 1 and 2 for the other ad.

What does the embed ads link do?
Allows you to embed ads outside of XenForo.

Is this only a invoice?


There is no issuer, address etc. This is really not an invoice.

How can the customer download a real invoice?
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