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[8wayRun.Com] XenPorta (Portal)

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I generally pride myself on being able to search for an answer before posting, but for the life of me, I cannot find this one answer, and I apologize in advance if it has been answered before. I did search, and looked throughout the thread, I may have overlooked it.

I have this add-on installed, absolutely no complaints. I am trying to figure out how to get the "Recent Status Updates" that I have shown on my front page, the "portal" page:


To also be shown on my "forum" page. The forum threads you see their are the "recent posts" module.... I would like to have this module shown on both locations. Did I miss anything? Is it possible?
You guys need to stop editing EWRporta.css... its why you're having issues.
I was asking how to fix the slider problem I never touched anything ,,, hehe
is there a fix for the photos not sizing down or is it my skin?
You guys need to stop editing EWRporta.css... its why you're having issues.
Sorry, but I haven't edited anything at all.

I have a few edits in templates here and there but nothing for EWPorta.

OK, I take it back... I did edit EWPorta.css because that is where the slider css is and I had changed the background color. So yes, you are correct, reverting the EWPorta.css now fixes the issues. I will need to find another way to change the colors of the Slider...
Before the RecentNews module changes i had the first letter of the News Field bigger and colored. Since the updated portal this is not working anymore and i dont know why?!
I was using this css class
.EWRporta_Portal .recentNews .messageContent:first-letter {
but if i use this in extra.css the b from by is in big Letters. Anybody maybe knows whats the correct class for the first letter in News Text?! Thanks

to jaxel: A suggestion not to use "secondaryContent" in the newsDate class.
If i use a css shadow or any other css in my sidebar i also have that in the newsDate.
I have reverted everything back to the basics and have the latest version just uploaded.
I want to point out that the side bar integration isn't working quite correctly.
If I integrate the portal side bar - everything is fine.
If I try to integrate the xenforo sidebar, the Events forum (tied to Atendo) winds up with not sidebar at all.
So I have it set now for everything has the Portal override.
But I did like using the xenforo sidebar once a user left the home page.
Before the RecentNews module changes i had the first letter of the News Field bigger and colored. Since the updated portal this is not working anymore and i dont know why?!
I was using this css class
.EWRporta_Portal .recentNews .messageContent:first-letter {
but if i use this in extra.css the b from by is in big Letters. Anybody maybe knows whats the correct class for the first letter in News Text?! Thanks
.EWRporta_Portal .recentNews .messageContent .newsText:first-letter { }
Thanks a lot
I have done some Stylechanges to the slider because the Dark scheme did not fit to my bright Styles. Maybe its possible to add any possibility to change colors or to add a brighter style to the dark. Thanks
Changes to the Slider are done into EWRPorta.css directly. No other way was working. Rest is in Extra.css

Thats the Changes i´ve done to the ArticleView (Problem was posted here)
.message .messageText, .message .signature {
    margin-left: 50px;
    text-align: justify;
    width: 70%;
.message .messageMeta {
      padding: 25px 55px 5px !important
.EWRporta_ArticleView .mainComments {
    margin-left: 20px;
    width: 95%
Thanks a lot for that. I also hate to edit default templates ;)
But i could not add the css changes for the Slider to EXTRA.css. It was destroying the Slider.... Maybe because of the !important i had to add. Thats why i done just the Slider changes to your EWRPorta.css.

btw no i understand ;)
How can i delete the "Share This Page" out of the ArticleView?
Two times Share Buttons is one to much
Sorry if this has been asked already but how can I add the date of the event before the time in the upcoming events module?
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