[8WR] XenCarta (Wiki)

[8WR] XenCarta (Wiki) 1.3.9a

No permission to download
Google Webmaster Tools seems to be saying the Wiki doesn't respond with a 404 code for non-existent pages. I have 20 "soft 404" crawl errors in the webmaster tools. Testing this a bit now, I seem to be getting the 200 OK code for non-existent wiki pages.

Is this something you would consider fixing, Jaxel?
Google Webmaster Tools seems to be saying the Wiki doesn't respond with a 404 code for non-existent pages. I have 20 "soft 404" crawl errors in the webmaster tools. Testing this a bit now, I seem to be getting the 200 OK code for non-existent wiki pages.

Is this something you would consider fixing, Jaxel?
If someone could explain to me HOW to fix this... I will get on this promptly.
Jaxel updated [8wayRun.Com] XenCarta (Wiki) with a new update entry:

Version 1.3.9 CHANGELOG

  • Added the ability to define permission access masks for pages on an individual level. Beyond default usergroup permissions, you can give both users and usergroups explicit permission to edit a page, even if that page is marked as protected. In addition, you can define users as "administrators" to a page, so that they can edit the editor access masks. They will not be able to edit the administrative functions of that page, only the editors.
  • There is now an "editors" tab on each page...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Added the ability to define permission access masks for pages on an individual level. Beyond default usergroup permissions, you can give both users and usergroups explicit permission to edit a page, even if that page is marked as protected. In addition, you can define users as "administrators" to a page, so that they can edit the editor access masks. They will not be able to edit the administrative functions of that page, only the editors.
There is now an "editors" tab on each page...

Just uploaded a small file fix... if you already have 1.3.9, you can upload the new 1.3.9a files without having to reinstall.
Would anybody know how to code the page so that all thumbnail attachments to the wiki go to a particular spot on the page? For example, I would like all of the images that get uploaded on the wiki page to go into the middle section of the page automatically.

Like a
[attach] [/attach]
for everything?
I've encountered a bug with the wiki and notices.

I have two notices that are defined to only display in certain forums. The first one is for a forum with the id 98.

Now, if I have a wiki page whose page_id is also 98, the notice will display on that wiki page as well. In the other notice that is set to only display in a forum with the id 97, the wiki page whose page_id is also 97 displays that notice as well.

In the meantime I've stopped it from appearing on the wiki by making the notices' page criteria more strict (page is within node name + selected navtab is forums).
There used to be a way to hide the Wiki tab from guests. I need to hide the Wiki tab. Can you please add that permission back to Xencarta or tell us how to?
I'm trying to create a list with numbers in one of my wiki pages. In the editor it does show correct. The BB Code is correct: LIST=1. However, when I save or preview it only shows the bullets. I am using 1.3.9.
I'm trying to create a list with numbers in one of my wiki pages. In the editor it does show correct. The BB Code is correct: LIST=1. However, when I save or preview it only shows the bullets. I am using 1.3.9.

In EXTRA.css add:

.wikiPage .wikiContent ol li {list-style: decimal outside; }
Aha! Perfect. Thanks, boban.

Edit: Hmm... How can I have certain words in a page not automatically link to page? Is there some form of escape that I can use on the word?
Here we go again, this is the second hack I've used or installed that is not working properly. I HAVE ALL the permissions already set and I have no links to create or edit any pages.

Admin perms in admin panel:


The Wiki as I see it after the install:


When I visit this page to create a page I get this:


Someone already posted about this a couple of times actually and no one has answered. "Set the permissions." does not help as they are ALREADY set as far as I know unless I'm missing extra permissions elsewhere in the hack or on the site in which case I would like to know where that is. I really think these hacks will be useful for my site but there seems to be a lack of documentation or help with getting them set up completely. If there is some XenForo thing that everyone thinks I'm obviously missing then tell me what it is. I'm a long time vBulletin user and XenForo is a new thing for me. Not everyone who downloads these things can read minds or all of a sudden knows exactly how to do all these things on the forum.
So, I've been looking for a wiki to move my old (EE) lite wiki to - in Xenforo. I've watched this for a year, but seem to remember there were some big features it lacked - maybe permissions?

Just so I don't have to read all these threads again, would Xencarta now function as a "lite" or medium wiki in pretty much every way?

I don't need fancy formatting, etc. - existing wiki is here:

Just want to be able to let a few admins run most everything, but some users create and edit articles.

Does it have the normal "lock, moderate or allow" checkboxes for each entry?

Sorry for repeat questions, but this seems to have come a long way and I can't keep up!
Well, I installed a test case just to fuss around.

Is there any documentation for this at all? I've seen the little FAQ and template help (much outdated), but how about any list of new tags (if they exist), etc.?
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