[8WR] XenPorta (Portal) PRO

[8WR] XenPorta (Portal) PRO [Paid] 1.2.2b

No permission to buy ($40.00)
Finished all the Showcase widgets except one or two. Will do those tomorrow, do a final polish and we're good. :)

That sounds great. Are you doing any for one of the galleries?

You should start a XenPorta2 widgets request thread and then you could release all your XP2 widgets in a pack. I'd pay $20 for a set of quality updated XP2 widgets for various addons.
Wondering if anyone has done any customisations to the frontpage layout yet? I'd like to have it so the article image shows across the length of the block with the text underneath. Much like XenZine one does. Has anyone had any fun and got anything like that to show up? I want this as I want to show the image large, but not squash up the text in 2-grid layout. I'd also like to replace the Sprite Icons with Font Awesome - The Xenforo ones look dated (Bring on xF 2.0!!)

Think of it almost as a "Cover Image" for the article box.

Below is a quick mock-up. Might have to get @Russ to work his magic for me on this one along with a custom style.

Last edited:
I have published three text currently on my website. Select the text of the publication in the portal even though I did not broadcast the portal. This error recurs from time to time. I wonder is why?
And done.


That sounds great. Are you doing any for one of the galleries?

You should start a XenPorta2 widgets request thread and then you could release all your XP2 widgets in a pack. I'd pay $20 for a set of quality updated XP2 widgets for various addons.
I do not own a license for either of the gallery add-ons so I don't think I'll be able to do any for them.

Your idea seems interesting, I may look in to it if there is demand for more XP2 widgets. I went ahead and released the Showcase widgets for free though, didn't feel right putting a price on them. Donations are welcome though. :D
And done.


I do not own a license for either of the gallery add-ons so I don't think I'll be able to do any for them.

Your idea seems interesting, I may look in to it if there is demand for more XP2 widgets. I went ahead and released the Showcase widgets for free though, didn't feel right putting a price on them. Donations are welcome though. :D

Maybe @sonnb and @Chris D can help you with the licenses if you are going to make XP2 widgets for their addons.

It's very kind of you to release the widgets for free
Shame there is no widgets for the Official Resource Manager. If anyone with the required licenses would be able to make that, it would be fantastic :)
No hardcoded:
<b>$wWidget</b>: the ID of the source widget ({$widget.widget_id})
<b>$wLayout</b>: the ID of the source layout
<b>$wWidlink</b>: the ID of the widget link
<b>$wTitle</b>: the title of the widget link
<b>$wPosition</b>: the position of the widget link
<b>$wScale</b>: a helper for determining the width of a widget
<b>$wOptions</b>: the options passed from the widget or option set
<b>$tParams</b>: the parameters sent to the parent page
<option value="minutes" {xen:selected '{$widopt.cache_unit} == "minutes"'}>minutes</option>
<option value="hours" {xen:selected '{$widopt.cache_unit} == "hours"'}>hours</option>
<option value="days" {xen:selected '{$widopt.cache_unit} == "days"'}>days</option>
<edit_format_params>EWRporta2_ViewPublic_ArticleList=Article List &lt;span class="hint"&gt;EWRporta2_ViewPublic_ArticleList&lt;/span&gt;
EWRporta2_ViewPublic_ArticleView=Article View &lt;span class="hint"&gt;EWRporta2_ViewPublic_ArticleView&lt;/span&gt;
EWRporta2_ViewPublic_AuthorList=Author List &lt;span class="hint"&gt;EWRporta2_ViewPublic_AuthorList&lt;/span&gt;
XenForo_ViewPublic_Forum_List=Forum List &lt;span class="hint"&gt;XenForo_ViewPublic_Forum_List&lt;/span&gt;
XenForo_ViewPublic_Forum_View=Forum View &lt;span class="hint"&gt;XenForo_ViewPublic_Forum_View&lt;/span&gt;
XenForo_ViewPublic_Thread_View=Thread View &lt;span class="hint"&gt;XenForo_ViewPublic_Thread_View&lt;/span&gt;
XenForo_ViewPublic_Page_View=Page View &lt;span class="hint"&gt;XenForo_ViewPublic_Page_View&lt;/span&gt;</edit_format_params>
horizontal=Horizontal Slide
vertical=Vertical Slide</edit_format_params>
<edit_format_params>pager=Show Pager Bullets
controls=Show Prev/Next Controls
autoControls=Show Start/Stop Controls</edit_format_params>
<edit_format_params>index=Show on Articles Index
categories=Show on Categories
authors=Show on Authors</edit_format_params>
<edit_format_params>article=Enable custom article layout
comments=Enable custom comments layout
local=Enable Local comments
disqus=Enable Disqus comments
facebook=Enable Facebook comments
author=Show author byline block
attach=Show attachment gallery</edit_format_params>
social=Social Sort
reverse_time=Reverse Chronological</edit_format_params>
It's possible to add into phrase system ?
I have it, what are you after specifically?

Would you be able to take the Top Posters today widget and change it to two different widgets?

1) Top Thread starters with the same options for time scale and forum source.

2) Usergroup Widget. A widget which displays users from a specific usergroup.
Wondering if anyone has done any customisations to the frontpage layout yet? I'd like to have it so the article image shows across the length of the block with the text underneath. Much like XenZine one does. Has anyone had any fun and got anything like that to show up? I want this as I want to show the image large, but not squash up the text in 2-grid layout. I'd also like to replace the Sprite Icons with Font Awesome - The Xenforo ones look dated (Bring on xF 2.0!!)

Think of it almost as a "Cover Image" for the article box.

Below is a quick mock-up. Might have to get @Russ to work his magic for me on this one along with a custom style.

View attachment 94335

<div class="articleItem" id="article_{$article.thread_id}">
    <div class="sectionMain">
        <div class="subHeading singleLine">
            {xen:helper threadPrefix, $article}
            <a href="{xen:link threads, $article}">{$article.article_title}</a>

        <xen:if hascontent="true">
            <div class="headerBlock">
                <xen:if is="{$article.article_icon.type} == 'attach'">
                    <a class="attachHolder" href="{xen:link threads, $article}"><img src="{xen:link attachments, $article.article_icon.data}" alt="{$article.article_icon.data.filename}" /></a>
                <xen:elseif is="{$article.article_icon.type} == 'image'" />
                    <a class="attachHolder" href="{xen:link threads, $article}"><img src="{$article.article_icon.data.url}" alt="{$article.article_icon.data.file}" /></a>
                <xen:elseif is="{$article.article_icon.type} == 'medio'" />
                    <a class="medioHolder OverlayTrigger"style="background-image: url('{xen:helper medio, $article.article_icon.data}');"
                        href="{xen:link 'full:media/media', $article.article_icon.data}" data-href="{xen:link 'full:media/media/popout', $article.article_icon.data}"
                        data-cacheOverlay="false" data-overlayoptions="{&quot;fixed&quot;:false}">
                            <img src="styles/8wayrun/EWRmedio_play.png" />
        <xen:if is="{$xenOptions.EWRporta2_articles_dateblock}">
            <div class="dateBlock">
                <div class="heading">{xen:time $article.article_date, 'M'}</div>
                <div class="secondaryContent">{xen:time $article.article_date, 'd'}</div>
        <div class="primaryContent">
            <div class="metaData singleLine">
                <span class="statData"><div class="iconKey comments"></div>{xen:number $article.reply_count}</span>
                <span class="statData"><div class="iconKey views"></div>{xen:number $article.view_count}</span>

                <span class="dateData">
                    <div class="iconKey sticky"></div>
                    {xen:phrase porta2_by_x_on_y_at_z,
                        'user=<a href="{xen:link members, $article}" class="username">{$article.username}</a>',
                        'date=<a href="{xen:link threads, $article}">{xen:date $article.article_date} </a>',
                        'time=<a href="{xen:link threads, $article}">{xen:time $article.article_date} </a>'}
            <xen:if hascontent="true">
                <div class="messageUserBlock"><div class="avatarHolder">
                    <xen:if is="{$article.article_icon.type} == 'avatar'">
                        <xen:avatar user="$article" size="s" class="Tooltip" title="{$article.username}" itemprop="photo" />
            <div class="baseHtml excerptContent {xen:if '{$xenOptions.EWRporta2_articles_dateblock}', 'excerptOffset'}">
                {xen:raw $article.messageHtml}
                <xen:if is="{$article.article_break}">
                    <a href="{xen:link threads, $article}">{$article.article_break}...</a>
        <div class="sectionFooter singleLine">
            <div class="continue">
                <a class="button" href="{xen:link threads, $article}">
                    <div class="iconKey redirect"></div>{xen:phrase continue}...
            <xen:include template="EWRporta2_Article_Categories">
                <xen:map from="$article.categories.cats" to="$categories" />
.articleItem .headerBlock .medioHolder { display: block; background-size: 100%; line-height: 0px; }
.articleItem .headerBlock .medioHolder img { max-width: 100%; height: auto; }
.articleItem .headerBlock .attachHolder img { max-width: 100%; height: auto; }
@Jaxel I have thought about what we were discussing some days ago with @Lone Wolf and I have found a good reason why we need able to exclude some articles from the main feature widget.

Let say each category we make will have 4 featured articles (FA) per week (not a big deal) and the Feature widget will show 4 articles.

- With one category and on the second week, the main portal will display 4 different articles. Both your portal and your main page are alive and that's fine.
- With 10 categories, the main portal will show 40 FA per week. The first day, it's possible that you don't even see the first Features articles you set some hours ago.

Category pages haven't got any problems because the rotation is smooth however this rotation is too much fast for the main portal that catch every FA. ATM the solution is to slow the number of featured article per category but it causes the category to fall asleep because the page stay the same too much longer.

That's why it would be nice to have a new option on the 'promote to feature' page to hide the featured article from the main page.

Also, 2 new options into the ACP : first one to enable this choice (you did that with img inside article) and the other one to select a default choice (to avoid having to select the same option all the time).
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