Xenforo Extended Smilies

Unmaintained Xenforo Extended Smilies 1k

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Reviews 4.99 star(s) 72 reviews

Great work, thanks mate.
Great design ... as always!
Very Nice smilies! Thanks Shelley!
Amazing smilies. A must have.
Excellent pack of smilies! Thanks Shelley!
Thanks for a great smilie pack :)
Excellent set of smilies - the best by far that I have come across
Great addition to the "originals" and they've given members of five of my sites great pleasure experimenting with new uses for them. :)
Fantastic as always Shelly x
Sweet... I'll put them on a sprite and go from there. Nice Shelley.
Shelley is only getting 5 stars because I'm scared of being slapped with bacon. Until this pack gets :sarcastic:, :condescending: and :snarky:, it's dead to me!
Very awesome, cute, and unique :) Will go great with most forums!
These are amazingly attractive little smilies. Thanks for sharing Shelley. Finally I can express the full range of emotions I occasionally go through when replying to certain posts ;-)
Very nice smile
Great addition to the base XF smilies that look great!
Amazing smilies, You have outdone yourself Shelley :)
Very nice, great extension to the smiley set :).
Quality work!
As always great and thanks for sharing them finally with the community!
Great smilies!
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