
  1. [HA] Floating Menu (XF2) - Add Button

    [HA] Floating Menu (XF2) - Add Button

    In this video you will see how to add buttons to the floating menu using [HA] Floating Menu add-on for Xenforo 2 Purchase the add-on: https://xenforo.com/community/resources/ha-floating-menu-xf2.6458/
  2. Ozzy47

    [OzzModz] Floating Menu 2.2.1 Patch Level 3

    Easily add a floating menu to your XF2 site. Customize any link/button based on user and page criteria, and also let users show/hide the menu from their account details page. Using style properties, options, add-button panel, and user group permission you can customize and personalize the...
  3. Cibox

    Lack of interest [XF2] Deactivate/Activate forum from the CLI for shell scripts and cronjobs

    I am missing an option to deactivate and activate my forum. Reason/Use-Case: I want to run shell scripts via cron for backups: At the beginning of a mysqldump I want to deactivate the forum and afterwards I will reactivate it. So I get in case of a necessary restore of the database a clean...
  4. R

    XF 2.0 Remove never active users on my website.

    Is it possible to get list of users to disable/remove, who is older then 100 days and never posted on my website? Please let me know if it can be possible in database directly.
  5. Freelancer

    Styling & Design Customization Services

    Being in at 3+ years of XenForo I have received great insights on how the community works and what bothers admins that use XF the most. After using and customizing the style & design (and partially the functionality) of 112 add-ons I know what pain it is to have so many add-ons that all look and...
  6. Dadparvar

    Date Criteria in XF2

    In notice, in XF1, we had a tab for Date Criteria. In XF2, it is removed but the related criteria (current date is before/after) are moved to Page Criteria tab. Isn't it better to be in its own tab called Date Criteria, like XF1?
  7. ThemeHouse

    Drift Dark

    Drift Dark Based off its XenForo 1 successor, Drift Dark brings it's many features back to XenForo 2. From adding your own banner, choosing either a fluid or fixed website design, this theme will still work with any style you choose. Drift Dark Features [TH] Nodes Included, More...
  8. ThemeHouse


    Drift Based off its XenForo 1 successor, Drift brings it's many features back to XenForo 2. From adding your own banner, choosing either a fluid or fixed website design, this theme will still work with any style you choose. Drift Features [TH] Nodes Included, More Coming Soon...
  9. ThemeHouse

    [TH] Donate 1.1.8 Patch Level 1

    Donate Get Donate for free by using the coupon code RAISEMONEY during checkout. With so many expenses, your organization can often find that offsetting costs with donations is a great way to produce continued quality services and better experiences for your guests. Enter [TH] Donate, a simple...
  10. XenConcept

    [XenConcept] Advanced Permissions 2.0.10

    This add-on allows to define other permissions. At the moment we have create permissions from the number of messages. Number of posts required to see forums (threads listing) Number of posts required to see the contents of the threads Number of posts required to create new threads Number of...
  11. ThemeHouse


    Abyss Based off it’s XenForo 1 successor, Abyss still brings many of the same features to XenForo 2. Features include a flat, modern design with a hand-crafted and detailed interface design which is integrated with UI.X 2. Abyss brings it’s darker look which suitable for any forum along with...
  12. ThemeHouse


    Xenith Based off it’s XenForo 1 successor, Xenith still brings many of the same features to XenForo 2. Features include a flat, modern design with a hand-crafted and detailed interface design which is integrated with UI.X 2. Xenith brings it’s lighter look which suitable for any forum along...
  13. L

    XF2 unable to send password reset mails.

    For security reasons my forum will not send mails! src/vendor/swiftmailer/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/Transport/StreamBuffer.php:295 Anyone?
  14. Andro

    Implemented [XF2] Move Post Below message content ad type position to Post Below message content container

    This is very much correct and Google has already warned me for this after upgrading to XF2. They mailed me the below: --- Publishers are not permitted to encourage users to click on Google ads in any way. This includes any implementation that may cause accidental clicks, such as: Placing ads...
  15. L

    Add-on delete self - user function

    It is probably here somewhere but I can´t find it. Please guide me to a user delete self option :)... For XF2
  16. R

    Server issue The page is responding too slow after adding "New Threads Widget" in sidebar.

    I have just upgraded my website from xf1 to xf2, all things are good but just noticed that as I have added the "New Threads" widget into sidebar, the page is responding bit slow. I have visited all other pages on website, even the thread where this widget is not enabled and all other pages are...
  17. Ovunc Dinc

    Unmaintained Search Results with GSE 1.0.2

    This add-on, works with Google CSE and shows to search results with use "Google Search Engine" and Default. Before the installation 1. Go to Google CSE : https://cse.google.com/cse/create/new and add your website. 2. Choose full width option, when you create to the search code on Google CSE...
  18. Cupara

    XF 2.0 Cron Query

    So this is where I have ended up after days of trying. What I am doing is using JSON to gather data from another site then inserting that into the database. This will happen only once, then there will be a daily check that will check for specific updates to the data and update the entry once a...
  19. Cupara

    XF 2.0 ACP Option Dropdown

    I'm trying to create my own drop-down select from items stored in a table. I'm looking for guidance or a place to look. Looked at the Forum renderSelect function and checked the files but it has confused me. Maybe I just need sleep. LOL Anyway thanks for any help
  20. gotski

    Add-on Returning a small opportunity from the XF1 version (PAID)

    Hello, need to develop an addon for version XF 2 Need to return the notification on profile page, following or not following profile's owner for the member who visited his page. I do not know why the developers of version 2.0 removed this small opportunity, but users of my community complain...
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