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[8wayRun.Com] XenMedio (Media)

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Did you lose your settings ?

Yes, i lost them and edited again. I uploaded new version files up to the old version files and overwrite all. Then select upgrade add-on from ACP "addons" sections. It compiled something again and done. But after my portal page didn't work and give a error message. So i had to re-install.
(this all about xenporta, the other mods upragaded sucsessfully)
Yes, it is that way now but it always was " http://www.flytyingbug.com " this way before until you first told me to check it?
Well now you can see... your media player is now working:
<script type="text/javascript">
$.getScript("http://www.flytyingbug.com/js/8wayrun/jw/wmvplayer.js", function () {
    var elm = document.getElementById("embed_player");
    var src = "http://www.flytyingbug.com/js/8wayrun/jw/wmvplayer.xaml";
    var cfg = {
        file: "http://www.flytyingbug.com/data/local/Spinning Ostrich Herl.wmv",
        autostart: 'true',
        width: "640",
        height: "380",
    var ply = new jeroenwijering.Player(elm,src,cfg);

However, inspecting the element...
http://www.flytyingbug.com/data/local/Spinning Ostrich Herl.wmv
Well now you can see... your media player is now working:
<script type="text/javascript">
$.getScript("http://www.flytyingbug.com/js/8wayrun/jw/wmvplayer.js", function () {
    var elm = document.getElementById("embed_player");
    var src = "http://www.flytyingbug.com/js/8wayrun/jw/wmvplayer.xaml";
    var cfg = {
        file: "http://www.flytyingbug.com/data/local/Spinning Ostrich Herl.wmv",
        autostart: 'true',
        width: "640",
        height: "380",
    var ply = new jeroenwijering.Player(elm,src,cfg);

However, inspecting the element...
http://www.flytyingbug.com/data/local/Spinning Ostrich Herl.wmv

Thats funny cause it is there?

Server Error

call_user_func(EWRmedio_Install::installCode) [function.call-user-func]: First argument is expected to be a valid callback
  1. XenForo_Application::handlePhpError() in XenForo/Model/AddOn.php at line 214
  2. XenForo_Model_AddOn->installAddOnXml() in XenForo/Model/AddOn.php at line 169
  3. XenForo_Model_AddOn->installAddOnXmlFromFile() in XenForo/ControllerAdmin/AddOn.php at line 180
  4. XenForo_ControllerAdmin_AddOn->actionInstall() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 310
  5. XenForo_FrontController->dispatch() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 132
  6. XenForo_FrontController->run() in /home/writrcom/public_html/brisbanelionsunited.com/admin.php at line 13

Any idea why this happened trying to install the xml?
Hey Jaxel,

I must say, you're completing the suite here in regards to XenForo, but could I suggest a feature in a future version? That is to strip out common keywords when submitting a video (ie. the, a, etc.).
Not just XenMedio.. IMO XenCarta (with some example templates), XenAtendo and XenPorta (also for the modules), too.. jaxel's addons are that feature-rich and customizable..
Just to say: Thanks a lot Jaxel!
I have offered, and am still willing to do what I can to help. If you find a logical place to start a thread or wiki for these add-ons, I will help sort through the info and try to make it user friendly.

If we can provide a clear users guide for these fantastic add-ons, then users will be less confused, ask less questions, which will allow Jaxel to spend more time developing new features and less time responding to the same questions and dealing with user issues.
I have offered, and am still willing to do what I can to help. If you find a logical place to start a thread or wiki for these add-ons, I will help sort through the info and try to make it user friendly.

If we can provide a clear users guide for these fantastic add-ons, then users will be less confused, ask less questions, which will allow Jaxel to spend more time developing new features and less time responding to the same questions and dealing with user issues.

Sounds good, cant someone just host the wiki script somewhere and use that to make the help wiki? Of course it is a big job for someone, I am willing to help but not to do it all
There is a problem with special characters (ł, ę, ą, ż, ź) in keyword field.
when you press SAVE MEDIA all special characters are deleted.

...BTW great add-on ;)
I had it working, just had not added any media... added a youtube video and now notice nothing is written to designated forum. I just changed it to non-specified and do not list the node anymore. It is not super critical for me.. there is still a problem though. I also notice there is no option to allow me to choose to start a forum thread as I do not have auto generate thread option turned on. It will not work if I turn auto generate on either. I have already tested that.
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