
  1. T

    Add-on User Rank Ribbons FOR XF2

    Hi, I know a lot of people here are wondering why https://xenforo.com/community/resources/rt-user-rank-ribbons.832/ Aint working. It's for XF1 ONLY If there is any dev out there that can support that addon for XF2 brings back the old ribbons! We all love the ribbons. I miss them so much from...
  2. korkusuz212

    When you past the XF 2 from MyBB, FB User Login Problem

    Hello I am just trying to figure out that when we just change our system of from, mybb to xenforo 2, what is going to be happen for fb api login users? Do we have any chance to transfer them all to login with xf2 fb login api. Thank you
  3. S

    Unmaintained WBB - Popular Thread Widget 1.0.0a

    This add-ons lets you show your favorite thread in the desired position. You must enter the information for the threads. (Title, Description, Link, Image and Category...) Show in any location... User group permissions Change Image effects Loading animation Responsive design Hover Zoom...
  4. New color styling options with [TH] Nodes

    New color styling options with [TH] Nodes

    Learn how to change the color in several places including category strip backgrounds, unread icons, and node titles with [TH] Nodes.
  5. nrep

    Lack of interest Edit Addon details via GUI

    I sometimes need to make a quick modification to a template in an addon, but then to bump the version ID I need to RDP in to the server, fire up the command line and run a script. In XF1 it took seconds to make a quick version ID bump, but in XF2 it take a few mins each time (which is a pain...
  6. apcherry

    Static Page WYSIWYG workaround suggestion.

    The forum I manage has a couple of static pages for which I was looking for an easy way to edit, for example easy attachment of images and formatting etc. Reading the community forums it seems that there isn't a WYSIWYG editor for static pages in xf2. I have used an add-on in xf1 but there...
  7. ThemeHouse

    UI.X Classic Dark

    UI.X Classic Dark UI.X for XenForo 1 was the original flagship product from ThemeHouse/Audentio. Though the look and feel was modernized in UI.X 2, we decided to use the same colors, fonts, and general look and feel as it was back in XenForo 1 for a dark version. UI.X Classic Dark has been...
  8. ThemeHouse

    UI.X Classic

    UI.X Classic UI.X for XenForo 1 was the original flagship product from ThemeHouse/Audentio. Though the look and feel was modernized in UI.X 2, we decided to use the same colors, fonts, and general look and feel as it was back in XenForo 1. UI.X Classic has been updated with the UI.X 2 Framework...
  9. ThemeHouse


    Class A classic throwback from XenForo 1, Class has been rebuilt to work with XenForo 2. Class brings an educational feel with dark with textured backgrounds. Make content stand out from the structured, gray-toned color scheme. Looking for Class for XenForo 1? You can find it by navigating...
  10. ThemeHouse


    iO This vibrant, minimalist theme with concepts from Apple’s Human Interface Guidelines creates a professional forum that stands out. Your forum and discussions will flow with the clean and subtle design. Make iO unique with category strips that automatically change color based on your primary...
  11. developr

    XF 2.0 XF2 Cli Import Error (

    Dear Community, while I import the users the import stops with the error message: [XF\Db\Exception] MySQL query error [1366]: Incorrect string value: '\xF0\x9F\x91\x89 [...' for column 'signature' at row 1 Does somebody know how I can find the specific entry in source database to correct the...
  12. tourmeister

    Questions about vB 3.8.1 database import into XF2

    Howdy, I am about to buy XF2. If I understand correctly, there is a built in database import/conversion feature that should be able to handle upgrading from vB 3.8.1. If that is the case, I am not sure about the steps involved. My plan is to do a clean install of XF2 on a Snappy 8000 VPS plan...
  13. Drakeus

    GW2 Authentication addon

    Looking for some help finishing an Addon that i am creating for Authentication to my forums based on membership in the community in game in Guild Wars 2. The authentication is set up via callbacks currently the applicable custom fields are populated (only when the user cache is rebuilt) at this...
  14. nrep

    Lack of interest Add random hash to exported addon zips

    If you export an addon, it generates a zip file with a directory and filename that could easily be guessed (or known). This means that if an addon was exported on a live site, it would be possible for someone else to download without permission. Perhaps a random hash could be appended to the...
  15. nrep

    Export Addon via Admin Interface

    It would be great if it was possible to export addons via the Admin interface, rather than needing to use the command-line. I often make quick changes to an addon and being able to download the zip with one-click would be a lot easier than accessing a remote server command line (esp. on a...
  16. mudlusamoi

    XF 2.0 Get Avatar URL

    Hi, as you read in the title, i need the code to create the avatar link. example: https://SITE_NAME/data/avatars/o/14/14267.jpg?1533002242 How do I get this link with code?
  17. Fastline

    XF 2.0 How to use custom attachment icons?

    Is there any way to use custom attachment icons? I don't like the default style. I'm having the icons.
  18. CMTV

    Advanced Custom Fields

    Hi! Firstly, I love xenForo 2.0 and think this is the best forum engine out here. Most of all I like its flexibility and I want to suggest a way to greatly increase it. __________________________________ Having opportunity to add custom fields is amazing. But in my opinion right now it is not...
  19. Mouth

    Are XF2 add-ons better than XF1 add-ons?

    - https://xenforo.com/community/threads/welcome-to-xenforo-2.132146/ Given the above selling point for XF2, I'm interested in the general feeling if in the past 6+ months we've realised or seen this? Those that have upgraded from XF1 to XF2, or are actively considering and testing for a upgrade...
  20. Warchamp7

    [XF2] Additional Avatar Sizes

    Currently XenForo 2 resizes uploaded avatars into S, M, L and H sizes. These resizes get cropped to squares. I'd also like to save alternate versions of S, M, L and H sizes at the image's original aspect ratio instead of cropped squares, as well as the usual square versions This means...
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