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[8wayRun.Com] XenAtendo (Events)

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I'd rather eliminate the date and location in the titles. They don't need to be there, as that info is readily available in the event summary.

I'm not sure I agree 100%, I like the information in the title, I'm posting national events for car shows, the date and location are critical pieces of information. Visitors need to be able to scan through the events and see the shows in their area.

For a regional event forums, I can understand your desire.

I wouldn't be upset if there was a checkbox choice to remove either one or both items, as long as I can choose to not remove the information.
Just encountered a strange issue. We created an event with a long title name, about 67 characters long. The software errored out and told us to reduce our title to less than 100 characters. We ended up needing to reduce the title below 60 characters because it seems the mod is automatically adding the date and the location name to the thread title, all together creating a title of about 107 characters.

This was confusing us for quite a while, it's not automatically obvious that the location and date need to be accounted for in the character limit..

It was kind of strange but now that we figured it out it makes sense. Is this character limit an limitation of Xenforo or of the mod? Is there a way to increase the character limit? Just curious.
This has been fixed already in the next version.
This has been fixed already in the next version.

Oh, thanks for letting me know, I will try the new version out. I didn't see a revision history in the first post, so I assumed it was all the same version.

EDIT: Oh, nevermind, you must mean the "next" version after 1.4.0
Does anybody know how to remove timezones?

Example, I want to remove whats in red below from the events page and also the xenporta module. I only use one timezone. Australian Eastern Standard Time so this kind of un-necessary for me. Ive looked through some templates but couldnt figure it out. I dont care if the option is there when making events, I just want it removed from public view. Would be even better if i could just replace whats in red below with AEST. Any help would be greatly appreciated, cheers.

UFC 131 Dos Santos Vs Carwin
Rogers Arena, Vancouver British Columbia

12 Jun, 2011 11:00 AM (+10:00 EST)
Does any one know how to remove the map? This is an amazing mod and we want to use it on the site for site stuff.
This might not be exactly what you're looking for, but FYI, you can put in an event without pinning an actual location on the map (for example, I put in show info and list "The Voice Internet Radio" as the location, which obviously doesn't link to a physical location).
[8wayRun.Com] XenAtendo (Events) v1.4.1 CHANGELOG
  • Fixed bug would could possibly cause clashing with other mods.
  • Fixed a bug when users would create events with super long titles. Event threads will now auto-truncate.
  • Recurring events will now automatically rebuild thread titles when needed.
  • The show birthday option in the adminCP will now auto truncate on Weekly pages.
  • Added support for JustinTV's new TwitchTV service.
Okay, I have a slight problem. I have edited the options to create event forums, I did not check the box to override thread creation (I want the ability to create threads and events in the event forum), and I also edited my user permissions and group permissions (for admins), but I still am unable to post an event in the event forum and the Event tab. Is there something I am missing?
What exactly happens when you try?
If you are responding to my post, that's the problem, I cannot even try to post an event. No button shows up anywhere, in the Event tab, nor in the event forum. I am assuming that by having privileges that I should see those buttons correct?

EDIT: I figured it out. In the user group, I set the Administer Events to Never. Silly mistake on my part, carry on. :)
I currently have 1.3.7 on my site, am I safe to upgrade to the current version? Do I just copy the new files onto my server? Anything else? (Wish this site would allow me to search within a thread.)

To upgrade, simply repeat the steps you took for the original installation. They are listed in the original post.

After the upgrade is complete, check your ACP to see if you have any outdated templates which need to be updated.
I moved my upcoming events module back to the center column and I have tons of space below the events.
How can I get rid of this?

[8wayRun.Com] XenAtendo (Events) v1.4.2 CHANGELOG
  • This is a significant update that adds a moderation system to the event calendar.
Users groups can now be given a "Bypass Moderation" permission. If they are not given this permission, any event they add to the calendar will be sent to the moderation queue. The event THREAD will not be moderated, it will still be open (or moderated, depending on your moderation settings for your event forums). Users will not be able to see event information, streams or RSVP for an event until the event has been approved. This addition is in order to limit the amount of event spam that larger websites will inevitably receive, either from spammers, or dumb users who don't know what they are doing.​
  • A XenForo content type for events has been added in order to handle the moderation system.
Other system handlers will not be added for events as they are pointless.​
the possibility to keep an event open for comments after finishtime.

i need it for archiving results of the users (sport events) and they just can put them in after the event.
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