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[8wayRun.Com] XenCarta (Lite Wiki)

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You are right, of course. My apologies.

Also, would you mind sharing your Soul Calibur page template? I like the setup.


| image = [ATTACH=full]3408[/ATTACH]
| name = Abyss
| debut = SoulCalibur III
| voiceE = Keith Silverstein
| voiceJ = Hiroshi Tsuchida
| age = Unknown
| bplace = Unknown
| bdate = Unknown
| blood = Unknown
| height = Unknown
| weight = Unknown
| family = Freed from meaningless concepts such as "family"
| type = Death scythe
| weapon = Irkalla
| style = Unknown
Abyss (アビス, Abisu) is a character designed for the Soul series. Abyss is one of two final bosses in SoulCalibur III, the other being Night Terror. Abyss made his first and, to date, his only appearance in SC3. Abyss is an altered form of Zasalamel, and thusly, his weapon "Irkalla" is available to Zasalamel in SoulCalibur IV.

[h2]Biography: SoulCalibur III[/h2]
Abyss was created by Zasalamel's combining and absorbing of the two swords, Soul Edge and SoulCalibur, into his body as a method of obtaining true death.

He hid behind the scenes during the battle between the cursed sword and the spirit sword, appearing only when their powers reached their zenith. Then, using a secret art, he connected his body to the world of the abyss and created a jet-black magnet that absorbed all forms of energy. His plan was to use this to draw out the essences of the two swords and take them into his body. The unexpected result was his mutation into Abyss, and an apparent loss of control over his actions as another, unexplained force began to take control.

[h2]Character Artwork[/h2]
[h3]SoulCalibur III (+UFS)[/h3]

template charBIG:
<table style="float: right; margin: 0px 0px 5px 10px; width: 300px;">
<td colspan="2" class="subHeading"><b>{{{name}}}</b></td>
<td colspan="2">{{{image}}}</td>
<td colspan="2" class="subHeading"><b>Character</b></td>
<td class="primaryContent"><b>Debut:</b></td>
<td class="primaryContent">{{{debut}}}</td>
<td class="secondaryContent"><b>Voice (E):</b></td>
<td class="secondaryContent">{{{voiceE}}}</td>
<td class="primaryContent"><b>Voice (J):</b></td>
<td class="primaryContent">{{{voiceJ}}}</td>
<td colspan="2" class="subHeading"><b>Biography</b></td>
<td class="primaryContent"><b>Age:</b></td>
<td class="primaryContent">{{{age}}}</td>
<td class="secondaryContent"><b>Birthplace:</b></td>
<td class="secondaryContent">{{{bplace}}}</td>
<td class="primaryContent"><b>Birthday:</b></td>
<td class="primaryContent">{{{bdate}}}</td>
<td class="secondaryContent"><b>Blood:</b></td>
<td class="secondaryContent">{{{blood}}}</td>
<td class="primaryContent"><b>Height:</b></td>
<td class="primaryContent">{{{height}}}</td>
<td class="secondaryContent"><b>Weight:</b></td>
<td class="secondaryContent">{{{weight}}}</td>
<td class="primaryContent"><b>Family:</b></td>
<td class="primaryContent">{{{family}}}</td>
<td colspan="2" class="subHeading"><b>Fighting Style</b></td>
<td class="primaryContent"><b>Type:</b></td>
<td class="primaryContent">{{{type}}}</td>
<td class="secondaryContent"><b>Weapon:</b></td>
<td class="secondaryContent">{{{weapon}}}</td>
<td class="primaryContent"><b>Discipline:</b></td>
<td class="primaryContent">{{{style}}}</td>

It's possible to create a template page for each category?
I mean's that when creating the page, it will be a table, which you must make it.
If you want your site to appear in that manner, your best option is to move your site to the root directory. Then your wiki and other pages will appear that way. My wiki URL is www.terapvp.com/wiki.

If you don't wish to move your site, then you can also do it with a 301 redirect.
I mean...

I haven't played with addons that much, and I'm learning.
I love to do the same but it seems the way XF is designed, every addon will have the structure of /forum/wiki/ instead of the cleaner /wiki/ and /forum/

Hello Jaxel,

The file that's uploaded now says v1.3.2 but the XML file says v1.3.1. So I guess you missed to update the version number?

Also, I have a bug to report:
In Internet Explorer 9, check this page out:

It's my wiki, but as you can see the alignment of the numbering is wrong.
It is made in HTML and here is the code:
<style type="text/css">
.wikiPage .primaryContent ol, {
display: block;
list-style-type: decimal;
list-style-position: outside;

.wikiPage .primaryContent li {
list-style-type: decimal;
margin: 5px;
padding-left: 8px;
-webkit-margin-before: 5px;
-webkit-margin-after: 0px;
-webkit-margin-start: 1em;
-webkit-margin-end: 0px;
-webkit-padding-start: 8px;
<div class="list-numb">
<li>First of all download the latest version here: <a href="http://www.hlxbans.net/forums/download-amxbans.35/">http://www.hlxbans.net/.../</a></li>
<li>Extract it in a new folder on your desktop.</li>
<li>Open the plugin folder that you extracted from the downloaded file.</li>
<li>Open configs and copy the 2 files. Paste them into your GAMEDIR/addons/amxmodx/configs folder.</li>
<li>Open the data/lang folder and copy the file. Paste into your GAMEDIR/addons/amxmodx/data/lang folder.</li>
<li>In the ftp, or in your server open the GAMEDIR/addons/amxmodx/configs/ folder and open the amxbans.cfg file.</li>
<li>Configure it.</li>
<li>Open the plugins-amxbans.ini file and if you want the freeze and flag plugins, remove the ";" that have on the begin of the line.</li>
<li>Open the plugin/plugins folder that you downloaded. Paste the files into your GAMEDIR/addons/amxmodx/plugins folder.</li>
Open your GAMEDIR/addons/amxmodx/configs folder and plugin file. Write in the top of that file.<br/>
Save the file.
Change the map or restart the server and<br/>
Great! Play! Enjoy!
I installed this add-on today and am very excited by the possibilities it offers.

I have a few questions:
  1. How can I change the URL so that it changes from xyz.com/wiki/index to xyz.com/guides/index
  2. What is this option for: Wiki Index Rating? I assume that it is assign the rating which will determine which root page gets displayed first in a listing.
  3. Is there a way to display all the first level root pages on the Wiki Index page without making it their parent?
I have one issue though. I added three root wiki pages - Say "XenForo", "XenCarta" and "XenMedio Usage Guides". In the wiki index on sidebar the wiki page name is overflowing.
Ok what exactly should be the path name and the file name for the uploaded files? I tried uploading an image but I am not able to figure out how to pass the image link to the template slug.

It seems if a user goes to a wiki page that doesn't exist, a page is created which then asks the user if they wish to create the page. Hmm, that sounds confusing so I'll share an example:


How can I clear out all these pages? I don't see a record of them in EWRcarta_pages.

They show up in my Google WMT as errors. They show up in my SEO crawl reports as well. I am trying to clean my site up and apparently these pages need to be fixed.
Is it possible to XenCarta Code has been skipped in the description at searcher?
It isn't look good.
By design... no. Items in templates should still be included in search results.
(1) I think including the template words in the search could improve search results, especially if useful words are used in the template.
(2) So far a majority of people don't want template text displaying in the search results. Admittedly it looks super messy alot of the time.
Is it possible to have (1) and (2) ?
Is it possible to make 2 an option ?

I think what might make this worse is that people aren't using the templates for a database-driven wiki like 8wayrun. They are using the templates more for formatting. And no one wants formatting codes displaying in search results.
Is it possible that template text appears at the bottom of the search results ? (which will effectively stop it from displaying if there is enough text in the wiki)
Is it possible to parse out template text ? Say everything before nodisplay gets shown in search results, and everything after does not ?
[template]Porsche 911, nodisplay,[ img ]123.jpg [ /img ] [/template]
In this example the Porsche 911 will show up in the Results, but not the [ img ] tags.
Considering that we are looking at integrating the wiki with the forum I wish this mod had additional checks in place so that participation can be increased but not at the cost of vandalism.
  1. Anyone (if allowed) can start a wiki stub/article [already in place]
  2. The article will then go into moderation queue
  3. The person who has started that article will get unlimited edits (like he is the owner of the article)
  4. Any edits in the article will need to go through moderation queue
  5. Additionally the group with edit privileges can edit the article but not everyone. [already in place]
Also I wish there was a way to show the contribution of each member in the wiki. Like for forum there is likes and post count.
Considering that we are looking at integrating the wiki with the forum I wish this mod had additional checks in place so that participation can be increased but not at the cost of vandalism.
It is a Lite Wiki.
A full wiki would have the features you suggest.
XenCarta is quite "Lite" in terms of the multiuser aspects of wikis .... mostly because Jaxel does the wiki himself for the most part.
It is a Lite Wiki.
A full wiki would have the features you suggest.
XenCarta is quite "Lite" in terms of the multiuser aspects of wikis .... mostly because Jaxel does the wiki himself for the most part.
Actually I dont... the wiki we have on 8WR has been created over the course of 2-3 years... and it was generated through many users. It's a "Lite" wiki, because I don't believe most of the features in a regular wiki are relevant. This wiki only has about 5% of the features of a normal wiki, and I don't plan on changing that. Those extra features slow things down, and confuse the end users. This wiki was written for TWO reasons only...
  1. make it easier for users (re: dumb) to edit articles.
  2. cache wiki templates in order to conserve resources.
Lots of wikis have features you suggest, like voting on creating new articles; but this is pointless, as the wiki is based on a FORUM... someone wants to create a new article? Make a post about it, and someone with editing rights will get to it. This wiki is NOT designed for full fledged "anyone can edit it" wiki; and honestly, unless you are wikipedia, the idea of a free and open wiki is a completely dangerous one.

The only reason wikipedia works is because it has millions of users on it and it self moderators. If someone vandalizes your wiki, with a much smaller user count, it may take a bit before someone sees it. Thats why this wiki was designed pretty much for forum admins to only permit select usergroups to edit the wiki. On my website, only "premium" users can edit the wiki; as in order to be a premium user, you have to pay $20 a year.
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