[8WR] XenPorta (Portal)

[8WR] XenPorta (Portal) 1.6.0

No permission to download


Untick the : Push date out of the Block
Where do you find this option. Just upgraded to latest version and cannot see it under the XenPorta options in the admin-cp. Checked the FAQ too and it doesn't mention it. :(
Thanks Rob but why doesn't it even acknowledge the users layout or the extra modules the user has chosen to be displayed...they are only shown the default layout which makes a mockery of the ability for a user to have their own personalised layout if they can't take it with them on their mobile phone or Ipad etc.
Dude, you're starting to come off a bit hostile over a free plug-in. I've been following your posts and saw a beef that you have with Jaxel over a paid version of one of his mods. There's no need to let that hostility spill over into other threads.

It's been documented in this thread that the customized layouts are cookie-based, so the layout would not transfer over even on the same desktop between Chrome and Firefox. If the customized front page layout is so important to your members, then perhaps you should take a look at your default design and amend it to be more in line with your users' expectations.

Keep in mind, you're complaining hardcore about a free plug-in. If you don't like the way it works, hire someone to either change the code the way you want it to work or build a whole new one from scratch.
Dude, you're starting to come off a bit hostile over a free plug-in. I've been following your posts and saw a beef that you have with Jaxel over a paid version of one of his mods. There's no need to let that hostility spill over into other threads.

It's been documented in this thread that the customized layouts are cookie-based, so the layout would not transfer over even on the same desktop between Chrome and Firefox. If the customized front page layout is so important to your members, then perhaps you should take a look at your default design and amend it to be more in line with your users' expectations.

Keep in mind, you're complaining hardcore about a free plug-in. If you don't like the way it works, hire someone to either change the code the way you want it to work or build a whole new one from scratch.
iBaker is justified in his gripe with the add-on. This is one of those addons that are designed in such a way that people will feel like they have to donate to get it working right. It's up to the community to help each other with the addon if we can't afford to donate. So instead of arguing, just continue helping people out like everyone else.
Let's stop there.
I don't want to see any more posts regarding this on this thread.

Jaxel makes it quite clear that he doesn't particularly like giving support and donating does not grant you any additional help.
It is purely voluntary and this is a free add-on so either deal with it as everyone else does or use a different add-on.
Yes that's the one I have. What's the link to your media gallery?

Hey, thanks for the reply! After some more Google searching, it appears that this is only a "media" cloud and not a "keyword" cloud and that I have to get Xenmedio for this to work. Am I correct in this thinking? (I don't have the media gallery)

At first I though it was a tag cloud, the likes of which you'd see on WordPress blogs. Now I'm thinking of adding this Xenmedio media gallery just so I can have the cloud. I think it's that awesome.

Unless...does anyone know of a good tag cloud type of addon that isn't for media?
Hey, thanks for the reply! After some more Google searching, it appears that this is only a "media" cloud and not a "keyword" cloud and that I have to get Xenmedio for this to work. Am I correct in this thinking? (I don't have the media gallery)

At first I though it was a tag cloud, the likes of which you'd see on WordPress blogs. Now I'm thinking of adding this Xenmedio media gallery just so I can have the cloud. I think it's that awesome.

Unless...does anyone know of a good tag cloud type of addon that isn't for media?
Yep you are correct. I use Jaxel's XenMedio addon to display the media cloud on the media page and the forum home page. I also use WP Cumulus Wordpress tag cloud for the XenDynamic theme on the wordpress integrated parts of the site.
Yep you are correct. I use Jaxel's XenMedio addon to display the media cloud on the media page and the forum home page. I also use WP Cumulus Wordpress tag cloud for the XenDynamic theme on the wordpress integrated parts of the site.

Hey, thanks for the info!(y)
Dude, you're starting to come off a bit hostile over a free plug-in. I've been following your posts and saw a beef that you have with Jaxel over a paid version of one of his mods. There's no need to let that hostility spill over into other threads.

Keep in mind, you're complaining hardcore about a free plug-in.
Dude, I also paid money to Jaxel to support him with this mod...also his other mods, money paid to support developers of addons for XF because if we don't support the developers we are left with nothing...however if we support the developers with our hard earned money I just think the developers should support the users back instead of taking the money and run...this makes it hard for all the genuine and decent developers out there.

Now, with that ***** out of the way, can anyone advise if there is a way for the recent threads module to "work" for guests when a forum's permissions are set to disallow Guests from just viewing the thread content?

The Latest Threads Module displays ALL the information that is displayed on a Forum Thread View page. If you set the forum permissions to "Not Show Thread Content" to Guests, they can still see ALL the data that is displayed in the Latest Threads Module on the Forum's Thread View...so this permission should NOT have any impact on the Latest Threads Module at all however the entire module disappears off the portal f0or guests.

I know this has been asked by others before without an answer so as I also need to know this, can anyone say how to fix this?...thanks!
I have a bug.

By placing any block in the Mid-left position, the block RecentNews changes.

Below the picture

Does anyone have a solution?
after enabling recent news block it says
  1. Zend_Db_Statement_Mysqli->_prepare() in Zend/Db/Statement.php at line 115
  2. Zend_Db_Statement->__construct() in Zend/Db/Adapter/Mysqli.php at line 381
  3. Zend_Db_Adapter_Mysqli->prepare() in Zend/Db/Adapter/Abstract.php at line 478
  4. Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract->query() in Zend/Db/Adapter/Abstract.php at line 734
  5. Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract->fetchAll() in EWRporta/Block/RecentNews.php at line 32
  6. EWRporta_Block_RecentNews->getModule() in EWRporta/Model/Blocks.php at line 116
  7. EWRporta_Model_Blocks->getBlockParams() in EWRporta/ViewPublic/Custom.php at line 71
  8. EWRporta_ViewPublic_Custom->renderHtml() in XenForo/ViewRenderer/Abstract.php at line 215
  9. XenForo_ViewRenderer_Abstract->renderViewObject() in XenForo/ViewRenderer/HtmlPublic.php at line 67
  10. XenForo_ViewRenderer_HtmlPublic->renderView() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 533
  11. XenForo_FrontController->renderView() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 156
  12. XenForo_FrontController->run() in /home/alimaula/public_html/index.php at line 13
As soon as I add the Donation Module, just using the default settings of it, my portal page just displays an error and nothing else:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function money_format() in C:\xampp\htdocs\library\EWRporta\Block\Donations.php on line 47

Does anyone know how to fix this bug also
As soon as I add the Donation Module, just using the default settings of it, my portal page just displays an error and nothing else:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function money_format() in C:\xampp\htdocs\library\EWRporta\Block\Donations.php on line 47

Does anyone know how to fix this bug also

Windows - C:\...


The function money_format() is only defined if the system has strfmon capabilities. For example, Windows does not, so money_format() is undefined in Windows.
Also on the portal how do you remove the large text site title under the breadcrumb and how do you change the font in the recent news block to match font on rest of forum?
I think I have found a bug...

I have added a layout for FORUM.... in the sidebar I place OnlineUsers and SharePage - this is all I have added. Nothing is in any other position.

None of the forums are showing a sidebar. I can confirm that globalized custom layout section has 'forum' ticked.

Can anyone reproduce this?

I tried to create a forum layout with a sidebar last night too and I couldn't seem to get anything to display in the sidebar, only above or below the forum. Perhaps I'm missing something?

On a separate note. When looking at a thread from a forum referenced by the 'RecentNews' block on my portal it displays as follows:

The OP
The word 'Comments'
My recent news slider (that I want on the home page but it randomly appears in the thread?)
The actual comments
Reply box
Bottom blocks from my home page (what's this doing in the thread too?)

It's weird, it's like it's trying to apply the portal layout to the thread in some weird. Anyone know how I can either stop this being applied or hide all these blocks using css in the thread view?
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